Short Biography
Insup Lee is Cecilia Fitler Moore Professor of Computer and
Information Science and Director of
PRECISE Center, which he co-founded in 2008 at
the University of Pennsylvania.
He also holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering and the Perelman School of Medicine’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and ¬Informatics. He received B.S. from UNC-Chapel Hill and Ph.D. from UW-Madison.
His research interests include cyber-physical systems, real-time and embedded systems, safe autonomy, runtime assurance and verification, internet of medical things, and connected health. The theme of his research activities has been to assure and improve the safety, security, and timeliness of life-critical embedded systems. His co-authored papers received the paper awards in IEEE RTSS 2003, CEAS 2011, IEEE RTAS 2012, IEEE RTSS 2012, ACM/IEEE ICCPS 2014, IEEE CPSNA 2016, IEEE ISORC 2018, IEEE RTAS 2019, ACM/IEEE MEMOCODE 2019, ACM TECS 2022. His work on runtime monitoring and checking received the RV Test-of-Time Award, Runtime Verification 2019.
He has served on many program committees and chaired many international conferences and workshops. He has also served on various steering and advisory committees of conferences and technical societies, and the editorial boards of many scientific journals. He is founding co-Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare since 2018. He was Chair of ACM SIGBED (2015-2018) and was Chair of IEEE TC-RTS (2003-2004). He was a member of Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Networking and Information Technology (2006-2007). He was a member of the National Research Council’s committee on 21st Century Cyber-Physical Systems Education (2014-2015). He was founding Co-Director of Penn Health Tech (2018-2021). He received IEEE TC-RTS Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award in 2008, an appreciation award from Ministry of Science, IT and Future Planning, South Korea in 2013, and ACM SIGBED Inaugural Distinguished Leadership Award in 2022. He is an AAAS fellow, an ACM fellow, and an IEEE fellow.