Exam Procedures

Synchronous, in-person exams

CIS 1100 exams for the Fall 2024 semester will be taken during the regular class meeting times. The exams will be 1 hour.

Exams are closed book.

Any code that you need to submit during the exam does not need to follow the style guide. The most important thing is that it works. This means that you do not need to comment or write comment headers, though it may help you keep track of what’s going on.

We will continue to follow the collaboration policy, with the additional constraint that you must not communicate with anyone else except for course staff about the exam material while writing the exam. In particular, this means that just like the homeworks, you must not consult other online resources (Google, forums, etc.) or other people. In addition, do not discuss the exam until solutions are released, since some students may be writing the exam at a later date due to personal circumstances.

Exams for students with SDS approved accommodations

We will be in touch with you around two weeks before the exam and ask you to schedule your exam. Please be sure to have SDS notify the instructors of your accommodation in time for that.

Makeup exams

We will only be able to offer makeup exams in truly exceptional circumstances. Any unforeseeable issues that prevent you from taking either exam should be expressed at the earliest opportunity via email to the instructor.

You must take the exam on the scheduled day unless you have received explicit permission otherwise.