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Relative Clauses

Features that are peculiar to the relative clause system are:
select-mode, possible values are ind, inf, ppart, ger
rel-pron, possible values are ppart, ger, adj-clause
rel-clause, possible values are +/- select-mode:
Comps are lexically specified for select-mode. In addition, the select-mode feature of a Comp is equated to the mode feature of its sister S node by the following equation:
Comp.t:select-mode St.t:mode 

The lexical specifications of the Comps are shown below:

There are additional constraints on where the null Comp C can occur. The null Comp is not permitted in cases of subject extraction unless there is an intervening clause or or the relative clause is a reduced relative (mode = ppart/ger). To model this paradigm, the feature rel-pron is used in conjunction with the following equations.
Sr.t:rel-pron Comp.t:rel-pron  (588)0(588
Sr.b:rel-pron Sr.b:mode  (589)0(589
Comp.b:rel-pronppart/ger/adj-clause (for C) 

The full set of the equations above is only present in Comp substitution trees involving subject extraction. So the following will not be ruled out.

the toy [i [C [ Dafna likes ti ]]]  

The feature mismatch induced by the above equations is not remedied by adjunction of just any S-adjunct because all other S-adjuncts are transparent to the rel-pron feature because of the following equation:

Sm.b:rel-pron Sf.t:rel-pron 

The XTAG analysis forces the adjunction of the determiner below the relative clause. This is done by using the rel-clause feature. The relevant equations are:

On the root of the RC: NPr.b:rel-clause   (593)0(593
On the foot node of the Determiner tree: NPf.t:rel-clause  

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