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GB (Government and Binding) theory proposes the following
`case filter' as a requirement on S-structure.4.4
Every overt NP must be assigned abstract case. [#!haegeman91!#]
Abstract case is taken to be universal. Languages with rich morphological case
marking, such as Latin, and languages with very limited morphological case
marking, like English, are all presumed to have full systems of abstract case
that differ only in the extent of morphological realization.
In GB, abstract case is argued to be assigned to NP's by various case
assigners, namely verbs, prepositions, and INFL. Verbs and
prepositions are said to assign accusative case to NP's that they
govern, and INFL assigns nominative case to NP's that it governs.
These governing categories are constrained as to where they can assign
case by means of `barriers' based on `minimality conditions', although
these are relaxed in `exceptional case marking' situations. The
details of the GB analysis are beyond the scope of this technical
report, but see [#!chomsky86!#] for the original analysis or
[#!haegeman91!#] for an overview. Let it suffice for us to say that
the notion of abstract case and the case filter are useful in
accounting for a number of phenomena including the distribution of
nominative and accusative case, and the distribution of overt NP's and
empty categories (such as PRO).
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