* Some General Useful Tactics for COQ v8.0pl3                       *
* Arthur Charguéraud, July 2006                                     *

(********************** Immediate Extensions ***********************)

Ltac sets H E := 
  set (H := E); clearbody H.
Ltac poses H :=
  let N := fresh "HU" in sets N H.
Ltac asserts H E :=
  assert (H : E).
Ltac splits :=
  repeat split.
Ltac destructs H :=
  let H1 := fresh "H" in let H2 := fresh "H" in first 
  [ destruct H as [H1 H2]; destructs H1 ; destructs H2 | idtac ].
Ltac inversions H :=
  inversion H; subst.
Ltac injections H :=
  injection H; clear H; intros; subst.
Ltac contradictions :=
  assert False; [ idtac | contradiction ].

(************************** Added Tactics **************************)

Ltac decide_equality := 
  match goal with |- {?X = ?Y} + {?X <> ?Y} 
  => decide equality X Y end.

Ltac func_equal := match goal with
  | [ |- (?F _ = ?F _ ) ] => apply (f_equal F)
  | [ |- (?F _ _ = ?F _ _) ] => apply (f_equal2 F)
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ = ?F _ _ _) ] => apply (f_equal3 F)
  | [ |- (?F _ _ _ _ = ?F _ _ _ _) ] => apply (f_equal4 F)
  | _ => idtac

Ltac generalize_equality expr name := let equa := fresh in
  (set (name := expr); assert (equa : name = expr); 
  [ trivial | generalize name equa; clear name equa ]).

(********************** Maths Manipulations ************************)

Require Import Omega.

Tactic Notation "change_maths" constr(H1) "with" constr(H2) :=
  replace H1 with H2; [ idtac | omega ].

Tactic Notation "absurd_maths" :=
  assert False; [ omega | contradiction ].

(********************** Aggressive Automation **********************)

Tactic Notation "auto" "*" := 
  try solve [ auto | intuition (eauto 7) ]. 
Tactic Notation "asserts" "*" ident(H) constr(E) :=
  assert (H : E); [ auto* | idtac ].
Tactic Notation "apply" "*" constr(H) := 
  first [ apply H | eapply H ]; auto*.
Tactic Notation "splits" "*" := 
  splits; auto*.
Tactic Notation "inversion" "*" constr(H) := 
  inversion H; auto*.
Tactic Notation "induction" "*" constr(H) := 
  induction H; auto*.
Tactic Notation "inversions" "*" constr(H) := 
  inversions H; auto*.
Tactic Notation "contradictions" "*" := 
   contradictions; auto*.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" constr(H) := 
  rewrite H; auto*.
Tactic Notation "rewrite" "*" "<-" constr(H) := 
  rewrite <- H; auto*.
Tactic Notation "simpl" "*" := 
  simpl; auto*.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "*" constr(H) := 
  destruct H; auto*.
Tactic Notation "func_equal" "*" := 
  func_equal; auto*.

Ltac use expr :=
  poses expr; auto*.
Ltac use2 expr1 expr2 :=
  poses expr1; use expr2.
Ltac use3 expr1 expr2 expr3 :=
  poses expr1; poses expr2; use expr3.

* Preservation and progress for simply typed lambda-calculus        *
* Arthur Charguéraud, July 2006, in Coq v8.0pl3                     *

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List.  

(********************** Variables and Indices **********************)

Definition var := nat.

Lemma eq_var_dec : forall (x y : var), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality.

Notation "x 'notin' L" := (~ (In x L)) (at level 68).

Lemma fresh_sum_plus_one : forall x L, 

  In x L -> fold_right (fun r y => S (y + r)) 1 L > x.
induction L; simpl; intros; destruct H.
subst. omega. poses (IHL H). omega.

Lemma fresh_exists : forall L, exists x : var, x notin L.
intros. set (x := fold_right (fun r y => S (y + r)) 1 L).
exists x. intro H. sets HX (fresh_sum_plus_one x L H).
unfold x in HX. omega.

Notation "x == y" := (eq_var_dec x y) (at level 67).
Notation "i === j" := (eq_nat_dec i j) (at level 67).

(************************ Types and Terms **************************)

Definition atm := nat.

