FM'99: World Congress on Formal Methods
Note to TYPES readers:
Type systems play an important role in formal methods: formal specification
and design calculi for the development of reliable, trustworthy software. In
so far as your interest is also in "Type Systems AND Programming Methodology"
- i.e. in the principles for analysing and modelling application domains, in-
cluding that of specification and programming languages - then the below de-
scribed World Congress on Formal Methods ought appeal to you as a paper con-
tributor or in general. Please consider submitting a paper to FM'99 and - in-
dependently - please consider attending FM'99. It is guaranteed to be a world
event with an expected number of more than 500 partcipants many of whom share
your professional interests.
FM'99: World Congress on Formal Methods
-- in the Development of Computing Systems ---
20-24 September 1999, Toulouse, France
The World Congress on Formal Methods (FM'99) is based on the following
Maturity: Formal methods are no longer a curiosity.
In some organisations and in a growing number of industries
they are or are striving to be an expected matter of practice.
Convergence: The choice of a formal method or tool is no longer
controversial: formal methods are chosen in relation to
their purpose and they are increasingly used in
effective combination.
Progress: Benefit to the community is gained by the accumulated sets
of models, theories, techniques, languages, tools,
libraries, and case studies developed by scientists and
engineers from around the world.
FM'99 will have four parallel activities:
* a Technical Symposium,
* a Tools Fair and Applications Forum,
* a set of User Group Meetings, and
* a set of Industry Tutorials.
The Technical Symposium will have invited speakers and regular
sessions with presentations by authors of technical papers and
experience reports. The invited speakers include: Prof C.A.R. Hoare,
Michael Jackson, Dr Cliff Jones, Dr John Rushby, and Dr Joseph
The Technical Symposium for FM'99 recognises the increased application
of formal methods in industry by having two major streams:
* Foundations and Methodology, and
* Industrial Applications.
Under Foundations and Methodology, we solicit submissions that cover
all traditional technical areas of formal methods, including (but not
Fundamentals: Logics, models (temporal, concurrency, distribution),
theories, specification, verification, refinement and
analysis techniques.
Languages and Tools: Notations, design calculi, model checkers, proof
checkers, theorem proving, specification analysers,
hybrid and synchronous languages, tools.
Systems Application Areas: Hardware, concurrent and reactive systems,
distributed and mobile computing, fault-tolerant and
reliable systems, network protocols, real-time and
hybrid systems.
Systems Engineering: Combining formal and informal methods, domain
and requirements engineering, software architecture,
program organisation, formal techniques in
object-oriented programming, testing, maintenance,
software process and performance modelling.
Education: Undergraduate, graduate, professional and industrial
training, technology transfer.
Under Industrial Applications, we solicit submissions that focus
primarily on the application of formal methods to a specific
industrial domain, including (alphabetically, but not exclusively,
* Burgeoning Industries: bio-engineering, data mining, decision
support systems
* Finance: banking, securities industry etc
* Hardware: VLSI, microprocessors, micro-instruments
* Health-care
* Human Computer Interface
* Open Information Systems: WWW, OMG, ODP,etc
* Regulation and Law
* Robotics
* Safety: e.g., nuclear power
* Security: confidentiality, privacy, authentication, electronic
* Telecommunications: mobile and wireless, networks, switching systems
* Transport: e.g., avionics, railway, shipping, metropolitan transport.
* * *
For both streams we solicit technical papers. In addition, for the
Industrial Applications stream we solicit experience reports. All
submissions will be thoroughly refereed. Criteria for papers and
reports will be different. Technical papers should present a new
contribution to the field, e.g., a new analysis technique or the
application of an existing method to a new domain. They should be
written in a lucid and scholarly manner, including a comparison to
related work.
Experience reports need not present any novel idea; rather, they
might describe a case study or industrial project where a formal
method was applied in practice. They should clearly state the role
formal methods played in the experiment, describe the significant
details of the experiment, explain lessons learned, and report
qualitative/quantitative results.
* * *
FM'99 will feature sessions organised by international and national
federations, societies, associations and working groups. Prominent
among these are
* * *
All papers should be no longer than 20 pages and authors should
prepare their final version preferably using llncsdoc.sty.
