[xtag-meeting]: Two practice talks for TAG+ [tomorrow, 10:30am, IRCS Fishbowl]
To: xtag-meeting@cis.upenn.edu
Subject: [xtag-meeting]: Two practice talks for TAG+ [tomorrow, 10:30am, IRCS Fishbowl]
From: Anoop Sarkar <anoop@linc.cis.upenn.edu>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 14:23:26 EDT
Sender: owner-xtag@linc.cis.upenn.edu
Xtag meeting;
10:30am 15/16/2002
IRCS Fishbowl
Chung-hye Han and David Chiang will practice their TAG+ talks tomorrow.
===Talk 1===
Korean-English MT and S-TAG
Mark Dras and Chung-hye Han
In this talk, we explores the feasibility of using a TAG meta-level grammar
based STAG approach to model the mapping between Korean and English, using
examples from Penn Korean/English parallel corpus.
===Talk 2===
Putting weakly context-free formalisms in order
David Chiang
I will examine several grammar formalisms which are weakly equivalent to CFG
(tree insertion grammar, regular-form TAG, and "component-local" scattered
context grammar), yet all are more useful than CFG in one sense or another. I
will show, through a combination of old and new results, that there are
formally precise ways of describing the superiority of these formalisms over
CFG, and that in this seemingly tight space of weakly context-free formalisms,
there is still room for exploration.