Inductive typ : Set :=
  | typvar : atm -> typ
  | arrow  : typ -> typ -> typ.

Inductive trm : Set :=
  | bvar : nat -> trm
  | fvar : var -> trm
  | app  : trm -> trm -> trm
  | abs  : typ -> trm -> trm.

(************************** Substitution ***************************)

Fixpoint substb (k : nat) (u : trm) (t : trm) {struct t} : trm :=
  match t with
  | bvar i    => if k === i then u else (bvar i)
  | fvar x    => fvar x 
  | app t1 t2 => app (substb k u t1) (substb k u t2)
  | abs U t1  => abs U (substb (S k) u t1) 

Notation "{ k ~> u } t" := (substb k u t) (at level 67).
Notation "t ^^ u" := (substb 0 u t) (at level 67).
Notation "t ^ x" := (substb 0 (fvar x) t).

Fixpoint substf (z : var) (u : trm) (t : trm) {struct t} : trm :=
  match t with
  | bvar i    => bvar i 
  | fvar x    => if x == z then u else (fvar x)
  | app t1 t2 => app (substf z u t1) (substf z u t2)
  | abs U t1  => abs U (substf z u t1) 

Notation "[ z ~> u ] t" := (substf z u t) (at level 68).

(************************** Environments ***************************)

Inductive env : Set :=
  | env_empty : env 
  | env_push  : env -> var -> typ -> env.

Notation "¤" := (env_empty).
Notation "E & x ~: T" := (env_push E x T) (at level 68).

Inductive env_has : env -> var -> typ -> Prop :=
  | env_has_init : forall E x T, 
      env_has (E & x ~: T) x T
  | env_has_push : forall E x y T U, 
      env_has E x T -> env_has (E & y ~: U) x T.

Notation "E 'has' x ~: T" := (env_has E x T) (at level 68).

Fixpoint dom (E : env) : list var := 
  match E with
  | ¤ => nil 
  | E & x ~: U => x :: (dom E)

Notation "x '#' E" := (x notin (dom E)) (at level 68).

(************************* Well-Formation **************************)

Reserved Notation "E 'wf' T" (at level 68).

Inductive wfin : env -> trm -> Prop :=
  | wfin_fvar : forall E x T, 
      E has x ~: T -> E wf (fvar x)
  | wfin_app : forall E t1 t2,
      E wf t1 -> E wf t2 -> E wf (app t1 t2)
  | wfin_abs : forall L E U t1,
      (forall x, x notin L -> (E & x ~: U) wf (t1 ^ x)) -> 
      E wf (abs U t1)

where "E 'wf' t" := (wfin E t).

Inductive ok : env -> Prop :=
  | ok_empty : 
       ok env_empty
  | ok_push  : forall E x T, ok E -> x # E -> ok (E & x ~: T).

(************************** Typing Relation ************************)

Notation "E 'oks' t" := (ok E /\ E wf t) (at level 68).

Reserved Notation "E |- t ~: T" (at level 69).

Inductive typing : env -> trm -> typ -> Prop :=
  | T_var : forall E x T, E oks (fvar x) ->
      E has x ~: T -> E |- (fvar x) ~: T
  | T_app : forall E S T t1 t2, E oks (app t1 t2) ->
      E |- t1 ~: (arrow S T) -> E |- t2 ~: S ->   
      E |- (app t1 t2) ~: T
  | T_abs : forall L E U T t1, E oks (abs U t1) ->
      (forall x, x notin L -> (E & x ~: U) |- t1 ^ x ~: T) -> 
      E |- (abs U t1) ~: (arrow U T)
where "E |- t ~: T" := (typing E t T).

(********************* Values and Reductions ***********************)

Inductive value : trm -> Prop :=
  | value_abs : forall U t1, value (abs U t1).

Inductive red : trm -> trm -> Prop :=
  | red_abs : forall U t1 t2,
      value t2 -> red (app (abs U t1) t2) (t1 ^^ t2)
  | red_app_1 : forall t1 t1' t2,
      red t1 t1' -> red (app t1 t2) (app t1' t2)
  | red_app_2 : forall t1 t2 t2', 
      value t1 -> red t2 t2' -> red (app t1 t2) (app t1 t2').

