Getting Help in CIS 1100

The CIS 1100 teaching staff works very hard to provide as much support as we can for the students of the course. Below, we’ve outlined the best ways to seek out help in the course.

Ed Discussion

Ed is a Q&A forum which is religiously maintained by the TA staff. Should a question emerge while you are working on assignments, studying for exams, or have general questions in computer science, Ed is a quick and sure way to get a response from a member of the course staff quickly.

Because of how heavily we monitor Ed, we ask that students do not email TAs or professors directly for normal cases related to course material.

Office Hours

The instructor and TAs hold regular office hours. We hold our office hours both in-person and through OHQ, a resource created by Penn students. Almost every CIS 1100 student takes advantage of our office hours, and those who do not often do not perform as well in the course or spend more time than necessary on the homework assignments. We are here to guide you and teach you to think algorithmically, but we are not here to give away any answers.

Do not ask your TAs for assistance outside of OH, recitation, or Ed Discussion. We want all students to have fair, equal access to the TAs and course resources.

Tutoring Center

The tutoring centor at Penn is another great way to get help in the course. Tutors are instructed to not help students with the homework assignments, but can help with conceptual understanding if you’re looking for extra reinforcement of the material.

Contacting Head Staff

In private matters that cannot be posted on Ed, please email Travis and Harry directly.