Library AssumeList

Require Import Coq.FSets.FSets.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Decidable.

Require Import CoqFSetDecide.
Require Import CoqListFacts.
Require Import LibTactics.

Require Import MetatheoryAtom.
Import AtomSetImpl.
Require Import LibTactics.


Basic definitions

This section defines the following basic operations and predicates on association lists.

  • one: Constructs an association list consisting of exactly one binding.
  • map: Maps a function over the values in an association list.
  • dom: Computes the domain of an association list, i.e., the set consisting of its keys.
  • disjoint: Binary predicate that holds when the domains of two association lists are disjoint.
  • binds: Ternary predicate that holds when a key-value pair appears somewhere in an association list.
  • uniq: Unary predicate that holds when an association list binds any given key at most once. Note that uniq_push is defined in terms of one, due to our normal form for association lists.

Implicit arguments are declared by default for these definitions. We define some local notations to make the definition of uniq easier to read and to be consistent with the notations used in the rest of this library.

  Section Definitions.
    Variables A B C : Set.

    Definition one (C : Set) (item : C) : list C := cons item nil.

    Inductive asn (A:Set) (B:Set) : Set :=
      | VarAsn : atom -> A -> asn A B
      | AltAsn : B -> asn A B

    Definition map (f1 : A -> A) (f2: B -> B) (E : list (asn A B)) : list (asn A B) := (fun x => match x with
                         | VarAsn x a => VarAsn B x (f1 a)
                         | AltAsn b => AltAsn A (f2 b)
                         end) E.

    Fixpoint dom (A: Set) (B: Set) (E : list (asn A B)) {struct E} : atoms :=
      match E with
        | nil => empty
        | (VarAsn x _) :: E' => add x (dom E')
        | _ :: E' => dom E'

    Definition disjoint (E : list (asn A B)) (F : list (asn A B)) : Prop :=
      Subset (inter (dom E) (dom F)) empty.

    Definition binds (x : atom) (a : A) (E : list (asn A B)) : Prop :=
      List.In (VarAsn B x a) E.

    Definition bindsAlt (b : B) (E : list (asn A B)) : Prop :=
      List.In (AltAsn A b) E.

    Notation Local "x ~~ a" := (one (VarAsn B x a)) (at level 68).
    Notation Local "x `notin` E" := (~ In x E) (at level 70).

    Inductive uniq : list (asn A B) -> Prop :=
      | uniq_nil :
          uniq nil
      | uniq_push : forall x a E,
          uniq E ->
          x `notin` dom E ->
          uniq ((x ~~ a) ++ E)
      | uniq_alt : forall b E,
          uniq E ->
          uniq (one (AltAsn A b) ++ E).

    Fixpoint erase (E : list (asn A B)) : list B :=
      match E with
      | nil => nil
      | (AltAsn b) :: E => b :: erase E
      | (VarAsn x a) :: E => erase E

  End Definitions.

Local notations

We make a local notation for one, and for operations and predicate on finite sets, in order to make the statements of the lemmas below more readable. The notations are local so that users of this functor may choose their own notations.

  Notation Local "[ i ]" := (one i).

  Notation Local "E `union` F" :=
    (union E F)
    (at level 65, right associativity).
  Notation Local "x `in` E" :=
    (In x E)
    (at level 70).
  Notation Local "x `notin` E" :=
    (~ In x E)
    (at level 70).
  Notation Local "E [=] F" :=
    (Equal E F)
    (at level 70, no associativity).
  Notation Local "E [<=] F" :=
    (Subset E F)
    (at level 70, no associativity).

List properties

The following block of properties is used mainly for rewriting association lists into the normal form described above. See the simpl_alist and rewrite_alist tactics below.

  Section ListProperties.
    Variables X : Set.
    Variables x y : X.
    Variables l l1 l2 l3 : list X.

    Lemma cons_app_one :
      cons x l = [ x ] ++ l.

    Lemma cons_app_assoc :
      (cons x l1) ++ l2 = cons x (l1 ++ l2).

    Lemma app_assoc :
      (l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3).

    Lemma app_nil_1 :
      nil ++ l = l.

    Lemma app_nil_2 :
      l ++ nil = l.

    Lemma in_one :
      List.In x [ y ] <-> x = y.

