CIS 551 / TCOM 401
February 23, 2006
Lecture 12: Digital Signatures
Needham-Schroeder Public Key Authentication
- Similar to challenge response
- Assume know public keys already, and each have access to private key
Example of Protocol:
- Alice encrypts nonce + name using Bart's public key
- Bart decrypts using private key
- Bart encrypts Alice's nonce and his own nonce using Alice's public key
- Alice decrypts using private key
- Alice encrypts Bart's nonce and sends it back to Bart using Bart's public key
- Flaw found in 1996 by Lowe, over 20 years later using a theorem prover
- Malicious user M in the middle impersonates Alice, when talking to Bart.
A -- Km {Na, A} --> M -- Kb {Na, A} --> B
A M <-- Ka {Na, Nb} -- B
A <-- Ka {Na, Nb} M B
A -- Km {Nb} --> M B
A M -- Kb {Nb} --> B
- M must wait for Alice to initiate a session, before the attacker can impersonate
- No partial sessions
- Obvious in hindsight but the subtleties of the attack make it difficult to
- Fix:
- Bart's first response must be Ka {Na, Nb, B}
- M cannot modify the contents of the message; Alice knows the originator of the
message is Bart and not M.
- The fix is called the Needham-Schroeder-Lowe Protocol, proven secure according to
his criteria.
Digital Signatures
- Goal: Establish authenticity of data
- Want to replicate the properties of physical signatures
- Analogy: Credit card signature on back should be unforgeable, and can be
verified at the bank with an authentic signature.
Digital Signatures with Shared Keys
- Assume keys are already distributed (everyone shares key with trusted 3rd
- Only need O(n) keys for the network
- Alice's message should include destination and source: Kat{msg, Bart, Alice}
- Forgery if someone could create:
Ktb {Alice, msg, Kat{msg}}
- Satisfies non-repudiation because Bart has evidence (Kat{msg}) that only Alice and
Tom could create, and Tom is trusted not to
- Must assume trusted third party would never abuse their key
- Can use sequence numbers to prevent message re-use
- To prevent alteration:
Block chaining: Mix some of previous block with current
- Need all blocks to decrypt properly
Digital Signatures with Public Keys
- Bad to re-use keys, e.g. for signatures and encryption
- Can use hash to tell if message has been tampered with
Primary Attacks
- Replay: record message and re-send
- Interleaving: run few instances of protocol simultaneously
- Reflection: direct message intended for one recipient to someone else
- Delay: take a very long time to respond to protocol
- Chosen plaintext: submit arbitrary plaintext to be encrypted
- Zero knowledge protocol: method to prove to someone you know something without
giving away what you know
Multiple Use of Keys
- Using RSA for both authentication and signature
- Alice is encrypting something for Bart without knowing who he is
- Bart can use this to encrypt a hash of a message
- The result is Bart can get Alice to sign anything