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6th International Workshop on
Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks

20-23 May 2002
Venice, Italy

The sixth workshop on tree-adjoining grammars and related frameworks (hence the + after TAG) will be held at the University of Venice, Venice (Italy), from May 20 to May 23, 2002. The workshop is co-sponsored by ITC-IRST (Institute for Scientific and Technological Research), the University of Padua and the University of Venice. Previous workshops were held at Dagstuhl (1990), UPenn (1992), Univ. Paris 7 (1994), UPenn (1998) and Univ. Paris 7 (2000).

Papers on all aspects of TAG (linguistic, mathematical, computational, and applicational), as well as papers relating TAGs to other frameworks, are invited. As in the past, there will be some invited talks on other grammar formalisms which have interesting relationships to TAGs (for example, Categorial Grammars and HPSG).


Proceedings including extended versions of accepted abstracts will be available at the workshop.

Deadline for submission for abstracts: February 15, 2002
Notification of acceptance April 3
Deadline for submission of
camera-ready extended abstract:
April 25
Workshop Dates: May 20 to May 23

Please see call for papers for submission details.

If you do not want to submit an abstract, but would like to attend, we would appreciate it if you could register by May 1 (unless you have already done so). If you would like to present a demo, please let us know as soon as possible, including information about required hard and software.


Registration Form


Robert Frank, Johns Hopkins (Chair) Claire Gardent, Nancy Norvin Richards, MIT
Anne Abeillé, Paris 7 Anthony Kroch, Pennsylvania James Rogers, Earlham
William Badecker, Johns Hopkins Seth Kulick, Pennsylvania Ed Stabler, UCLA
Srinivas Bangalore, AT&T David Lebeaux, NEC Mark Steedman, Edinburgh
Tilman Becker, DFKI Larry Moss, Indiana Yuka Tateisi, Tokyo
Tonia Bleam, Northwestern Gertjan van Noord, Groningen Juan Uriagereka, Maryland
Marie-Hélène Candito, Paris 7 Richard Oehrle, YY Technologies K. Vijay-Shanker, Delaware
Mark Dras, Macquarie Martha Palmer, Pennsylvania, David Weir, Sussex
Fernanda Ferreira, Michigan State Owen Rambow, AT&T


Rodolfo Delmonte, Venice (Co-chair) David Chiang, Pennsylvania Laura Paccagnella, Padua
Giorgio Satta, Padua (Co-chair) Aravind K. Joshi, Pennsylvania Luisella Romeo, Venice
Julia Akhramovitch, Venice Alberto Lavelli, ITC-IRST Anoop Sarkar, Pennsylvania
Antonella Bristot, Venice Carlo Minnaja, Padua Trisha Yannuzzi, Pennsylvania

Contact Information:
Institute for Research in Cognitive Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
Telephone: (215) 898-0333
FAX: (215) 573-9247

last updated: 10 May 2002
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