Real-Time Systems 2000
Jane W. S. Liu,
Prentice Hall
The Java Virtual Machine Specification 2nd Ed April 1999
Tim Lindholm, Frank Yellin
Addison Wesley
Inside The Java Virtual Machine, 2nd Ed Dec 23, 1999
Bill Venners
McGraw Hill Professional Publishing
Formal Java bytecode Semantics
Semantics of Java Bytecode
Peter Bertelsen
Technical Paper, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University 1997
Protocol Testing: Review of Methods and Relevance for Software Testing
G. von Bochmann and A. Petrenko
International Symposium on Software Specification, Testing and Analysis,
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Test Development for Communication Protocols: Towards Automation
R. Dssouli, K. Saleh, E. Abdoulhamid, A. En-Nouaary, C. Bourhfir
Computer Networks, Vol 31, 1999, pp. 1835-1872.
Just-In-Time Compiler
Overview of the IBM Java Just-in-Time Compiler
T.Suganuma, etc
IBM Systems Journal Vol 39, No 1 2000
Efficient Aperiodic Service under Earliest Deadline Scheduling
Marco Spuri, Giorgio C. Buttazzo
IEEE, 1994
Integrating Multimedia Applications in Hard Real-Time Systems
Luca Abeni, Giorgio C. Buttazzo
IEEE, 1998
Elastic Task Model For Adaptive Rate Control
Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Giuseppe Lipari, Luca Abeni
IEEE, 1998