Instructions for authors are available at:
The cover sheet must include:
(1) the title,
(2) name, affiliation, and URL (if available) of each author,
(3) e-mail, \phone, and fax for the contact author,
(4) for which stream (Foundations & Methodology or Industrial
Applications) you would like your paper to be considered, and
if for the Industrial Applications stream, whether your paper
is a technical paper or experience report, and
(5) either which sub-stream you would like your paper to considered
or keywords drawn from the phrases used in the lists above.
It is critical that sub-stream and/or keyword information is
included since it will help determine which program committee
members review which papers.
* * *
Six hard-copies of each submission should be sent to and reach
Dr~James Woodcock by 14 February 1999. Only hardcopy submissions will
be accepted; electronic submissions will be rejected out of hand.
* * *
The schedule for review is:
14 February 1999:
Submissions of technical papers and experience reports due.
14 May 1999:
Notice of acceptance.
14 July 1999:
Final paper in camera-ready form due.
* * *
Program Committee: (* indicates sub-stream co-coordinators)
Keijiro Araki, Kyushu, Japan;
Egidio Astesiano, Italy;
Albert Benveniste, France;
Didier Bert, France;
Dominique Bolignano;
Egon Borger, Italy;
Wilfried Brauer, Germany;
Ed Brinksma, The Netherlands;
Manfred Broy, Germany;
Andrew Butterfield, Ireland;
Edmund Clarke USA * Languages and Tools
Dan Craigen, Canada;
Jorge M. Cuellar, Germany * System Applications
Aristides Dasso, Argentina;
Tim Denvir, UK;
Steve Dunne, UK;
John Fitzgerald, UK;
Birgitte Frolich, Austria;
Kokichi Futatsugi, Japan;
David Garlan, USA * Integration with systems engineering
Marie-Claude Gaudel, France;
Chris George, Macau;
David Gries, USA * Education
Henri Habrias, France;
Nicolas Halbwachs, France;
Anne Haxthausen, Denmark;
Ian Hayes, Australia;
Rick Hehner, Canada * Design Calculi
Valerie Issarny, France; * Combining formal and informal techniques
Leonid Kalinichenko, Russia * Open Information Systems
Kanchana Kanchanasut, Thailand;
Marite Kirikova, Latvia;
Derrick Kourie, South Africa;
Souleymane Koussoube, Burkina Faso;
Jean-Claude Laprie, France;
Peter Gorm Larsen, Denmark;
Shaoying Liu, Japan;
Peter Lucas, Austria;
Micheal MacanAirchinnigh, Ireland;
Zohar Manna, USA;
Lynn Marshall, Canada;
Tom Maibaum, UK;
Cornelis (Kees) Middelburg, The Netherlands;
Markus Montigel, Austria;
Nikolai Nikitchenko, Ukraine;
Friederike Nickl, Germany;
Roger Noussi, Gabon;
Jose Nuno Oliveira, Portugal;
Fernando Orejas, Spain;
Pandya Paritosh, India;
Jan Peleska, Germany;
Hans Rischel, Denmark * Systems Application
Teodor Rus, Iowa, USA;
Augusto Sampaio, Brazil;
Doug Smith, USA;
Radu Soricut, Rumania;
Andrzej Tarlecki, Poland;
T.H.Tse, Hong Kong;
Bogdan Warinski, Rumania;
Jeannette Wing Co-chair
Jim Woodcock Co-chair
Pamela Zave, USA * Telecommunications
Zhou Chaochen, Macau.