    Lemma in_app :
      List.In x (l1 ++ l2) <-> List.In x l1 \/ List.In x l2.

  End ListProperties.

  Hint Rewrite cons_app_one cons_app_assoc app_assoc : rewr_list.
  Hint Rewrite app_nil_1 app_nil_2 : rewr_list.
  Hint Rewrite in_one in_app : rewr_list_in.

The following block of properties is an assortment of structural properties about lists.

  Section AssortedListProperties.
    Variables X : Set.
    Variables x y : X.
    Variables l l1 l2 l3 : list X.

    Lemma one_eq_app :
      [ x ] ++ l1 = l2 ++ l3 ->
      (exists qs, l2 = x :: qs /\ l1 = qs ++ l3) \/
      (l2 = nil /\ l3 = x :: l1).

    Lemma app_eq_one :
      l2 ++ l3 = [ x ] ++ l1 ->
      (exists qs, l2 = x :: qs /\ l1 = qs ++ l3) \/
      (l2 = nil /\ l3 = x :: l1).

    Lemma nil_neq_one_mid :
      nil <> l1 ++ [ x ] ++ l2.

    Lemma one_mid_neq_nil :
      l1 ++ [ x ] ++ l2 <> nil.

  End AssortedListProperties.

Properties of map and dom

The following lemmas are used mainly to simplify applications of map and dom to association lists. See also the simpl_alist and rewrite_alist tactics below.

  Section Properties.
    Variables A B : Set.
    Variables f1 : A -> A.
    Variables f2 : B -> B.
    Variables x : atom.
    Variables b : A.
    Variables a : B.
    Variables E F G : list (asn A B).

    Lemma map_nil :
      map f1 f2 nil = nil.

    Lemma map_consVar :
      map f1 f2 ((VarAsn B x b) :: E) = (VarAsn B x (f1 b)) :: map f1 f2 E.

    Lemma map_consAlt :
      map f1 f2 ((AltAsn A a) :: E) = (AltAsn A (f2 a)) :: map f1 f2 E.

    Lemma map_oneVar :
      map f1 f2 (one (VarAsn B x b)) = one (VarAsn B x (f1 b)).

    Lemma map_oneAlt :
      map f1 f2 (one (AltAsn A a)) = one (AltAsn A (f2 a)).

    Lemma map_app :
      map f1 f2 (E ++ F) = map f1 f2 E ++ map f1 f2 F.

    Lemma dom_nil :
      (@dom A B nil) = empty.

    Lemma dom_consVar :
      dom (VarAsn B x b :: E) [=] singleton x `union` dom E.

    Lemma dom_consAlt :
      dom (AltAsn A a :: E) [=] dom E.

    Lemma dom_one :
      dom (one (VarAsn B x b)) [=] singleton x.

    Lemma dom_app :
      dom (E ++ F) [=] dom E `union` dom F.

    Lemma dom_map :
      dom (map f1 f2 E) [=] dom E.

  End Properties.

  Hint Rewrite map_nil map_consVar map_consAlt map_oneVar map_oneAlt map_app : rewr_map.
  Hint Rewrite dom_nil dom_consVar dom_consAlt dom_one dom_app dom_map : rewr_dom.

The simpl_alist tactic

The simpl_alist tactic rewrites association lists so that they are in the normal form described above. Similar to the simpl tactic, we define "in *" and "in H" variants of the tactic.

  Ltac simpl_asnlist :=
    autorewrite with rewr_list rewr_list_in rewr_map rewr_dom.
  Tactic Notation "simpl_asnlist" "in" hyp(H) :=
    autorewrite with rewr_list rewr_list_in rewr_map rewr_dom in H.
  Tactic Notation "simpl_asnlist" "in" "*" :=
    autorewrite with rewr_list rewr_list_in rewr_map rewr_dom in *.

The rewrite_alist tactic

The tactic (rewrite_alist E) replaces an association list in the conclusion of the goal with E. Suitability for replacement is determined by whether simpl_alist can put E and the chosen environment in the same normal form, up to convertibility's in Coq. We also define an "in H" variant that performs the replacement in a hypothesis H.

