Next: To as a Conjunction
Up: Conjunction
Previous: Comma as a conjunction
We are analyzing conjoined structures such as The women but not the men with a multi-anchor conjunction tree anchored by the
conjunction plus the adverb not. The alternative is to allow
not to adjoin to any constituent. However, this is the only
construction where not can freely occur onto a constituent other
than a VP or adjective (cf.
NEGvx and
NEGa trees). It
can also adjoin to some determiners, as discussed in Section
18. We want to allow sentences like ((381)) and
rule out those like ((382)). The tree for the good example is shown
in Figure 21.7. There are similar trees for and-not and
-not, where
is interpretable as either and or but, and a tree with not on the first conjunct for
- (381)
- Beth grows basil in the house (but) not in the garden .
- (382)
- *Beth grows basil (but) not in the garden .
Tree for conjunction with but-not:
Although these constructions sound a bit odd when the two conjuncts do
not have the same number, they are sometimes possible. The agreement
information for such NPs is always that of the non-negated conjunct:
his sons, and not Bill, are in charge of doing the laundry or
not Bill, but his sons, are in charge of doing the laundry
(Some people insist on having the commas here, but they are frequently
absent in corpus data.) The agreement feature from the non-negated
conjunct in passed to the root NP, as shown in Figure
21.8. Aside from agreement, these constructions behave just
like their non-negated counterparts.
Tree for conjunction with not-but:
Next: To as a Conjunction
Up: Conjunction
Previous: Comma as a conjunction
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