Library Lib_Untyped_Lambda
Require Import Metatheory.
Module Type CONST.
Parameter const : Set.
We parameterize the lambda calculus over a set of base constants.
Module Lam (Const : CONST).
Inductive syntax : Set :=
| bvar : nat -> syntax
| fvar : atom -> syntax
| abs : syntax -> syntax
| app : syntax -> syntax -> syntax
| const : Const.const -> syntax.
Coercion bvar : nat >-> syntax.
Coercion fvar : atom >-> syntax.
Fixpoint open_rec (k : nat) (u : syntax) (e : syntax) {struct e} : syntax :=
match e with
| bvar i => if k === i then u else (bvar i)
| fvar x => fvar x
| abs e1 => abs (open_rec (S k) u e1)
| app e1 e2 => app (open_rec k u e1) (open_rec k u e2)
| const c => const c
Notation Local "{ k ~> u } t" := (open_rec k u t) (at level 67).
Definition open e u := open_rec 0 u e.
Fixpoint subst (z : atom) (u : syntax) (e : syntax) {struct e} : syntax :=
match e with
| bvar i => bvar i
| fvar x => if x == z then u else (fvar x)
| abs e1 => abs (subst z u e1)
| app e1 e2 => app (subst z u e1) (subst z u e2)
| const c => const c
Notation Local "[ z ~> u ] e" := (subst z u e) (at level 68).
Fixpoint fv (e : syntax) {struct e} : atoms :=
match e with
| bvar i => {}
| fvar x => singleton x
| abs e1 => (fv e1)
| app e1 e2 => (fv e1) `union` (fv e2)
| const c => {}
Fixpoint close_rec (k : nat) (x : atom) (e : syntax) {struct e} : syntax :=
match e with
| bvar i => bvar i
| fvar y => if x == y then (bvar k) else (fvar y)
| abs e1 => abs (close_rec (S k) x e1)
| app e1 e2 => app (close_rec k x e1) (close_rec k x e2)
| const c => const c
Definition close e x := close_rec 0 x e.
Inductive lc : syntax -> Prop :=
| lc_var : forall x,
lc (fvar x)
| lc_abs : forall L e,
(forall x : atom, x `notin` L -> lc (open e x)) ->
lc (abs e)
| lc_app : forall e1 e2,
lc e1 ->
lc e2 ->
lc (app e1 e2)
| lc_const : forall s,
lc (const s).
Hint Constructors lc.
Definition body (e : syntax) :=
exists L, forall x : atom, x `notin` L -> lc (open e x).
Inductive level : nat -> syntax -> Prop :=
| level_bvar : forall n i,
i < n ->
level n (bvar i)
| level_fvar : forall n x,
level n (fvar x)
| level_abs : forall n e,
level (S n) e ->
level n (abs e)
| level_app : forall n e1 e2,
level n e1 ->
level n e2 ->
level n (app e1 e2)
| level_const : forall n c,
level n (const c).
Hint Constructors level.
Lemma open_rec_lc_core : forall e j v i u,
i <> j ->
{j ~> v} e = {i ~> u} ({j ~> v} e) ->
e = {i ~> u} e.
Lemma open_rec_lc : forall k u e,
lc e ->
e = {k ~> u} e.
Lemma subst_open_rec : forall (x : atom) e1 e2 u k,
lc u ->
[x ~> u] ({k ~> e2} e1) = {k ~> [x ~> u] e2} ([x ~> u] e1).
Lemma subst_open : forall (x : atom) e1 e2 u,
lc u ->
[x ~> u] (open e1 e2) = open ([x ~> u] e1) ([x ~> u] e2).
Lemma subst_open_var : forall (x y : atom) u e,
y <> x ->
lc u ->
open ([x ~> u] e) y = [x ~> u] (open e y).
Lemma subst_intro_rec : forall (x : atom) e u k,
x `notin` fv e ->
{k ~> u} e = [x ~> u] ({k ~> x} e).
Lemma subst_intro : forall x e u,
x `notin` fv e ->
open e u = subst x u (open e x).
Lemma subst_lc : forall (x : atom) u e,
lc e ->
lc u ->
lc ([x ~> u] e).
Lemma subst_fresh : forall (x : atom) u e,
x `notin` fv e ->
e = [x ~> u] e.
Lemma lc_open_from_body : forall e1 e2,
body e1 ->
lc e2 ->
lc (open e1 e2).
Lemma lc_open_from_abs : forall e1 e2,
lc (abs e1) ->
lc e2 ->
lc (open e1 e2).
Lemma lc_abs_from_body : forall e,
body e ->
lc (abs e).
Lemma body_from_lc_abs : forall e,
lc (abs e) ->
body e.
Lemma open_injective_rec : forall (x : atom) e1 e2 k,
x `notin` (fv e1 `union` fv e2) ->
open_rec k x e1 = open_rec k x e2 ->
e1 = e2.
Lemma open_injective : forall (x : atom) e1 e2,
x `notin` (fv e1 `union` fv e2) ->
open e1 x = open e2 x ->
e1 = e2.
Lemma level_promote : forall n e,
level n e ->
level (S n) e.
Lemma level_open : forall e n (x : atom),
level n (open_rec n x e) ->
level (S n) e.
Lemma level_of_lc : forall e,
lc e -> level 0 e.
Lemma open_close_inv_rec : forall e k (x : atom),
level k e ->
open_rec k x (close_rec k x e) = e.
Lemma open_close_inv : forall e (x : atom),
lc e ->
open (close e x) x = e.
Lemma close_fresh_rec : forall e k x,
x `notin` fv (close_rec k x e).
Lemma close_fresh : forall e x,
x `notin` fv (close e x).
Hint Constructors lc
" is declared above.
interacts poorly with lc_abs
Hint Resolve
lc_abs_from_body body_from_lc_abs
level_of_lc close_fresh_rec close_fresh.
Hint Extern 1 (body ?e) =>
match goal with
| H : lc (app ?e _) |- _ => inversion_clear H
| H : lc (app _ ?e) |- _ => inversion_clear H
End Lam.