  Tactic Notation "rewrite_asnlist" constr(E) :=
    match goal with
      | |- context[?x] =>
        change x with E
      | |- context[?x] =>
        replace x with E;
          [ | try reflexivity; simpl_asnlist; reflexivity ]

  Tactic Notation "rewrite_asnlist" constr(E) "in" hyp(H) :=
    match type of H with
      | context[?x] =>
        change x with E in H
      | context[?x] =>
        replace x with E in H;
          [ | try reflexivity; simpl_asnlist; reflexivity ]

Basic facts about disjoint

  Section BasicDisjointFacts.
    Implicit Types A B C D : Set.

    Lemma disjoint_sym_1 :
      forall A B (E : list (asn A B)) (F : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint E F ->
      disjoint F E.

    Lemma disjoint_sym :
      forall A B (E : list (asn A B)) (F : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint E F <-> disjoint F E.

    Lemma disjoint_one_1 :
      forall A B (x : atom) (a : A) (F : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint (one (VarAsn B x a)) F ->
      x `notin` dom F.

    Lemma disjoint_one_2 :
      forall A B (x : atom) (a : A) (F : list (asn A B)),
      x `notin` dom F ->
      disjoint (one (VarAsn B x a)) F.

    Lemma disjoint_one_l :
      forall A B (x : atom) (a : A) (E : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint (one (VarAsn B x a)) E <-> x `notin` dom E.

    Lemma disjoint_one_r :
      forall A B (x : atom) (a : A) (E : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint E (one (VarAsn B x a)) <-> x `notin` dom E.

    Lemma disjoint_app_1 :
      forall A B (E F : list (asn A B)) (G : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint (E ++ F) G ->
      disjoint E G.

    Lemma disjoint_app_2 :
      forall A B (E F : list (asn A B)) (G : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint (E ++ F) G ->
      disjoint F G.

    Lemma disjoint_app_3 :
      forall A B (E F : list (asn A B)) (G : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint E G ->
      disjoint F G ->
      disjoint (E ++ F) G.

    Lemma disjoint_app_l :
      forall A B (E F : list (asn A B)) (G : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint (E ++ F) G <-> disjoint E G /\ disjoint F G.

    Lemma disjoint_app_r :
      forall A B (E F : list (asn A B)) (G : list (asn A B)),
      disjoint G (E ++ F) <-> disjoint E G /\ disjoint F G.

    Lemma disjoint_map_1 :
      forall A B C (E : list (asn A B)) (F : list (asn A B)) (f1 : A -> A) (f2 : B -> B),
      disjoint (map f1 f2 E) F ->
      disjoint E F.

    Lemma disjoint_map_2 :
      forall A B C (E : list (asn A B)) (F : list (asn A B)) (f1 : A -> A)(f2: B -> B),
      disjoint E F ->
      disjoint (map f1 f2 E) F.

    Lemma disjoint_map_l :
      forall A B C (E : list (asn A B)) (F : list (asn A B)) (f1 : A -> A) (f2: B -> B),
      disjoint (map f1 f2 E) F <-> disjoint E F.

    Lemma disjoint_map_r :
      forall A B C (E : list (asn A B)) (F : list (asn A B)) (f1 : A -> A) (f2: B -> B),
      disjoint F (map f1 f2 E) <-> disjoint E F.

  End BasicDisjointFacts.

  Hint Rewrite
    disjoint_one_l disjoint_one_r
    disjoint_app_l disjoint_app_r
    disjoint_map_l disjoint_map_r
  : rewr_uniq.

Basic facts about uniq

The following lemmas are facts about uniq with respect to the basic functions (one, app, and map) that can be used to build association lists.

  Section UniqProperties.
    Variables A B : Set.
    Variables f1 : A -> A.
    Variables f2 : B -> B.
    Variables x : atom.
    Variables b : A.
    Variables E F G : list (asn A B).

    Lemma uniq_one_1 :
      uniq (one (VarAsn B x b)).

    Lemma uniq_app_1 :
      uniq (E ++ F) -> uniq E.

    Lemma uniq_app_2 :
      uniq (E ++ F) -> uniq F.

    Lemma uniq_app_3 :
      uniq (E ++ F) -> disjoint E F.

    Lemma uniq_app_4 :
      uniq E ->
      uniq F ->
      disjoint E F ->
      uniq (E ++ F).

    Lemma uniq_app :
      uniq (E ++ F) <-> uniq E /\ uniq F /\ disjoint E F.

