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A Quick Introduction to SuperTagging and its Applications

SuperTagging 101: The Basics

 SuperTagging [Joshi and Srinivas, 1994,Srinivas, 1997a] is an approach to syntactic annotation based on Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) [Schabes et al., 1988].

In some ways, SuperTags resemble part of speech (POS) tags, and thus it is useful to take a brief look at POS tagging. POS taggers typically use a limited tagset (the Penn Treebank uses a tagset of about 40 tags). While such tagsets distinguish between singular and plural nouns (NN and NNS, NNP and NNPS), and different verbal categories (past, participle, continuous: VBD, VBN, VBG respectively) etc. besides the standard noun, adjective, adverb etc. categories, there is typically no discrimination, for instance, between the use of the word to as a preposition and as an infinitival marker or between for as a complementizer and as a preposition.

Figure 1 depicts the POS tags assigned to each word of the phrase The woman who was appointed by the Governor and the sentence She was appointed by the Governor in 1998.

Figure 1: POS tags assigned to the phrase The woman who was appointed by the Governor and the sentence She was appointed by the Governor in 1998. Note that the two senses of appointed are labeled with the same POS tags.  
\verb*+The/DT woman/NN who/IN was/VB appo...
 ...BN by/IN the/DT Governor/NNP in/IN 1998/CD+


SuperTags are analogous to the primary elements of the LTAG formalism, which localize dependencies, including long distance dependencies, by requiring that all and only the dependent elements be present within the same structure. Thus SuperTags contain more information (such as sub-categorization and some attachment information) than standard POS tags. There is one SuperTag for each syntactic environment that a word appears in. Hence there are many more SuperTags per word than POS tags. For example, a word such as masterminded would have different SuperTags corresponding to its use as a transitive verb, in a relativized form, in a passive form etc. as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 2: Several SuperTags for the word masterminded
\begin{tabular... $\beta$N1nx0Vnx1}\\ \end{tabular}}\rule[.1in]{\textwidth}{0.01in}\end{figure}

Figure 3: A sample set of supertags associated with each word of the sentence the purchase price includes two ancillary companies. For example, the three supertags shown for the word includes represent the supertag for object extraction ($\alpha_3$), the supertag for imperative construction ($\alpha_7$) and the supertag for the canonical indicative construction ($\alpha_{11}$), in that order. The final (`correct') assignment is shown in the last row.
 ...llary & companies. \\ \end{tabular}\rule[.1in]{\textwidth}{0.01in}

Figure 3 depicts the set of SuperTags associated with each word of the sentence the purchase price includes two ancillary companies, where each $\alpha_n$ and $\beta_n$ denotes a different SuperTag, representing various non-recursive and recursive constructs respectively. Since each word has several possible SuperTags associated with it, the process of assigning the best SuperTag to each word, termed SuperTagging [Joshi and Srinivas, 1994], is non-trivial.

Local statistical information, in the form of a trigram model based on the distribution of SuperTags in an LTAG parsed corpus, can be used to choose the most appropriate SuperTag for any given word. This model of SuperTagging is very efficient (linear time) and robust: a system trained on 1,000,000 words of Wall Street Journal text and tested on 47,000 words correctly supertagged 92.2% of these words. For a detailed discussion of the SuperTagger, refer to [Srinivas, 1997a].

Figure 4: SuperTags assigned to the phrase The woman who was appointed by the Governor and the sentence She was appointed by the Governor in 1998. Note that the two senses of appointed are labeled with different SuperTags.  

\verb*+ The/B_Dnx woman/A_NXN who/B_COMP...
 ...x Governor/A_NXN in/B_vxPnx 1998/A_NXN +

Figure 4 depicts the SuperTags assigned to each word of the phrase The woman who was appointed by the Governor and the sentence She was appointed by the Governor in 1998. Note that the SuperTagger distinguishes between the two uses of the word appointed, while part of speech (POS) taggers typically do not.

However, SuperTags do not encode morphological information about words (such as number and tense information), although attribute-value pairs are used to represent this information in the LTAG grammar that the SuperTags are based on. But SuperTags distinguish between the two different to's in, for example, I have to go to New York.

In the following sections, we describe a variety of language processing applications that use SuperTagging.

SuperTagging and Parsing

SuperTagging, the task of assigning the correct SuperTag for each word given the context of the sentence, results almost in a parse for the sentence. Combining the SuperTags is the only task that remains to be done to arrive at a complete parse. Thus SuperTagging a sentence before parsing reduces the load on the parser, and significantly speeds up the process of parsing. Such an approach has been adopted for the LTAG parser in the XTAG system. The parsing process is faster by a factor of 30 when the SuperTagger is used.

