
XTAG meeting, Thurs, Nov. 16

We will be continuing our discussion of semantic representations for
(X)TAG, and of Kallmeyer and Joshi, in particular. Mark will lead the
discussion by taking us through some examples and showing how the
semantics would work. He has chosen the five sentences given below from
the corpus that Hoa provided. The suggestion is that we all work through
these sentences ahead of time and then discuss them as a group in the
meeting. (This will involve figuring out the relevant XTAG elementary
trees, assigning a semantic representation to each elementary tree and
then determining the result of combining the trees using the system given
in Kallmeyer and Joshi.)


Energetic and concrete action has been taken in Colombia during the
past 60 days against the mafiosi of the drug trade , but it has not
been sufficiently effective , because , unfortunately , it came too
late .

Ten years ago , the newspaper El Espectador , of which my brother
Guillermo was editor , began warning of the rise of the drug mafias
and of their leaders ' aspirations to control Colombian politics ,
especially the Congress .

The censorship is enforced through terrorism and assassination . 

All drug-consuming countries must jointly decide to combat and punish
the consumers and distributors of drugs .  

More than 300 planes and helicopters have been impounded at airports ,
and a large number of vehicles and launches has been confiscated .