    Lemma uniq_map_1 :
      uniq (map f1 f2 E) ->
      uniq E.

    Lemma uniq_map_2 :
      uniq E ->
      uniq (map f1 f2 E).

    Lemma uniq_map :
      uniq (map f1 f2 E) <-> uniq E.

  End UniqProperties.

  Hint Rewrite uniq_app uniq_map : rewr_uniq.

The solve_uniq tactic

This tactic attempts to solve goals about uniq. Given its definition, it's likely to work only when the hypotheses in the goal already contain all the relevant uniq propositions. Thus, the tactic may not be generally useful. It is useful, however, for proving facts about uniq such as the ones below.

Implementation note: The second simpl_asnlist in the definition is because of disjoint_one_{l,r}. The "|| fail" at the end is so that in the case of failure, the error message reported to the user is not the one from fsetdec.

  Ltac solve_uniq :=
    try trivial;
    simpl_asnlist in *;
    autorewrite with rewr_uniq in *;
    simpl_asnlist in *;
    intuition (
      auto using uniq_nil, uniq_one_1 ||
      (rewrite -> disjoint_sym; auto) ||
      (unfold disjoint in *; fsetdec))
    || fail.

Facts about uniq

  Section UniqDerived.
    Variables A B : Set.
    Variables x y : atom.
    Variables a b : A.
    Variables E F G : list (asn A B).

    Lemma uniq_cons_3 :
      uniq E ->
      x `notin` dom E ->
      uniq ((VarAsn B x a) :: E).

    Lemma uniq_insert_mid :
      uniq (G ++ E) ->
      x `notin` dom (G ++ E) ->
      uniq (G ++ (one (VarAsn B x a)) ++ E).

    Lemma uniq_remove_mid :
      uniq (E ++ F ++ G) ->
      uniq (E ++ G).

    Lemma uniq_map_app_l : forall (f1 : A -> A)(f2: B -> B),
      uniq (F ++ E) ->
      uniq (map f1 f2 F ++ E).

    Lemma fresh_mid_tail :
      uniq (F ++ (one (VarAsn B x a)) ++ E) ->
      x `notin` dom E.

    Lemma fresh_mid_head :
      uniq (F ++ (one (VarAsn B x a)) ++ E) ->
      x `notin` dom F.

  End UniqDerived.

Basic facts about binds

The following lemmas are facts about binds with respect to the basic functions (one and app) that can be used to build association lists.

Note: map is treated further below.

  Section BindsProperties.
    Variables A B : Set.
    Variables x y : atom.
    Variables a b : A.
    Variables E F G : list (asn A B).

    Lemma binds_nil :
      binds x a (@nil (asn A B)) <-> False.

    Lemma binds_one_3 :
      x = y ->
      a = b ->
      binds x a (one (VarAsn B y b)).

    Lemma binds_one_1 :
      binds x a (one (VarAsn B y b)) ->
      x = y.

    Lemma binds_one_2 :
      binds x a (one (VarAsn B y b)) ->
      a = b.

    Lemma binds_one_iff :
      binds x a (one (VarAsn B y b)) <-> x = y /\ a = b.

  Lemma binds_cons_1 :
    binds x a ((VarAsn B y b) :: E) ->
    (x = y /\ a = b) \/ binds x a E.

  Lemma binds_cons_2 :
    x = y ->
    a = b ->
    binds x a ((VarAsn B y b) :: E).

  Lemma binds_cons_3 :
    binds x a E ->
    binds x a ((VarAsn B y b) :: E).

  Lemma binds_cons_iff :
    binds x a ((VarAsn B y b) :: E) <-> (x = y /\ a = b) \/ binds x a E.

    Lemma binds_app_1 :
      binds x a E ->
      binds x a (E ++ F).

    Lemma binds_app_2 :
      binds x a F ->
      binds x a (E ++ F).

    Lemma binds_app_3 :
      binds x a (E ++ F) ->
      binds x a E \/ binds x a F.

    Lemma binds_app :
      binds x a (E ++ F) <-> binds x a E \/ binds x a F.

  End BindsProperties.

  Hint Rewrite binds_nil binds_one_3 binds_app : rewr_binds.
  Hint Rewrite binds_nil binds_one_3 : rewr_binds_uniq.

