- Faik Goktas, Jonathan M. Smith, and Ruzena Bajcsy,
Telerobotics over Communication Networks: Control and Networking Issues,
in 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, CA (December
1997), pp. 2393-2399.
- Faik Goktas, Jonathan M. Smith, and Ruzena Bajcsy,
u-Synthesis for Distributed Control Systems with Network-Induced Delays,
in Proceedings, 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, JAPAN
(December 11-13, 1996), pp. 813-814.
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
Design, Implementation and Experiences of the OMEGA End-Point Architecture,
IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue on Multimedia
Systems), Vol. 14(7), pp. 1263-1279 (September, 1996).
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
New Algorithms for Admission Control and Scheduling to Support Multimedia
Feedback Remote Control Applications,
in Proc. International Conference on Multimedia
Communications Systems (1996), pp. 532-539.
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
The QoS Broker,
IEEE Multimedia Magazine, Vol. 2(1), pp. 53-67, (also appeared in Nikkei
Electronics, 1995.10.9 no. 646, pp. 169-186, in Japanese) (Spring,
- S. Personick, D. Crawford, R. Gallager, J. Jaffe, J. Kurose,
D. Leeper, C. Manders, B. McCune, A. McLaughlin, J. M. Smith, L.
Streeter, L. Wishart, and B. Zeigler,
Commercial Multimedia Technologies for Twenty-First Century Army
Battlefields: a Technology Management Strategy,
National Academy Press, Washington, DC (1995).
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
A Service Kernel for Multimedia Endstations,
in Proceedings, 2nd International Workshop on
Advanced Teleservices and High-Speed Communication Architectures,
ed. Ralf Steinmetz, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (September
26-28, 1994), pp. 8-22.
- Ruzena Bajcsy, David J. Farber, Richard P. Paul, and Jonathan
M. Smith,
Gigabit Telerobotics: Applying Advanced Information Infrastructure,
in 1994 International Symposium on Robotics and
Manufacturing, Maui, HI (August 1994).
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
QoS Negotiation in a Robotics Environment,
in Proceedings, Workshop on Distributed
Multimedia Applications and Quality of Service Verification, Montreal,
CANADA (May 31st-June 2nd, 1994), pp. 153-161.
- K. Nahrstedt and J. M. Smith,
An Application-Driven Approach to Networked Multimedia Systems,
in Proceedings, 18th Conference on
Local Computer Networks, Minneapolis, MN (September 19-22, 1993),
pp. 361-368.
- Klara Nahrstedt and Jonathan M. Smith,
An Integrated Multimedia Architecture for High-Speed Networks,
in Proceedings, Multimedia '92
Conference, Monterey, CA (April 1992), pp. 70-79.