However, a limitation of this approach of using the SuperTagger as a front-end to a parser is that when an incorrect SuperTag is assigned by the SuperTagger, the parser will not be able to parse the sentence. Further, spontaneous utterances in the real world are typically fragmented and sometimes ungrammatical. Thus the SuperTag sequence assigned to the utterance may not be combinable into one single structure. To handle this and related problems, a novel device called a Lightweight Dependency Analyzer (LDA), which exploits the dependency information encoded in the SuperTags to arrive at a dependency parse for an utterance, has been developed. The SuperTagger in conjunction with the LDA has been used as a robust partial parser [Srinivas, 1997a] and detailed evaluation results for detecting noun chunks, verb chunks, preposition phrase attachment and a variety of other linguistic constructions are presented in  [Srinivas, 1997b]. The performance of the LDA as a dependency analyzer on Wall Street Journal and Brown corpus is also presented in  [Srinivas, 1997b].

SuperTagging and Document Filtering

The focus of work on document filtering is on Glean, a post-processing filter aimed at increasing the precision of IR [Ramani and Chandrasekar, 1993]. Glean exploits information latent in any text, such as syntactic structure and patterns of language use. Augmented patterns defining relevance are automatically induced from user-supplied examples, using the SuperTagger. These augmented patterns are used to filter out irrelevant items from the output of standard Web search engines or IR systems.

Figure 5: Overview of the Glean filtering scheme  

\psfig {figure=/home2/mickeyc/public_html/stag/GleanFlow.eps,height=3in}

Figure 5 provides an overview of the Glean methodology, while Figure 6 presents a schematic view of selection and filtering in Glean.

Figure 6: Selection and Filtering in Glean. (a) The solid line divides relevant documents (region A) from irrelevant ones (region B). The problem of selection reduces to the identification of the set of documents represented by A, while the problem of filtering is identifying the set B of documents to be filtered out.
(b) Given a user query, search engines partition the document space in some fashion, shown schematically by a dotted line. This partitioning may miss some relevant documents, as in region A1, and may include many false positives as in region B2.
(c) Glean's filtering reduces the false positives to a smaller set B22, but in the process may miss out some matches A21. The aim in Glean is to minimize areas A21 and B22, ideally to null regions. Thus Glean's task, given regions A2 and B2 (as output from a search engine), is to select regions A22 and B22, or identify regions A21 and B21 that have to be filtered out.  


This method was evaluated in filtering irrelevant documents [Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1997b]. The utility of SuperTags versus simple part of speech tags have been compared for the same task [Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1997d]. The effect of increasing syntactic context on the effectiveness of information filtering is examined in [Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1997c]. The system has achieved recall and precision figures of 88% and 97% in filtering out irrelevant documents. A version of the Glean system is now available on the Web. An innovative method of server-side filtering [Chandrasekar et al., 1997] has been proposed to improve retrieval efficiency on the Web. For an overall summary of Glean, see [Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1998a].

SuperTagging and Language Modeling

N-gram language models have proved to be very successful in the language modeling task. They are fast, robust and provide state-of-the-art performance that is yet to be surpassed by more sophisticated models. Further, n-gram language models can be seen as weighted finite state automata which can be tightly integrated within speech recognition systems. However, these models fail to capture even relatively local dependencies that exist beyond the order of the model. We expect that the performance of a language model could be improved if these dependencies can be exploited. However, extending the order of the model to accommodate these dependencies is not practical since the number of parameters of the model is exponential in the order of the model, reliable estimation of which needs enormous amounts of training material.

In order to overcome the limitation of the n-gram language models and to exploit syntactic knowledge, many researchers have proposed structure-based language models. Structure-based language models employ grammar formalisms richer than weighted finite-state grammars such as Probabilistic LR grammars, Stochastic Context-Free Grammars (SCFG), Probabilistic Link Grammars (PLG) and Stochastic Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars (SLTAGs). Formalisms such as PLGs and SLTAGs are more readily applicable for language modeling than SCFGs due to the fact that these grammars encode lexical dependencies directly. Although all these formalisms can encode arbitrarily long-range dependencies, tightly integrating these models with a speech recognizer is a problem since most parsers for these formalisms only accept and rescore N-best sentence lists. A recent paper [Jurafsky et al., 1995] attempts a tight integration of syntactic constraints provided by a domain-specific SCFG in order to work with lattice of word hypotheses. However, the integration is computationally expensive and the word lattice pruning is sub-optimal. Also, most often the utterances in a spoken language system are ungrammatical and may not yield a full parse spanning the complete utterance.

[Srinivas, 1996] presents an alternate technique of integrating structural information into language models without really parsing the utterance. It brings together the advantages of a n-gram language model - speed, robustness and the ability to closely integrate with the speech recognizer - with the need to model syntactic constraints. This approach relies on SuperTags, which incorporate both lexical dependency and syntactic and semantic constraints in a uniform representation. It has also been demonstrated that this approach produces better language models than language models based on part of speech tags.

