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Sentential Complement: Tnx0Vs1
- Description:
- This tree family is selected by verbs that take
just a sentential complement. The sentential complement may be of
type infinitive, indicative, or small clause (see
Chapter 9). The type of clause is specified by
each individual verb in its syntactic lexicon entry, and a given
verb may select more than one type of sentential complement. The
declarative tree, and many other trees in this family, are auxiliary
trees, as opposed to the more common initial trees. These auxiliary
trees adjoin onto an S node in an existing tree of the type
specified by the sentential complement. This is the mechanism by
which TAGs are able to maintain long-distance dependencies (see
Chapter 13), even over multiple embeddings (e.g. What did Bill think that John said?). 338 verbs select this tree
- Examples:
- consider, think
Dania considered the algorithm unworkable .
Srini thought that the program was working .
- Declarative tree:
- See Figure 6.12.
Declarative Sentential Complement Tree:
- Other available trees:
- wh-moved subject, wh-moved sentential
complement, subject relative clause with and without comp, adjunct (gap-less) relative
clause with comp/with PP pied-piping, imperative, determiner gerund, NP gerund, parenthetical
reporting clause.
Next: Intransitive with Adjective: Tnx0Vax1
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Previous: Predicative Multi-word with Verb,
XTAG Project