CIS 3200 (Fall 2024) Resources

This page lists out links to course tools as well as useful resources on course concepts.

Syllabus – An overview of the course and course policies.

Canvas – Contains assignments, grades and class recordings.

Gradescope – For homework submissions and regrade requests; also contains grades.

Ed Discussion Board – The Ed Discussion board provides a place for students to get support from course staff. Ed is also the primary mechanism for announcements.

OHQ – Office Hour Queue for most office hours. For questions about time or location changes, please first check on Ed.

Course Texts

Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, Third Edition, 2009 – Required textbook for this course.

Additional Resources

CIS 1210 Lecture Notes – For review on concepts covered in CIS 1210, like asymptotic notation, recurrence relations, sorting algorithms, graph algorithms, data structures, etc.

Algorithm Visualizer – Visualizations of known recursive, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy, and more algorithms on default examples, side by side with code.

Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm Visualizer – A visualization of how Ford-Fulkerson works. You can use the default graphs or upload your own. There’s a bug with outputting the max flow value, but the visualization makes it easy to figure it out.

CIS 2620 Lecture Slides – For review on concepts covered in CIS 2620, like P and NP, NP-completeness, reductions, etc. (Not public; however, if you took CIS 2620, the course should still be accessible to you.)

Additional Texts

Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Sipser, Third Edition, 2012 – Required textbook for CIS 2620.

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation by Hopcroft, Motwani, and Ullman, Third Edition, 2006 – Additional reference textbook for CIS 2620.