Library STLC_Tutorial
The simply-typed lambda calculus in Coq.
An interactive tutorial on developing programming language
metatheory. This file uses the simply-typed lambda calculus
(STLC) to demonstrate the locally nameless representation of
lambda terms and cofinite quantification in judgments.
This tutorial concentrates on "how" to formalize STLC; for more details about "why" we use this style of development see: "Engineering Formal Metatheory", Aydemir, Charguéraud, Pierce, Pollack, Weirich. POPL 2008.
Tutorial authors: Brian Aydemir and Stephanie Weirich, with help from Aaron Bohannon, Nate Foster, Benjamin Pierce, Jeffrey Vaughan, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, and Steve Zdancewic. Adapted from code by Arthur Charguéraud.
This tutorial concentrates on "how" to formalize STLC; for more details about "why" we use this style of development see: "Engineering Formal Metatheory", Aydemir, Charguéraud, Pierce, Pollack, Weirich. POPL 2008.
Tutorial authors: Brian Aydemir and Stephanie Weirich, with help from Aaron Bohannon, Nate Foster, Benjamin Pierce, Jeffrey Vaughan, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, and Steve Zdancewic. Adapted from code by Arthur Charguéraud.
- Syntax of STLC
- Substitution
- Free variables
- Open
- Local closure
- Properties about basic operations
- Cofinite quantification
- Tactic support
- Typing environments
- Typing relation
- Weakening
- Substitution
- Values and evaluation
- Preservation
- Progress
- Additional properties
Solutions to exercises are in
Require Import Metatheory.
We use a locally nameless representation for the simply-typed
lambda calculus, where bound variables are represented as natural
numbers (de Bruijn indices) and free variables are represented as
s. The type atom
, defined in the Atom
represents names: equality is decidable on atoms (eq_atom_dec),
and it is possible to generate an atom fresh for any given
finite set of atoms (atom_fresh_for_set).
Inductive typ : Set :=
| typ_base : typ
| typ_arrow : typ -> typ -> typ.
Inductive exp : Set :=
| bvar : nat -> exp
| fvar : atom -> exp
| abs : exp -> exp
| app : exp -> exp -> exp.
Coercion bvar : nat >-> exp.
Coercion fvar : atom >-> exp.
We declare the constructors for indices and variables to be
coercions. That way, if Coq sees a
where it expects an
, it will implicitly insert an application of bvar
; and
similarly for atom
For example, we can encode the expression (\x. Y x) as below.
Because "Y" is free variable in this term, we need to assume an
atom for this name.
Parameter Y : atom.
Definition demo_rep1 := abs (app Y 0).
Note that because of the coercions we may write
abs (app Y 0)
instead of abs (app (fvar Y) (bvar 0))
Another example: the encoding of (\x. \y. (y x))
Definition demo_rep2 := abs (abs (app 0 1)).
Convert the following lambda calculus term to locally nameless
"two" \s. \z. s(s z)
There are two important advantages of the locally nameless
Weighed against these advantages are two drawbacks:
- Alpha-equivalent terms have a unique representation, we're always working up to alpha-equivalence.
- Operations such as free variable substitution and free variable calculation have simple recursive definitions (and therefore are simple to reason about).
Weighed against these advantages are two drawbacks:
- The
datatype admits terms, such asabs 3
, where indices are unbound. A term is called "locally closed" when it contains no unbound indices. - We must define *both* bound variable & free variable substitution and reason about how these operations interact with eachother.
Substitution replaces a free variable with a term. The definition
below is simple for two reasons:
- Because bound variables are represented using indices, there is no need to worry about variable capture.
- We assume that the term being substituted in is locally closed. Thus, there is no need to shift indices when passing under a binder.
Fixpoint subst (z : atom) (u : exp) (e : exp) {struct e} : exp :=
match e with
| bvar i => bvar i
| fvar x => if x == z then u else (fvar x)
| abs e1 => abs (subst z u e1)
| app e1 e2 => app (subst z u e1) (subst z u e2)
The Fixpoint keyword defines a Coq function. As all functions in
Coq must be total, the annotation
{struct e}
indicates the termination
metric---all recursive calls in this definition are made to
arguments that are structurally smaller than e
We define a notation for free variable substitution that mimics
standard mathematical notation.
Notation "[ z ~> u ] e" := (subst z u e) (at level 68).
To demonstrate how free variable substitution works, we
need to reason about decidable equality.
Parameter Z : atom.
Check (Y == Z).
The decidable atom equality function returns a sum. If the
two atoms are equal, the left branch of the sum is returned,
carrying a proof of the proposition that the atoms are equal.
If they are not equal, the right branch includes a proof of
the disequality.
The demo below uses three new tactics:
- The tactic
reduces a Coq expression to its normal form. - The tactic
marks cases in the proof script. It takes any string as its argument, and puts that string in the hypothesis list until the case is finished. - The tactic
destruct (Y==Y)
considers the two possible results of the equality test.
Lemma demo_subst1: [Y ~> Z] (abs (app 0 Y)) = (abs (app 0 Z)).
destruct (Y==Y).
Case "left".
Case "right".
destruct n. auto.
The function
, defined below, calculates the set of free
variables in an expression. Because we are using locally nameless
representation, where bound variables are represented as indices,
any name we see is a free variable of a term. In particular, this
makes the abs
case simple.
Fixpoint fv (e : exp) {struct e} : atoms :=
match e with
| bvar i => {}
| fvar x => singleton x
| abs e1 => fv e1
| app e1 e2 => (fv e1) `union` (fv e2)
The type
represents a finite set of elements of type atom
and the notations for the empty set and infix union are defined in
the Metatheory library.
