We treat comma as a conjunction in conjoined lists. It anchors the
same trees as the lexical conjunctions, but is considerably more
restricted in how it combines with them. The trees anchored by commas
are prohibited from adjoining to anything but another comma conjoined
element or a non-coordinate element. (All scope possibilities are
allowed for elements coordinated with lexical conjunctions.) Thus,
structures such as Tree
21.5(a) are permitted, with each element stacking
sequentially on top of the first element of the conjunct, while
structures such as Tree 21.5(b) are blocked.
Figure 21.5:
(a) Valid tree with comma conjunction
(b) Invalid tree
This is accomplished by using the <conj> feature, which has the
values and/or/but and comma to differentiate the lexical
conjunctions from commas. The <conj> values for a comma-anchored
tree and and-anchored tree are shown in Figure
21.6. The feature <conj> = comma/none on
A1 in (a) only allows comma conjoined or non-conjoined elements as
the left-adjunct, and <conj> = none on A in (a) allows
only a non-conjoined element as the right conjunct. We also need the
feature <conj> = and/or/but/none on the right conjunct of
the trees anchored by lexical conjunctions like (b), to block
comma-conjoined elements from substituting there. Without this
restriction, we would get multiple parses of the NP in Tree
21.5; with the restrictions we only get the derivation
with the correct scoping, shown as (a).
Since comma-conjoined lists can appear without a lexical conjunction
between the final two elements, as shown in example ((380)), we cannot
force all comma-conjoined sequences to end with a lexical conjunction.
So it is too with many other spirits which we all know: the spirit of Nazism or Communism, school spirit , the spirit of a street corner gang or a football team, the spirit of Rotary or the Ku Klux Klan. [Brown cd01]
Figure:a1CONJa2 (a) anchored by comma and (b) anchored by and