Prepare and email me the power point slides 1 week before the presentationdate
Write a comprehensive paper based on the topic or do programming term project
Course Description:
This course is to study fundamental and practical issues in various topics in real-time systems, software engineering, formal methods and tools, e-commerce systems, and wireless communication. The purpose of this course is to expose students to currect research issues in these areas. We plan to identify potential research topics and carry them as class projects. The format is to select a different topic for each week and then have in-depth presentations and discussions on the selected topic. Possible topcis include fair scheduling, time-triggered architecture, formal specification based testing, simplex architecture, Bluetooth, wireless (e-commerce) systems, multimedia streaming techniques and systems, embedded systems, smart space, real-time Java, compositionality in real-time system, RT UML, theory and application of tools based on formal methods. Students will be expected to participate in class discussion, to present the summary of their independent readings to the class, and to carry our significant term projects.
The grades will be based on the following:
Class participation
Series of short critiques on selected papers
Two or three class presentations
Term project
Opearating Systems such as CSE 380 and Programming Languages such as CIS 500, and being able to "think", "implement" and "communicate." If and when in doubt, consult the instructor.
Reading Materials:
A collection of papers will be distributed in class