Homework Policies

It is imperative to understand that computer programming is not a spectator sport. To get good at it, you need to practice, and the primary vehicle for that is the homeworks.

Due dates: Homework assignments are due at 11:59pm Eastern Time unless otherwise posted. All deadlines are automatically enforced.

Where to submit: All homework must be submitted electronically through Gradescope.

How often to submit: You can submit each assignment as often as you like. We will grade the last version of each file that you submit. Every time you submit, you must submit all of your files.

What to do if the submission system isn’t working: If you have trouble with Gradescope, check Ed for any announcements regarding Gradescope. As a last resort, email your code to the instructor before the deadline. We will not accept anything past the deadline, so please make sure you don’t wait until right at the end to submit. Submit your next assignment early and seek help if you still have problems. (You can always resubmit later on.)

Always back up your work. Because we use Codio for writing code in CIS 1100, data loss is relatively rare. However, we do not guarantee that Codio will be completely bug-free, and it is your responsibility to periodically download and save your work. Consider:

  • Saving your work to a USB drive as well as your hard drive.
  • Saving your work to your SEAS home directory (non-SEAS students: you will request a SEAS account as part of Homework 0). Your work will be automatically backed up and accessible from the Moore 100 labs as well as your own computer. You can find instructions for accessing this space from Windows computers or Mac computers.
  • Saving your work to a cloud service like Penn+Box or Dropbox. Make sure your files are private and not shared with anyone else, so you do not inadvertently violate the collaboration policy.
  • Submitting early and often! If you computer crashes, we will be able to send you the most recent version of every file you submitted. You can submit as often as you like.

Late Submissions:

The following details apply only for homework assignments. Quizzes cannot be submitted late. s

  • Late tokens are earned at a rate of one-third per lecture attended. You start the semester with one late token.
  • Each late day allows you to submit an assignment up to 24 hours late. You can use up to two late days on any assignment. Late submissions are designed to help you through an especially busy week, a cold, and other issues that commonly crop up at some point in the semester. Use them wisely.
  • Deadlines are automatically enforced. Forty-eight (48) hours after the deadline, the submission link will disappear. (E.g., if an assignment is due on Thursday at 11:59pm, the submission link will disappear Saturday at 11:59pm). It is up to you to keep track of your late days - submitting past your remaining late days will result in a 0 on the assignment.
  • If the deadline is approaching, submit! Remember, it is much better to submit an incomplete assignment than nothing. You can always resubmit later if you make further progress before the deadline.
  • Late submissions are accepted automatically when you submit late. You do not need to ask permission or give any reason for using them.

Extensions: Please recognize that extensions can be quite disruptive to the pace of your learning in CIS 1100. It is for this reason that we provide the late day system to cover most situations. Nevertheless, we are committed to accomodating students experiencing exceptional circumstances.

  • Extensions will be granted only in exceptional, verifiable circumstances (e.g., extended, serious illness). It is your responsibility to provide documentation. Extracurricular obligations, heavy workloads in other courses, and mild illnesses like the common cold are covered by the late submission policy.
  • To encourage responsible behavior, positive COVID-19 diagnoses are grounds for extensions to allow for planning, self-isolation, and recovery.
  • You may not use late submissions together with an extension. This rule is enforced by the submission system.
  • We recognize that things may happen in life, and to allow some space for that we will drop your lowest grade above 30% from the homeworks when calculating final course grades.
  • We ask that if you are requesting an extension, you should do so sufficiently before the deadline so that we can confirm/deny it in a reasonable time. Please do so by emailing the instructors or via a private post on Ed. If you don’t hear back from us before the deadline, please be sure to submit whatever work you have completed until that point.

Extra Credit:

  • Opportunities for (optional) extra credit may be offered on some assignments. The amount of work and difficulty may vary widely: some extra credit will be easy to obtain, while other extra credit may be more challenging.
  • The overall effect of extra credit on your final grade is limited. Extra credit will only be able to increase your final grade percentage by a maximum of 1%.
  • We encourage you to do the extra credit when it you find it fun and rewarding, but never at the expense of the main assignment.

Homework Regrade Requests:

  • You may request a re-grade for homeworks up to one week after they are returned. Regrades must be requested via Gradescope in the week after your grades are distributed.
  • Your request must include a concise explanation of why your grade should be different.
  • Note that a re-grade can result in a lower score on the problem in question. We also reserve the right to re-grade the entire submission. As a result, your final grade may be lower or higher than your original grade.
  • Keep in mind, that exam regrade requests are governed by slightly differently policies, which are posted on the exams page.
  • The timeline for regrade requests near the end of the course may be slightly different, so you should refer to whatever is announced through Ed.