Next: PP Small Clause: Tnx0Pnx1
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NP Small Clause with Sentential Subject: Ts0N1
- Description:
- This tree family is selected by nouns that take
sentential subjects. The sentential subjects can be indicative or infinitive.
Note that these trees are anchored by nouns, not verbs. Most nouns that take
the NP Small Clause tree family (see section 6.24) take this
family as well.6.7
Small clauses are explained in much greater detail in
section 9.3. This section is presented here for
completeness. 5,519 nouns select this tree family.
- Examples:
- dilemma, insanity, tragedy
whether to keep the job he hates is a dilemma .
to invest all of your money in worms is insanity .
that the worms died is a tragedy .
- Declarative tree:
- See Figure 6.26.
Declarative NP Small Clause with Sentential Subject Tree:
- Other available trees:
- wh-moved subject, adjunct (gap-less) relative clause
with comp/with PP pied-piping.
XTAG Project