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PP It-Cleft: TItVpnx1s2
- Description:
- This tree family is selected by be as the
main verb and it as the subject. Together these two items
serve as a multi-component anchor for the tree family. This tree
family is used for it-clefts in which the clefted element is a PP
and there are no gaps in the clause which follows the PP. The PP is
interpreted as an adjunct of the following clause. See
Chapter 11 for additional discussion.
- Examples:
- it be
it was at Kent State that the police shot all those students .
- Declarative tree:
- See Figure 6.18.
Declarative PP It-Cleft Tree:
- Other available trees:
- inverted question, wh-moved prepositional phrase
with be inverted, wh-moved prepositional phrase with be not
inverted, adjunct (gap-less) relative clause with comp/with PP pied-piping.
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