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Verb Classes
Each main6.1 verb in the
syntactic lexicon selects at least one tree family6.2
(subcategorization frame). Since the tree database and syntactic
lexicon are already separated for space efficiency (see
Chapter 3), each verb can efficiently select a large
number of trees by specifying a tree family, as opposed to each of the
individual trees. This approach allows for a considerable reduction
in the number of trees that must be specified for any given verb or
form of a verb.
There are currently 52 tree families in the system.6.3 This
chapter gives a brief description of each tree family and shows the
corresponding declarative tree6.4, along with any
peculiar characteristics or trees. It also indicates which
transformations are in each tree family, and gives the number of verbs
that select that family.6.5 A few sample verbs are given, along with example
- Intransitive: Tnx0V
- Transitive: Tnx0Vnx1
- Ditransitive: Tnx0Vnx1nx2
- Ditransitive with PP: Tnx0Vnx1pnx2
- Ditransitive with PP shift: Tnx0Vnx1tonx2
- Sentential Complement with NP: Tnx0Vnx1s2
- Intransitive Verb Particle: Tnx0Vpl
- Transitive Verb Particle: Tnx0Vplnx1
- Ditransitive Verb Particle: Tnx0Vplnx1nx2
- Intransitive with PP: Tnx0Vpnx1
- Predicative Multi-word with Verb, Prep anchors: Tnx0VPnx1
- Sentential Complement: Tnx0Vs1
- Intransitive with Adjective: Tnx0Vax1
- Transitive Sentential Subject: Ts0Vnx1
- Light Verbs: Tnx0lVN1
- Ditransitive Light Verbs with PP Shift: Tnx0lVN1Pnx2
- NP It-Cleft: TItVnx1s2
- PP It-Cleft: TItVpnx1s2
- Adverb It-Cleft: TItVad1s2
- Adjective Small Clause Tree: Tnx0Ax1
- Adjective Small Clause with Sentential Complement: Tnx0A1s1
- Adjective Small Clause with Sentential Subject: Ts0Ax1
- Equative BE: Tnx0BEnx1
- NP Small Clause: Tnx0N1
- NP Small Clause with Sentential Complement: Tnx0N1s1
- NP Small Clause with Sentential Subject: Ts0N1
- PP Small Clause: Tnx0Pnx1
- Exhaustive PP Small Clause: Tnx0Px1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject: Ts0Pnx1
- Intransitive Sentential Subject: Ts0V
- Sentential Subject with `to' complement: Ts0Vtonx1
- PP Small Clause, with Adv and Prep anchors: Tnx0ARBPnx1
- PP Small Clause, with Adj and Prep anchors: Tnx0APnx1
- PP Small Clause, with Noun and Prep anchors: Tnx0NPnx1
- PP Small Clause, with Prep anchors: Tnx0PPnx1
- PP Small Clause, with Prep and Noun anchors: Tnx0PNaPnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Adv and Prep anchors: Ts0ARBPnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Adj and Prep anchors: Ts0APnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Noun and Prep anchors: Ts0NPnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Prep anchors: Ts0PPnx1
- PP Small Clause with Sentential Subject, and Prep and Noun anchors: Ts0PNaPnx1
- Predicative Adjective with Sentential Subject and Complement: Ts0A1s1
- Locative Small Clause with Ad anchor: Tnx0nx1ARB
- Exceptional Case Marking: TXnx0Vs1
- Idiom with V, D, and N anchors: Tnx0VDN1
- Idiom with V, D, A, and N anchors: Tnx0VDAN1
- Idiom with V and N anchors: Tnx0VN1
- Idiom with V, A, and N anchors: Tnx0VAN1
- Idiom with V, D, A, N, and Prep anchors: Tnx0VDAN1Pnx2
- Idiom with V, A, N, and Prep anchors: Tnx0VAN1Pnx2
- Idiom with V, N, and Prep anchors: Tnx0VN1Pnx2
- Idiom with V, D, N, and Prep anchors: Tnx0VDN1Pnx2
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