Technical Symposium Programme Committee
Prof Jeannette Wing Dr James Woodcock
Computer Science Department Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Carnegie Mellon University Wolfson Building, Parks Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Oxford OX1 3QD
USA England, UK
Phone: +1 412 268-3068 Fax: +44 1865 273839
E-mail: wing@cs.cmu.edu Jim.Woodcock@comlab.ox.ac.uk
URL: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~wing http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/igdp
End of Call for Paper
* * * * *
Begin of General Announcement
FM'99: World Congress on Formal Methods
20-24 September 1999, Conference Center, Toulouse, France
Tools Fair & Applications Forum
Users Group & Workshop Meetings
Industrial Tutorials
In addition to the Technical Symposium FM'99 will have three other
parallel events:
A five full day Tools Fair & Applications Forum
We plan to feature such tools as:
Atg & Fc2Tools, Atelier B, B-Toolkit, CADiZ, CADP, Centaur,
Centaur-VDM environment, CHol, Circal System, Cogito, CtCoq,
Design/CPN, DisCo, DST-fuzz, DST Z-Toolbox, Emma, ExSpect, FDR,
Formaliser, ForMooZ, hol90, ICOS, IFAD VDM-SL Toolbox, i-Logics
(Statemate/Rhapsody), Isabelle, JACK, Llull (TLS), LOTOS Toolbox,
Larch Prover, MALPAS, Mathias, Mural, Murphi, NP-Tools 2.2,
Nqthm-1992, ObjectGEODE, Oyster/Whelk/CLaM/Barnacle, Pet Dingo, PiZA,
POSES++, ProofPower, Prover, PVS, RAISE Toolset, SCR* Toolset, SDT and
ITEX, SpecBox, SPIN, STeP, TAV, TRIO Environment, VDM Class Library
Generator, VDM Through Pictures, Venus, VIS, VisualiZer, VSE, Xeve, Z
Browser, Zola, etc.
We invite other formal methods tool makers to contact the Tools Fair &
Applications Forum co-chairmen:
Tim Denvir / Tel: +44 181 360 9205
Translimina Ltd. / Fax: +44 181 360 9205
55A Compton Road / M-mail: t-denvir@dircon.co.uk
Winchmore Hill
Nico Plat / Tel: +31 (30) 2526960
Cap Gemini Nederland B.V. / Fax: +31 (30) 3523783
Divisie Overheid, unit D10 / URL: http://www.capgemini.nl
Postbus 2575 / E-Mail: Nico.Plat@ACM.org
3500 GN Utrecht
The Netherlands
Five days of one--three half--day
Users and Working Group Meetings
The following Users Groups are currently invited:
ASM, B/AMN, Coq, HOL/Isabelle, Larch, Lotos,
Petri Net, ProCoS, PVS, RAISE, SDL, Telelogic,
Verilog, VDM--SL, Z (ZUG), etc.
We invite other formal methods groups to contact the congress chairman.
Five days of two--four half--day
Industry Tutorials
We are planning tutorials on the use of formal methods in individual
areas such as:
* Avionics (Air Traffic Control, Aerospace, etc.)
* Formal Hardware Techniques,
* Formal Systems & Software Development,
* Railway Systems,
* Secure Systems,
* Synchronous Languages,
* Telecommunications
There are plans to arrange additional Tutorials.
-------------------------- * * * ------------------------------
The Technical Symposium will feature well over a hundred presentations
held in several parallel tracks and will bring leading technologists,
scientists and educationalists together for a first world event in this
field. The Tools Fair & Applications Forum will constitute a major event.
The Users and Working Group Meetings will be open to all participants.
Finally the Industrial Tutorials will attract software engineers from
the designated areas for in-depth mini-courses on the specific use of
formal specification, design calculi and tool techniques in their area
- given by leading technologists and scientists today.
-------------------------- * * * ------------------------------
Congress General Chair Organisation Committee Chair
Prof Dines Bjorner Dr Rene Jacquart
Dept. of IT, Bldg.344 Computer Science Department
Technical University of Denmark Cert Onera, Rangueil
DK-2800 Lyngby Ave. Edouard Belin 2
Denmark F--31400 Toulouse Cedex
Fax: +45- +33-62-25.25.93
E-mail: db@it.dtu.dk jacquart@cert.fr
URL: http://www.it.dtu.dk/~db
Congress Public Relations Officer
Dr Michael Hinchey
Dept. of Comp.Science & Information Systems
University of Limerick
National Technological Park
Limerick, Ireland
E-Mail: hinchey@cis.njit.edu
Fax: +1-201-596-5777
End of General Announcement
Pls. look at
for updates to the above message!