Notation "t --> t'" := (red t t') (at level 68).

(***************************** Tactics *****************************)

Hint Constructors env_has wfin ok typing value red.

Ltac case_var :=
  let destr x y := destruct (x == y); [try subst x | idtac] in
  match goal with
  | |- context [?x == ?y]      => destr x y  
  | H: context [?x == ?y] |- _ => destr x y 

Tactic Notation "case_var" "*" := case_var; auto*.

(****************************** Names ******************************)

Lemma fresh_cons : forall (x:var) y L, 

  x notin y :: L -> x <> y /\ x notin L.
splits; intro; apply H; simpl*.

Lemma fresh_append : forall (x:var) K L, 

  x notin K ++ L -> x notin K /\ x notin L.
splits; use in_or_app.

Ltac simpl_fresh H :=
  let H1 := fresh "H" in let H2 := fresh "H" in
  let recurse :=
    clear H; try (simpl_fresh H1); try (simpl_fresh H2) in
  match type of H with 
  | _ notin _ :: _ => destruct (fresh_cons H) as [H1 H2]; recurse
  | ?x notin ?K ++ ?L => 
         destruct (fresh_append x K L H) as [H1 H2]; recurse

Tactic Notation "pick" ident(x) "notin" constr(L) :=
  let H := fresh "H" in 
  (destruct (fresh_exists L) as [x H]; try simpl_fresh H).

Ltac apply_T_abs x L :=
  let Fr := fresh "Fr" in (eapply (@T_abs L); 
  [ auto* | intros x Fr; simpl_fresh Fr ]).

(************** Properties of Well-formed Environments  ************)

Lemma has_to_not_fresh : forall E x U,

  x # E -> E has x ~: U -> False.
intros. induction E. inversion H0.
simpl in H. inversions* H0. 

Lemma env_functional : forall x U V E, 

  ok E -> E has x ~: U -> E has x ~: V -> U = V.
intros x U V E. induction E; intros; inversion H;
inversion H0; inversion H1; subst; try solve 
[ auto | contradictions; apply* has_to_not_fresh ].

(******************* Well-formed Free Variables ********************)

Fixpoint infv (x : var) (t : trm) {struct t} : Prop :=
  match t with
  | bvar i    => False
  | fvar y    => x = y
  | app t1 t2 => infv x t1 \/ infv x t2
  | abs U t1  => infv x t1 

Lemma infv_pass_binder : forall x y t k, 

  infv x t -> infv x ({k ~> fvar y}t).
induction t; simpl*.

Lemma fresh_wf_to_not_infv : forall x E T,

  x # E -> E wf T -> ~(infv x T).
intros x E T Fr WT. induction WT; simpl*.
intro. subst x. apply* has_to_not_fresh.
intro C. pick y notin (x :: (dom E) ++ L).
assert (x # (E & y ~: U)). simpl*. 
use infv_pass_binder.

Lemma var_intro_infv : forall x u t k, ~(infv x t) ->

  {k ~> u}t = [x ~> u]{k ~> fvar x}t.
induction t; simpl; intros; func_equal*.
destruct (k === n); simpl. case_var*. auto*. 

Lemma var_intro : forall x E U t, x # E -> E wf (abs U t) ->

  forall u, t ^^ u = [x ~> u](t ^x).
intros. apply var_intro_infv. use fresh_wf_to_not_infv.

(***************** Permutation of Substitutions ********************)

Lemma substb_cross : forall u v t i j, i <> j -> 

{i ~> u}({j ~> v}t) = {j ~> v}t  ->  {i ~> u}t = t.
induction t; intros; simpl in *; inversion H0; func_equal*.
destruct* (j === n). destruct* (i === n). absurd_maths.

Lemma substb_on_wf : forall E t u, 

  E wf t -> forall k, {k ~> u}t = t.
intros E T u WF. induction WF; intros; simpl; func_equal*.
pick x notin L. eapply substb_cross with (j := 0). omega. auto*.

Lemma subst_permutation_ind : forall E x y u t, 

  y <> x -> E wf u -> forall k, 

  {k ~> fvar y} ([x ~> u]t) = [x ~> u] ({k ~> fvar y} t).
induction t; intros; simpl; func_equal*.
destruct* (k === n). simpl. case_var*.
case_var*. apply* substb_on_wf.

