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In [#!pollack89!#] the copula is generated as the head of a VP, like any main
verb such as sing or buy. Unlike all other main verbs9.2, however, be
moves out of the VP and into Infl in a tensed sentence. This analysis aims to
account for the behavior of be as an auxiliary in terms of inversion,
negative placement and adverb placement, while retaining a sentential structure
in which be heads the main VP at D-Structure and can thus be the only
verb in the clause.
Pollock claims that the predicative phrase is not an argument of be,
which instead he assumes to take a small clause complement, consisting of a
node dominating an NP and a predicative AP, NP or PP. The subject NP of the
small clause then raises to become the subject of the sentence. This accounts
for the failure of the copula to impose any selectional restrictions on the
subject. Raising verbs such as seem and appear, presumably, take the
same type of small clause complement.
Next: Auxiliary + Null Copula
Up: Various Analyses
Previous: Various Analyses
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