Library HOAS_Typed_Soundness
Type-safety proofs for Fsub.
Authors: Brian Aydemir and Arthur Charguéraud, with help from Aaron Bohannon, Jeffrey Vaughan, and Dimitrios Vytiniotis.
In parentheses are given the label of the corresponding lemma in the appendix (informal proofs) of the POPLmark Challenge.
Authors: Brian Aydemir and Arthur Charguéraud, with help from Aaron Bohannon, Jeffrey Vaughan, and Dimitrios Vytiniotis.
In parentheses are given the label of the corresponding lemma in the appendix (informal proofs) of the POPLmark Challenge.
Require Export HOAS_Typed_Definitions.
Lemma to_tag_subst_tb_ident : forall Z P b,
to_tag (subst_tb Z P b) = to_tag b.
Hint Rewrite to_tag_subst_tb_ident : rew_env.
Lemma to_senv_map_ident : forall Z P F,
to_senv (map (subst_tb Z P) F) = to_senv F.
Hint Rewrite to_senv_map_ident : rew_env.
Lemma ok_from_wf_senv : forall E,
wf_senv E ->
ok E.
Lemma wf_senv_from_wf_typ : forall E T,
wf_typ E T ->
wf_senv E.
Lemma wf_senv_from_wf_exp : forall E e,
wf_exp E e ->
wf_senv E.
Lemma wf_senv_from_wf_env : forall E,
wf_env E ->
wf_senv (to_senv E).
Theorem wf_senv_strengthening : forall E F x b,
wf_senv (F ++ [(x, b)] ++ E) ->
wf_senv (F ++ E).
Lemma ok_from_wf_typ : forall E T,
wf_typ E T -> ok E.
Lemma type_from_wf_typ : forall E T,
wf_typ E T -> lc E T Typ.
Lemma wf_typ_weakening : forall T E F G,
wf_typ (G ++ E) T ->
wf_senv (G ++ F ++ E) ->
wf_typ (G ++ F ++ E) T.
Lemma wf_typ_weaken_head : forall T E F,
wf_typ E T ->
wf_senv (F ++ E) ->
wf_typ (F ++ E) T.
Lemma wf_typ_strengthening : forall E F x T,
wf_typ (F ++ [(x, Exp)] ++ E) T ->
wf_typ (F ++ E) T.
Lemma wf_typ_subst_tb : forall F E Z P T,
wf_typ (F ++ [(Z, Typ)] ++ E) T ->
wf_typ E P ->
wf_typ (F ++ E) (subst_tt Z P T).
Lemma wf_typ_open : forall E U T1 T2,
wf_typ E (typ_all T1 in T2) ->
wf_typ E U ->
wf_typ E (open_tt T2 U).
Lemma ok_from_wf_env : forall E,
wf_env E ->
ok E.
Hint Resolve ok_from_wf_env.
Lemma wf_typ_from_binds_sub : forall x U E,
wf_env E ->
binds x (bind_sub U) E ->
wf_typ (to_senv E) U.
Lemma wf_typ_from_binds_typ : forall x U E,
wf_env E ->
binds x (bind_typ U) E ->
wf_typ (to_senv E) U.
Lemma wf_typ_from_wf_env_typ : forall x T E,
wf_env ([(x, bind_typ T)] ++ E) ->
wf_typ (to_senv E) T.
Lemma wf_typ_from_wf_env_sub : forall x T E,
wf_env ([(x, bind_sub T)] ++ E) ->
wf_typ (to_senv E) T.
Lemma wf_env_narrowing : forall V E F U X,
wf_env (F ++ [(X, bind_sub V)] ++ E) ->
wf_typ (to_senv E) U ->
wf_env (F ++ [(X, bind_sub U)] ++ E).
Lemma wf_env_strengthening : forall x T E F,
wf_env (F ++ [(x, bind_typ T)] ++ E) ->
wf_env (F ++ E).
Lemma wf_env_subst_tb : forall Q Z P E F,
wf_env (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) ->
wf_typ (to_senv E) P ->
wf_env (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E).
Lemma notin_fv_tt_open : forall (Y X : atom) T,
X `notin` fv_tt (open_tt T Y) ->
X `notin` fv_tt T.
Lemma notin_fv_wf : forall E (X : atom) T,
wf_typ (to_senv E) T ->
X `notin` dom E ->
X `notin` fv_tt T.
