
Semantics of Objects as Processes - SOAP (satellite of ICALP'98)

       C A L L     F O R     P A R T I C I P A T I O N

            |                SOAP               |
            |     International Workshop on     |
            |  Aalborg, Denmark, July 18, 1998  |
            | Held in conjunction with ICALP'98 |
            |         Sponsored by BRICS        |
	WWW:   http://www.cs.auc.dk/~hans/soap.html
	Email: soap@cs.auc.dk

	Within the past couple of years, there has been growing
	interest in studying the behavioural properties of
	object-oriented programs using concepts and ideas from the
	world of concurrent process calculi. This view has proven to
	be advantageous in many ways for semantics and verification
	issues: on one hand, the use of encodings of object-oriented
	languages into existing typed mobile process calculi enables
	formal reasoning about the correctness of programs; on the
	other hand, standard techniques from concurrency theory as
	well as specific encodings of objects as processes help in
	finding appropriate and mathematically tractable behavioural
	equivalences on objects.  The one-day SOAP workshop aims to
	bring together researchers working in this area.

Contributions (in order of submission): 

	S. Dal-Zilio
	"Quiet and Bouncing Objects: 
	Two Migration Abstractions in a Simple Distributed Blue Calculus"

	C. Herrero, J. Oliver
	"Object-Oriented Parallel Label-Selective lambda-calculus"

	C. Balzarotti, F. De Cindio, L. Pomello
	"Observation equivalences for type and implementation inheritances"

	A. Ravara, P. Resende, V. Vasconcelos
	"Towards an Algebra of Dynamic Object Types"

	A. Gordon, P. Hankin
	"A Concurrent Object Calculus:  Summary of the Operational Semantics"

	H. Hüttel, J. Kleist, U. Nestmann, D. Sangiorgi
	"Surrogates in Øjeblik: Towards Migration in Obliq"


	Registration is possible via the registration form
	found in the ICALP98 leaflet


	via WWW at


	EARLY: on/before June 1
	LATE:  on/before June 12