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Up: Semi-Auxiliaries
Previous: Other semi-auxiliaries
There is a lingering problem with the auxiliaries that stems from the fact that
there currently is no way to distinguish between the main verb and auxiliary verb
behaviors for a given letter string within the morphology. This situation
results in many unacceptable sentences being successfully parsed by the system.
Examples of the unacceptable sentences are given below.
- (373)
- the miller cans tell a good story . (vs the farmer cans peaches in July .)
- (374)
- David wills have finished by noon . (vs the old man wills his fortune to me .)
- (375)
- Sarah needs not leave . (vs Sarah needs to leave .)
- (376)
- Jennifer dares not be seen . (vs the young woman dares him to do the stunt .)
- (377)
- Lila does use to like beans . (vs Lila does use her new cookware .)
XTAG Project