Lemma subst_permutation : forall E x y u t, y <> x -> E wf u -> 

  ([x ~> u]t) ^ y = [x ~> u] (t ^ y).
use subst_permutation_ind.

(******************* Extension of Environments *********************)

Definition extends E F := 
  forall x U, E has x ~: U -> F has x ~: U.

Notation "E 'inc' F" := (extends E F) (at level 68).

Hint Unfold extends.

Lemma extends_push : forall E F x T,  

  E inc F -> (E & x ~: T) inc (F & x ~: T).
unfold extends. intros. inversion* H0.

(****************** Substitution in Environments *******************)

Definition env_subst z E F :=
  forall x U, E has x ~: U -> x <> z -> F has x ~: U.

Notation "E '\' z 'incl' F" := (env_subst z E F) (at level 67).

Lemma env_subst_init : forall E z S, (E & z ~: S) \ z incl E.
unfold env_subst. intros. inversions* H.

Lemma env_subst_push : forall z E F x U, x <> z -> 

  E \ z incl F -> (E & x ~: U) \ z incl (F & x ~: U).
unfold env_subst. intros. inversions* H1. 

(************************* Useful Lemmas ***************************)

Lemma typing_to_ok : forall E t T, E |- t ~: T -> ok E.
intros. inversion* H. 

Lemma typing_to_wf : forall E t T, E |- t ~: T -> E wf t.
intros. inversion* H. 

Lemma extends_wf : forall E t, E wf t -> 

  forall F, E inc F -> F wf t.
intros E t H. induction* H. use extends_push.

Lemma subst_wf : forall t z u E, E wf t -> 

 forall F, E \ z incl F -> F wf u -> F wf ([z ~> u]t).
intros t z u E H. induction H; intros F Incl Wu; simpl.
case_var*. auto*. apply* (@wfin_abs (z::L)). 
intros x Fr. simpl_fresh Fr. rewrite* (@subst_permutation F). 
use2 extends_wf env_subst_push.

Hint Resolve typing_to_ok typing_to_wf extends_wf.

(************************** Main Proofs ****************************)

Lemma extends_typing : forall E t T,

  E |- t ~: T -> forall F, E inc F -> ok F -> F |- t ~: T.
intros E r T Typt. induction* Typt. 
intros. apply_T_abs x (L ++ dom F). use extends_push.

Lemma subst_typing : forall E z u U t T, 

  E has z ~: U -> E |- t ~: T -> 

  forall F, E \ z incl F -> F |- u ~: U -> 

  F |- [z ~> u]t ~: T.
intros E z u U t T Has Typt. 
induction Typt; intros F Incl Typu; simpl*.
  (* Case T-var *)
case_var*. rewrite* (@env_functional z T U E).
  (* Case T-app *)
apply* T_app.
  (* Case T-abs *)
sets WF (@subst_wf (abs U0 t1)). simpl in WF.
apply_T_abs x (z :: dom F ++ dom E ++ L). 
rewrite* (@subst_permutation F). apply* H1.
apply* env_subst_push. apply* extends_typing. 

Lemma preservation_ind : forall t t', t --> t' ->

  forall E T, E |- t ~: T -> E |- t' ~: T.
intros t t' Red. induction Red; intros E T Typ; inversions Typ.
inversions H4. pick x notin (L ++ dom E). 
rewrite* (@var_intro x E S).
apply* subst_typing. apply* env_subst_init.
apply* T_app. apply* T_app.

Lemma progress_ind : forall t T E, E |- t ~: T -> 

  E = env_empty -> value t \/ exists t' : trm, t --> t'.
intros t T E Typ. induction Typ; intros EQ; subst. 
inversion H0. destruct* (IHTyp1). destruct* (IHTyp2).
inversion* H0. destruct* H1. destruct* H0. auto*.

(************************ Final Theorems **************************)

Theorem preservation : forall E t t' T, 

  t --> t' -> E |- t ~: T -> E |- t' ~: T.
use preservation_ind.

Theorem progress : forall t T, ¤ |- t ~: T -> 

  value t \/ exists t' : trm, t --> t'.
use progress_ind.