Lemma map_subst_tb_id : forall G Z P,
wf_env G ->
Z `notin` dom G ->
G = map (subst_tb Z P) G.
Lemma bind_typ_fresh : forall E F x V,
wf_typ (F ++ [(x, Exp)] ++ E) V ->
x `notin` fv V.
Lemma subst_fresh_exp_typ : forall E F x u V,
wf_typ (F ++ [(x, Exp)] ++ E) V ->
subst x u V = V.
Lemma ok_from_wf_exp : forall E e,
wf_exp E e -> ok E.
Lemma expr_from_wf_exp : forall E e,
wf_exp E e -> lc E e Exp.
Lemma wf_exp_weakening : forall e E F G,
wf_exp (G ++ E) e ->
wf_senv (G ++ F ++ E) ->
wf_exp (G ++ F ++ E) e.
Lemma wf_exp_weaken_head : forall e E F,
wf_exp E e ->
wf_senv (F ++ E) ->
wf_exp (F ++ E) e.
Lemma wf_exp_subst_ee : forall F E z g e,
wf_exp (F ++ [(z, Exp)] ++ E) e ->
wf_exp E g ->
wf_exp (F ++ E) (subst_ee z g e).
Lemma wf_exp_subst_te : forall F E Z T e,
wf_exp (F ++ [(Z, Typ)] ++ E) e ->
wf_typ E T ->
wf_exp (F ++ E) (subst_te Z T e).
Lemma wf_exp_open_ee : forall L E e v,
(forall x : atom, x `notin` L -> wf_exp ([(x,Exp)] ++ E) (open_ee e x)) ->
wf_exp E v ->
wf_exp E (open_ee e v).
Lemma wf_exp_open_te : forall L E e V,
(forall X : atom, X `notin` L -> wf_exp ([(X,Typ)] ++ E) (open_te e X)) ->
wf_typ E V ->
wf_exp E (open_te e V).
Lemma sub_regular : forall E S T,
sub E S T ->
wf_env E /\ wf_typ (to_senv E) S /\ wf_typ (to_senv E) T.
Lemma typing_regular : forall E e T,
typing E e T ->
wf_env E /\ wf_exp (to_senv E) e /\ wf_typ (to_senv E) T.
Lemma value_regular : forall e,
value e ->
exists E, wf_exp E e.
Lemma red_regular_l : forall e e',
red e e' ->
exists E, wf_exp E e.
Lemma red_regular_r : forall E e e',
red e e' ->
wf_exp E e ->
wf_exp E e'.
Lemma red_regular : forall e e',
red e e' ->
exists E, wf_exp E e /\ wf_exp E e'.
Hint Extern 1 (wf_env ?E) =>
match goal with
| H: sub _ _ _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (sub_regular _ _ _ H))
| H: typing _ _ _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (typing_regular _ _ _ H))
Hint Extern 1 (wf_typ (to_senv ?E) ?T) =>
match goal with
| H: typing E _ T |- _ => apply (proj2 (proj2 (typing_regular _ _ _ H)))
| H: sub E T _ |- _ => apply (proj1 (proj2 (sub_regular _ _ _ H)))
| H: sub E _ T |- _ => apply (proj2 (proj2 (sub_regular _ _ _ H)))
Hint Extern 1 (lc _ ?T Typ) =>
let go E := (apply (type_from_wf_typ (to_senv E))) in
match goal with
| H: typing ?E _ T |- _ => go E
| H: sub ?E T _ |- _ => go E
| H: sub ?E _ T |- _ => go E
Hint Extern 1 (lc _ ?e Exp) =>
match goal with
| H: typing _ ?e _ |- _ =>
apply (expr_from_wf_exp _ _ (proj1 (proj2 (typing_regular _ _ _ H))))
Hint Extern 1 (wf_exp _ ?e) =>
match goal with
| H : typing _ e _ |- _ =>
apply (proj1 (proj2 (typing_regular _ _ _ H)))
Lemma sub_reflexivity : forall E T,
wf_env E ->
wf_typ (to_senv E) T ->
sub E T T.
Section Weakening.
Hint Extern 1 (wf_typ _ _) =>
repeat rewrite <- map_concat.
Hint Extern 1 (ok _) =>
repeat rewrite <- map_concat.
Lemma sub_weakening : forall E F G S T,
sub (G ++ E) S T ->
wf_env (G ++ F ++ E) ->
sub (G ++ F ++ E) S T.