Additional lemmas and tactics for working with binds

  Section MoreBindsProperties.
    Variables A B : Set.
    Variables x y : atom.
    Variables a b : A.
    Variables E F G : list (asn A B).

    Lemma binds_dom_contradiction: forall (E : list (asn A B)),
      binds x a E ->
      x `notin` dom E ->

    Lemma binds_app_uniq :
      uniq (E ++ F) ->
      (binds x a (E ++ F) <->
        (binds x a E /\ x `notin` dom F) \/
        (binds x a F /\ x `notin` dom E)).

  End MoreBindsProperties.

  Hint Rewrite binds_app_uniq using solve_uniq : rewr_binds_uniq.

The apply_binds_dom_contradiction tactic solves a goal by applying the binds_dom_contradiction lemma. The tactic succeeds only if the the hypotheses of the lemma are immediately satisfied.

  Ltac apply_binds_dom_contradiction :=
    match goal with
      | H : binds ?x ?a ?E, J : ?x `notin` (dom ?E) |- _ =>
        assert False by apply (@binds_dom_contradiction _ _ _ _ H J);
      | H : binds ?x ?a ?E, J : ?x `in` (dom ?E) -> False |- _ =>
        assert False by apply (@binds_dom_contradiction _ _ _ _ H J);

The solve_binds tactic attempts to solve goals about binds. Given its definition, it's likely to work only when the hypotheses in the goal already contain all the relevant binds propositions. Thus, the tactic may not be generally useful. It is useful, however, for proving facts about binds such as the ones below.

  Ltac solve_binds :=
    simpl_asnlist in *;
    autorewrite with rewr_binds in *;
    intuition (auto || fsetdec || apply_binds_dom_contradiction)
    || fail.

The tactics analyze_binds and analyze_binds_uniq tactics take as an argument a hypotheses about binds and perform a case analysis based on the structure of the association list. In the case of analyze_binds_uniq, the analysis is performed assuming that the association list is uniq. The lemmas binds_app and binds_app_uniq are examples of such case analysis.

Implementation notes:

  • The initial calls to simpl_asnlist put the relevant association lists into normal form.
  • In the case of binds_app_uniq, we assert that the association list is uniq. This enables the autorewrite step to succeed.
  • Rather than work on H itself, we copy it and work on the copy. Thus, in instances where the analysis leaves unsolved subgoals, it is still possible to see the original hypothesis.
  • The rest of the tactic breaks apart the copy of H and tries several simple means for solving the resulting subgoals.

  Ltac analyze_binds H :=
    simpl_asnlist in H;
    match type of H with
      | binds ?x ?a ?E =>
        let J := fresh in
        pose proof H as J;
        autorewrite with rewr_binds in J;
        simpl_asnlist in J;
        try (progress decompose [and or] J; clear J);
        try solve [trivial | discriminate | intuition | fsetdec]

  Ltac analyze_binds_uniq H :=
    simpl_asnlist in H;
    match type of H with
      | binds ?x ?a ?E =>
        match goal with
          | H : uniq ?E |- _ => idtac
          | _ => assert (uniq E); [ try solve_uniq | ]
        let J := fresh in
        pose proof H as J;
        autorewrite with rewr_binds_uniq in J;
        simpl_asnlist in J;
        try (progress decompose [and or] J; clear J);
        try solve [trivial | discriminate | intuition | fsetdec]

Facts about binds

  Section BindsDerived.
    Variables A B : Set.
    Variables f1 : A -> A.
    Variables f2 : B -> B.
    Variables x y : atom.
    Variables a b : A.
    Variables E F G : list (asn A B).

    Lemma binds_map_2 :
      binds x a E ->
      binds x (f1 a) (map f1 f2 E).

    Lemma binds_weaken :
      binds x a (E ++ G) ->
      binds x a (E ++ F ++ G).

    Lemma binds_In : forall x a (E : list (asn A B)),
      binds x a E ->
      x `in` dom E.

    Lemma fresh_app_l :
      uniq (F ++ E) ->
      binds x a E ->
      x `notin` dom F.

    Lemma fresh_app_r :
      uniq (F ++ E) ->
      binds x a F ->
      x `notin` dom E.

  End BindsDerived.

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