SuperTagging and Automatic Text Simplification

Most real-life texts, such as news stories and computer manuals, are fairly complex when evaluated by readability metrics. As an alternative to creating complex tools to process such text,  [Chandrasekar, 1994] proposed the idea of text simplification: automatically transforming complex sentences into a set of equivalent simpler sentences, which are easier to process.

Thus a sentence such as:

 Talwinder Singh, who masterminded the 1984 Kanishka crash, was killed in a fierce two-hour encounter.

will be simplified to a form such as:

 Talwinder Singh was killed in a fierce two-hour encounter. Talwinder Singh masterminded the 1984 Kanishka crash.

In the first version of the text simplification system [Chandrasekar and Suresh, 1995], sentences were chunked using a finite state grammar (FSG), and transformed by a rule-based system into simpler sentences using rules from grammar and patterns from journalistic English. Later, this was extended and improved [Chandrasekar et al., 1996], using SuperTagging and the Lightweight Dependency Analyzer (LDA) to extract predicate-argument structure. In both these systems, simplification rules had to be hand-crafted, a process that was slow and error-prone. To solve this problem, LDA was used with an aligned training corpus to automatically generate simplification rules [Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1997a].

SuperTagging in Word Sense Disambiguation

Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is a key problem in computational linguistics, with applications in areas such as machine translation and information retrieval. [Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1998b] describe a corpus-based method for word sense disambiguation, which uses a versatile maximum entropy technique on simple local lexical features and a rich description of the syntactic context of a word to distinguish between its various senses. Given training sentences which use a word in a particular sense, a maximum entropy tool is used to build a model for efficient word sense disambiguation. SuperTagging has been used to further enhance the quality of disambiguation. This method has been trained and evaluated on two sense-tagged corpora: the interest corpus from NMSU and the Singapore DSO corpus. For both corpora, the results obtained - 92.6% on the smaller (approx. 2400 sentence) interest corpus and 72.1% on the much larger (approx. 192,000 sentence) but noisier DSO corpus - are significantly better than previously reported results.

SuperTagging in Coreference Resolution

Discourses refer to multiple entities each of which is usually referred to by more than one linguistic expression. Coreference resolution is the task of identifying equivalent references for the same entity in a discourse.

Applications that involve manipulating (retrieving or deleting) occurrences of a particular entity in all its various linguistic forms stand to benefit from coreference resolution. In particular, applications such as sanitizing text (where the facts about certain entities are intentionally suppressed) and summarization and information retrieval tasks (where only the facts pertaining to certain entities are retrieved) are some examples where coreference resolution is crucial.

Coreferences can be resolved using a range of language technologies varying from simple string matching algorithms to the use of grammatical information and to the use of sophisticated semantic and pragmatic knowledge.

[The UPenn-MUC6-group, 1995] presents a system that limits itself to dealing with syntactically resolvable coreferences but has good coverage. However, it is too inefficient to be considered a viable runtime application. Analysis of this system reveals that the inefficiencies are due to processes that provide higher levels of linguistic analysis such as NP recognition and full parsing. Preliminary results for a system that utilizes SuperTags to provide the necessary linguistic analysis within reasonable time are then presented. The SuperTag representation also provides a direct way of bringing to bear document level information, by means of pre-SuperTagging words even before the syntactic analysis at the sentence level is attempted.


Chandrasekar, 1994
Chandrasekar, R. (1994).
A Hybrid Approach to Machine Translation using Man-Machine Communication.
PhD thesis, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research/University of Bombay, Bombay.

Chandrasekar et al., 1996
Chandrasekar, R., Doran, C., and Srinivas, B. (1996).
Motivations and methods for text simplification.
In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '96), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1997a
Chandrasekar, R. and Srinivas, B. (1997a).
Automatic induction of rules for text simplification.
Knowledge-Based Systems, 10:183-190.

Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1997b
Chandrasekar, R. and Srinivas, B. (1997b).
Gleaning information from the Web: Using syntax to filter out irrelevant information.
In Proceedings of AAAI 1997 Spring Symposium on NLP on the World Wide Web.

Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1997c
Chandrasekar, R. and Srinivas, B. (1997c).
Using supertags in document filtering: The effect of increased context on information retrieval effectiveness.
In Proceedings of Recent Advances in NLP (RANLP) '97, Tzigov Chark.

Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1997d
Chandrasekar, R. and Srinivas, B. (1997d).
Using syntactic information in document filtering: A comparative study of part-of-speech tagging and supertagging.
In Proceedings of RIAO '97, pages 531-545, Montreal.

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Chandrasekar, R. and Srinivas, B. (1998a).
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To be published in Information Processing & Management.

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Knowing a word by the company it keeps: Using local information in a maximum entropy model for word sense disambiguation.

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The UPenn-MUC6-group, 1995
The UPenn-MUC6-group (1995).
Penn's MUC-6 Effort.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Message Understanding Conference, Columbia, Maryland.

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