End Weakening.
Section Narrowing_and_transitivity.
Hint Extern 1 (wf_typ _ ?S) =>
match goal with
| H : wf_typ _ S |- _ =>
simpl_env in H; simpl in H; simpl_env in H
Lemma sub_narrowing_aux : forall Q F E Z P S T,
(forall E S T, sub E S Q -> sub E Q T -> sub E S T) ->
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) S T ->
sub E P Q ->
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub P)] ++ E) S T.
Lemma sub_transitivity_aux : forall E' Q E S T,
wf_typ E' Q ->
sub E S Q ->
sub E Q T ->
sub E S T.
Lemma sub_narrowing : forall Q E F Z P S T,
sub E P Q ->
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) S T ->
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub P)] ++ E) S T.
Lemma sub_transitivity : forall Q E S T,
sub E S Q ->
sub E Q T ->
sub E S T.
End Narrowing_and_transitivity.
Lemma sub_through_subst_tt : forall Q E F Z S T P,
sub (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) S T ->
sub E P Q ->
sub (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E) (subst_tt Z P S) (subst_tt Z P T).
Section Typing_weakening.
Hint Extern 4 (wf_typ _ _) =>
apply wf_typ_weakening; repeat rewrite <- map_concat.
Lemma typing_weakening : forall E F G e T,
typing (G ++ E) e T ->
wf_env (G ++ F ++ E) ->
typing (G ++ F ++ E) e T.
End Typing_weakening.
Lemma sub_strengthening : forall x U E F S T,
sub (F ++ [(x, bind_typ U)] ++ E) S T ->
sub (F ++ E) S T.
Lemma typing_narrowing : forall Q E F X P e T,
sub E P Q ->
typing (F ++ [(X, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) e T ->
typing (F ++ [(X, bind_sub P)] ++ E) e T.
Lemma typing_through_subst_ee : forall U E F x T e u,
typing (F ++ [(x, bind_typ U)] ++ E) e T ->
typing E u U ->
typing (F ++ E) (subst_ee x u e) T.
Lemma typing_through_subst_te : forall Q E F Z e T P,
typing (F ++ [(Z, bind_sub Q)] ++ E) e T ->
sub E P Q ->
typing (map (subst_tb Z P) F ++ E) (subst_te Z P e) (subst_tt Z P T).
Lemma typing_inv_abs : forall E S1 e1 T,
typing E (exp_abs S1 in e1) T ->
forall U1 U2, sub E T (typ_arrow U1 U2) ->
sub E U1 S1
/\ exists S2, exists L, forall x, x `notin` L ->
typing ([(x, bind_typ S1)] ++ E) (open_ee e1 x) S2 /\ sub E S2 U2.
Lemma typing_inv_tabs : forall E S1 e1 T,
typing E (exp_tabs S1 in e1) T ->
forall U1 U2, sub E T (typ_all U1 in U2) ->
sub E U1 S1
/\ exists S2, exists L, forall X, X `notin` L ->
typing ([(X, bind_sub U1)] ++ E) (open_te e1 X) (open_tt S2 X)
/\ sub ([(X, bind_sub U1)] ++ E) (open_tt S2 X) (open_tt U2 X).
Lemma typing_inv_inl : forall E e1 T,
typing E (exp_inl e1) T ->
forall U1 U2, sub E T (typ_sum U1 U2) ->
exists S1, typing E e1 S1 /\ sub E S1 U1.
Lemma typing_inv_inr : forall E e1 T,
typing E (exp_inr e1) T ->
forall U1 U2, sub E T (typ_sum U1 U2) ->
exists S1, typing E e1 S1 /\ sub E S1 U2.
Lemma preservation : forall E e e' T,
typing E e T ->
red e e' ->
typing E e' T.
Lemma canonical_form_abs : forall e U1 U2,
value e ->
typing empty e (typ_arrow U1 U2) ->
exists V, exists e1, e = exp_abs V in e1.
Lemma canonical_form_tabs : forall e U1 U2,
value e ->
typing empty e (typ_all U1 in U2) ->
exists V, exists e1, e = exp_tabs V in e1.
Lemma canonical_form_sum : forall e T1 T2,
value e -> typing empty e (typ_sum T1 T2) ->
exists e1, e = exp_inl e1 \/ e = exp_inr e1.
Lemma progress : forall e T,
typing empty e T ->
value e \/ exists e', red e e'.