
[meyer: TYPE:TYPE]

   From: mcvax!doc.ic.ac.uk!sa@uunet.UU.NET <SAMSON ABRAMSKY>
   Date: Mon, 23 Nov 87 11:05:25 GMT
   To: meyer@theory.lcs.mit.edu
   Subject: Re:  [meyer: TYPE:TYPE]

   I will send you the draft paper (which incidentally is by me; Luke Ong
   is writing his thesis on extensions to what I have done.  His thesis
   is shaping up as a very nice piece of work; he should have a draft
   version to circulate by the end of the year, and plans to submit next
   summer.  If you are interested, I will ask him to send you a copy of
   the draft.)

   Meanwhile, here is a hint. Say we are in the untyped pure lambda
   calculus, and we have defined a notion of convergence (e.g. to weak
   head normal form, i.e. an abstraction).  Then we define, for closed
   terms M, N:

    M preord N <-> M converges to lambda x. M' implies N converges to
		    lambda y.N', and for all P, M'[P/x] preord N'[P/x].

   This recursive definition unwinds into a maximal fixpoint; the closure
   ordinal is omega. The realtion can then be extended to all terms by
   ground instances.

   Because there is no non-determinism in this particular language, the
   relation would perhaps better be called simulation; however, the
   analogy with bisimulation in CCS etc. is clear.  Moreover, this notion
   can be extended to typed calculi such as Plotkin's meta-language; once
   powerdomains enter the picture, calling the relation a bisimulation
   becomes fully justified.

   Regards, Samson
I'd like your draft paper.  I'll wait on the thesis till it's done, but send
it to me then please.

The relation you describe as `simulation' in this deterministic setting
looks to me like Bohm-tree equivalence straightforwardly modified to handle
weak heads forms.  Offhand, I question the rationale for generalizing it to
something like bisimulation in the nondeterministic case---how does
bisimulation arise from nondeterminism and powerdomains?  My
prejudice here comes from my POPL paper on bisimulation: I don't see how to
arrive at bisimulation as the congruence refining equivalence wrt to
observing some primitive computational outcome like (possible and/or
necessary) termination.

Regards, A.