- K. G. Anagnostakis, M. B. Greenwald, S. Ioannidis, D. Li, and
J. M. Smith,
Flexible Network Monitoring with FLAME,
Computer Networks, to appear (2005).
- Dirk Bergemann, Joan Feigenbaum, Scott Shenker, and Jonathan
M. Smith,
Towards An Economic Analysis of Trusted Systems,
in Proceedings, 3rd Annual Workshop on Economics and Information Security
(May 13-14, 2004).
- Michael Hicks, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
A Secure PLAN (Extended Version), IEEE Transactions On
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and
Reviews, Vol. 33(3), pp. 413-426 (August 2003).
- Sotiris Ioannidis, Steven M. Bellovin, John Ioannidis, Angelos
Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Design and Implementation of Virtual Private Services,
in Proceedings of the IEEE International
Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative
Enterprises (Workshop on Enterprise Security, Special Session on Trust
Management in Collaborative Global Computing) (June, 2003).
Earlier version available as U Penn. CIS Technical Report MS-CIS-01-13
- Stefan Miltchev, Vassilis Prevelakis, Sotiris Ioannidis, John
Ioannidis, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Secure and Flexible Global File Sharing,
in Proceedings, USENIX 2003 (FREENIX track) (June 2003), pp. 165-178.
- Angelos D. Keromytis, Sotiris Ioannidis, Michael B. Greenwald,
and Jonathan M. Smith,
The STRONGMAN Architecture,
in Proceedings, DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exhibition,
IEEE Press, Washington, DC (April 22-24 2003), pp. 178-188. ISBN 0-7695-1897-4
- James Alexander and Jonathan Smith,
Engineering Privacy in Public: Confounding Face Recognition,
in Privacy Enhancing
Technologies, Third International Workshop, PET 2003, Dresden,
Germany, March 26-28, 2003, Revised Papers, ed. Roger Dingledine,
Springer-Verlag, Dresden, Germany (2003), pp. 88-106. ISBN
- Sotiris Ioannidis, Steven M. Bellovin, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Sub-Operating Systems: A New Approach to Application Security,
in 10th SIGOPS European Workshop, September, 2002.
- Michael Hicks, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
A Secure PLAN (Extended Version),
in Proceedings, DARPA Active Networks
Conference and Exposition, IEEE Computer Society Press, San Francisco,
CA (2002), pp. 224-237.
- K. G. Anagnostakis, S. Ioannidis, S. Miltchev, J. Ioannidis,
M. Greenwald, and J. M. Smith,
Efficient Packet Monitoring for Network Management,
in Proceedings, IEEE NOMS, Florence, IT (April
2002), pp. 423-436.
- D. Scott Alexander, Paul B. Menage, Angelos D. Keromytis, William
A. Arbaugh, Kostas G. Anagnostakis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
The Price of Safety in an Active Network,
Journal of Communications and
Networks, Vol. 3(1), pp. 5-18 (March 2001).
- William A. Arbaugh, David J. Farber, Angelos D. Keromytis, and
Jonathan M. Smith,
Secure and Reliable Bootstrap Architecture,
U.S. Patent No. 6,185,678 (February 6th, 2001).
- Sotiris Ioannidis, Angelos D. Keromytis, Steve Bellovin, and
Jonathan M. Smith,
Implementing a Distributed Firewall,
in Proceedings, ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
Athens, GREECE (November 2000), pp. 190-199.
- D. S. Alexander, W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, S. J. Muir, and
J. M. Smith,
Secure Quality of Service Handling (SQoSH),
IEEE Communications Magazine (Special Issue on Active, Programmable and
Mobile Code Networking), Vol. 38(4), pp. 106-112 (April 2000).
- Ilija Hadzic, Sanjay K. Udani, and Jonathan M. Smith,
FPGA Viruses,
in Field Programmable Logic 1999, Springer-Verlag, Edinburgh,
UK (1999), pp. 291-300.
- D. S. Alexander, W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, and J. M.
Security in Active Networks,
in Secure Internet Programming:
Security Issues for Mobile and Distributed Objects, ed. Jan Vitek and
Christian Jensen, Springer-Verlag (1999), pp. 433-451.
- William A. Arbaugh, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
DHCP++: Applying an efficient implementation method for fail-stop
cryptographic protocols,
in IEEE GLOBECOM 98, Sydney, AU (November 1998), pp. 59-65.
- D. S. Alexander, W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, and J. M.
Safety and Security of Programmable Network Infrastructures,
IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 36(10), pp. 84-92 (October 1998).
- William A. Arbaugh, James R. Davin, David J. Farber, and Jonathan
M. Smith,
Security for Virtual Private Intranets,
IEEE Computer (Special Issue on Broadband Networking Security), Vol. 31(9),
pp. 48-55, Cover Feature (September 1998).
- D. S. Alexander, W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, and J. M.
A Secure Active Network Environment Architecture: Realization
in SwitchWare,
IEEE Network Magazine, special issue on Active and
Programmable Networks, Vol. 12(3), pp. 37-45 (May/June 1998).
- W. A. Arbaugh, A. D. Keromytis, D. J. Farber, and J. M. Smith,
Automated Recovery in a Secure Bootstrap Process,
in Internet Society 1998 Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security,
San Diego, CA (1998), pp. 155-167.
- William A. Arbaugh, David J. Farber, and Jonathan M. Smith,
A Secure and Reliable Bootstrap Architecture,
in IEEE Security and Privacy Conference, Oakland, CA (May, 1997), pp. 65-71.
- Angelos Keromytis, John Ioannidis, and Jonathan M. Smith,
Implementing IPSec,
in Proceedings, IEEE GlobeCom Conference,
Phoenix, AZ (November, 1997), pp. 1948-1952.
- Jonathan S. Shapiro, David J. Farber, and Jonathan M. Smith,
State Caching in the EROS Kernel: Implementing Orthogonal Persistence
in a Pure Capability System,
in Persistent Object Systems: Principles
and Practice, ed. Richard Connor and Scott Nettles, Morgan Kaufmann
(1997), pp. 88-100. (presented at 7th Workshop on Persistent Object
Systems May, 1996)
- Jonathan M. Smith, C. Brendan S. Traw, and David J. Farber,
Apparatus for Providing Cryptographic Support in a Network,
U.S. Patent No. 5,329,623 (July 12th, 1994).
- Jonathan M. Smith, C. Brendan S. Traw, and David J. Farber,
Cryptographic Support for a Gigabit Network,
in Proceedings, INET
'92, Kobe, JAPAN (June 15-18, 1992), pp. 229-237. (Inaugural
Conference of the Internet Society)
- Jonathan M. Smith,
Protection in Distributed Shared Memories,
in Proceedings, 4th International Workshop on Distributed Environments
and Networks, Tokyo, JAPAN (October 28-31 1991), pp. 197-236.
- Albert G. Broscius and Jonathan M. Smith,
Exploiting Parallelism in Hardware Implementation of the DES,
in Proceedings,
CRYPTO 1991 Conference, ed. Joan Feigenbaum, Santa Barbara, CA
(August, 1991), pp. 367-376.
- Jonathan M. Smith,
Practical Problems with a Cryptographic Protection Scheme,
in Advances in Cryptography - Proceedings of
Crypto89, ed. Gilles Brassard, Springer-Verlag (1990), pp. 64-73.