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Like NP complements, PP complements can be extracted to form
wh-questions, as in sentence ((152)).
- (152)
- [To which dog]i did Beth Ann throw the frisbee
As can be seen in the tree in Figure 13.5, extraction of
PP complements is very similar to extraction of NP complements from the same
Ditransitive with PP with PP extraction tree:
![\includegraphics[height=2.36in]{/mnt/linc/xtag/work/doc/tech-rept/ps/extraction-files/}](img133.gif) |
The PP extraction trees differ from NP extraction trees in having a PP
rather than an NP left daughter node under Sq and in having the
fill a PP rather than an NP position in the VP. In other
respects these PP extraction structures behave like the NP extractions,
including being used for topicalization.
XTAG Project