
[xtag-meeting]: this week: thursday 10:30am IRCS fishbowl

XTAG Meeting: Thurs 10:30am IRCS Fishbowl

This week at the XTAG meeting, Alexandra Kinyon will give a presentation about 
TAG parsing.

Here is an abstract of her talk:

In this talk, I will discuss the work the INRIA team in France presented at 
ACL in Toulouse. I will introduce the notion of Range Concatenation Grammar 
(RCG) and the notion of guided parsing and will explain how these were used to 
develop a fast parser for TAGs using the Xtag English grammar. I will present 
a comparison between the RCG-based INRIA parser and Anoop's parser. Finally, I 
will talk about some points on which it may be interesting to develop an 
NSF-Inria collaboration.
