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- Contents
- List of Figures
- General Information
- Verb Classes
- Where to Find What
- Verb Classes
- Intransitive: Tnx0V
- Ergative: TEnx1V
- Transitive: Tnx0Vnx1
- Ditransitive: Tnx0Vnx2nx1
- Ditransitive with PP: Tnx0Vnx1pnx2
- Multiple anchor ditransitive with PP: Tnx0Vnx1Pnx2
- Sentential Complement with NP: Tnx0Vnx1s2
- Intransitive Verb Particle: Tnx0Vpl
- Transitive Verb Particle: Tnx0Vplnx1
- Ditransitive Verb Particle: Tnx0Vplnx2nx1
- Intransitive with PP: Tnx0Vpnx1
- Multiple anchor PP complement: Tnx0VPnx1
- Sentential Complement: Tnx0Vs1
- Intransitive with Adjective: Tnx0Vax1
- Transitive Sentential Subject: Ts0Vnx1
- Light Verbs: Tnx0lVN1
- Ditransitive Light Verbs with PP Shift: Tnx0lVN1Pnx2
- NP It-Cleft: TItVnx1s2
- PP It-Cleft: TItVpnx1s2
- Adverb It-Cleft: TItVad1s2
- Adjective Small Clause Tree: Tnx0Ax1
- Adjective Small Clause with Sentential Complement: Tnx0A1s1
- Adjective Small Clause with Sentential Subject: Ts0Ax1
- Equative BE: Tnx0BEnx1
- NP Small Clause: Tnx0N1
- NP Small Clause with Sentential Complement: Tnx0N1s1
- NP Small Clause with Sentential Subject: Ts0N1
- PP Small Clause: Tnx0Pnx1
- Exhaustive PP Small Clause: Tnx0Px1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject: Ts0Pnx1
- Intransitive Sentential Subject: Ts0V
- Sentential Subject with `to' complement: Ts0Vtonx1
- PP Small Clause, with Adv and Prep anchors: Tnx0ARBPnx1
- PP Small Clause, with Adj and Prep anchors: Tnx0APnx1
- PP Small Clause, with Noun and Prep anchors: Tnx0NPnx1
- PP Small Clause, with Prep anchors: Tnx0PPnx1
- PP Small Clause, with Prep and Noun anchors: Tnx0PNaPnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Adv and Prep anchors: Ts0ARBPnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Adj and Prep anchors: Ts0APnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Noun and Prep anchors: Ts0NPnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Prep anchors: Ts0PPnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Prep and Noun anchors: Ts0PNaPnx1
- Predicative Adjective with Sentential Subject and Complement: Ts0A1s1
- Locative Small Clause with Ad anchor: Tnx0nx1ARB
- Exceptional Case Marking: TXnx0Vs1
- Idiom with V, D, and N anchors: Tnx0VDN1
- Idiom with V, D, A, and N anchors: Tnx0VDAN1
- Idiom with V and N anchors: Tnx0VN1
- Idiom with V, A, and N anchors: Tnx0VAN1
- Idiom with V, D, A, N, and Prep anchors: Tnx0VDAN1Pnx2
- Idiom with V, A, N, and Prep anchors: Tnx0VAN1Pnx2
- Idiom with V, N, and Prep anchors: Tnx0VN1Pnx2
- Idiom with V, D, N, and Prep anchors: Tnx0VDN1Pnx2
- Ergatives
- Sentential Subjects and Sentential Complements
- The English Copula, Raising Verbs, and Small Clauses
- Ditransitive constructions and dative shift
- PP Complement Verbs
- It-clefts
- Sentence Types
- Other Constructions
- Appendices
- Bibliography
XTAG Project