To show the ease of reasoning with these definitions, we will
prove a standard result from lambda calculus: if a variable does
not appear free in a term, then substituting for it has no
Lemma subst_fresh : forall (x : atom) e u,
x `notin` fv e -> [x ~> u] e = e.
Opening replaces an index with a term. It corresponds to informal
substitution for a bound variable, such as in the rule for beta
reduction. Note that only "dangling" indices (those that do not
refer to any abstraction) can be opened. Opening has no effect for
terms that are locally closed.
Natural numbers are just an inductive datatype with two constructors: O and S, defined in Coq.Init.Datatypes. The notation
We make several simplifying assumptions in defining
First, we assume that the argument
There is no need to worry about variable capture because bound variables are indices.
Natural numbers are just an inductive datatype with two constructors: O and S, defined in Coq.Init.Datatypes. The notation
k === i
is the decidable equality function for
natural numbers (cf. Coq.Peano_dec.eq_nat_dec).
This notation is defined in the Metatheory
We make several simplifying assumptions in defining
First, we assume that the argument
is locally closed. This
assumption simplifies the implementation since we do not need to
shift indices in u
when passing under a binder. Second, we
assume that this function is initially called with index zero and
that zero is the only unbound index in the term. This eliminates
the need to possibly subtract one in the case of indices.
There is no need to worry about variable capture because bound variables are indices.
Fixpoint open_rec (k : nat) (u : exp) (e : exp) {struct e} : exp :=
match e with
| bvar i => if k === i then u else (bvar i)
| fvar x => fvar x
| abs e1 => abs (open_rec (S k) u e1)
| app e1 e2 => app (open_rec k u e1) (open_rec k u e2)
We also define a notation for
Notation "{ k ~> u } t" := (open_rec k u t) (at level 67).
Many common applications of opening replace index zero with an
expression or variable. The following definition provides a
convenient shorthand for such uses. Note that the order of
arguments is switched relative to the definition above. For
(open e x)
can be read as "substitute the variable x
for index 0
in e
" and "open e
with the variable x
Recall that the coercions above let us write x
in place of
(fvar x)
Definition open e u := open_rec 0 u e.
This next demo shows the operation of 'open'. For example, the
locally nameless representation of the term (\y. (\x. (y x)) y)
abs (app (abs (app 1 0)) 0)
. To look at the body
without the outer abstraction, we need to replace the indices that
refer to that abstraction with a name.
Therefore, we show that we can open the body of the abs above
with Y to produce app (abs (app Y 0)) Y)
Lemma demo_open :
open (app (abs (app 1 0)) 0) Y =
(app (abs (app Y 0)) Y).
Recall that
The inductive definition below formalizes local closure such that the resulting induction principle serves as the structural induction principle over (locally closed) expressions. In particular, unlike induction for type exp, there is no cases for bound variables. Thus, the induction principle corresponds more closely to informal practice than the one arising from the definition of pre-terms.
admits terms that contain unbound indices.
We say that a term is locally closed,
when no indices appearing in it are unbound. The proposition
lc e
holds when an expression e
is locally closed.
The inductive definition below formalizes local closure such that the resulting induction principle serves as the structural induction principle over (locally closed) expressions. In particular, unlike induction for type exp, there is no cases for bound variables. Thus, the induction principle corresponds more closely to informal practice than the one arising from the definition of pre-terms.
Inductive lc : exp -> Prop :=
| lc_var : forall x,
lc (fvar x)
| lc_abs : forall (x:atom) e,
lc (open e x) ->
lc (abs e)
| lc_app : forall e1 e2,
lc e1 ->
lc e2 ->
lc (app e1 e2).
Hint Constructors lc.
Properties about basic operations
The first property we would like to show is the analogue to subst_fresh:
that index substitution has no effect for closed terms.
Here is an initial attempt at the proof.
Here is an initial attempt at the proof.
Lemma open_rec_lc_0 : forall k u e,
lc e ->
e = {k ~> u} e.
intros k u e LC.
induction LC.
Case "lc_fvar".
simpl. auto.
Case "lc_abs".
At this point there are two problems. Our goal is about substitution
for index
To solve the first problem, we generalize our IH over all k. That way, when k is incremented in the abs case, it will still apply. Below, we use the tactic
S k
in term e
, while our induction hypothesis IHLC only
tells use about index k
in term open e x
To solve the first problem, we generalize our IH over all k. That way, when k is incremented in the abs case, it will still apply. Below, we use the tactic
generalize dependent
to generalize over
before using induction.
Lemma open_rec_lc_1 : forall k u e,
lc e ->
e = {k ~> u} e.
intros k u e LC.
generalize dependent k.
induction LC.
Case "lc_fvar".
simpl. auto.
Case "lc_abs".
intro k.
At this point we are still stuck because the IH concerns
In other words, expanding the definition of open:
Of course, to prove this result, we must generalize 0 and S k to be any pair of inequal numbers to get a strong enough induction hypothesis for the abs case.
open e x
instead of e
. The result that
we need is that if an index substitution has no effect for
an opened term, then it has no effect for the raw term (as long
as we are *not* substituting for 0, hence S k below).
open e x = {S k ~> u}(open e x) -> e = {S k ~> u} e
In other words, expanding the definition of open:
{0 ~> x}e = {S k ~> u}({0 ~> x} e) -> e = {S k ~> u} e
Of course, to prove this result, we must generalize 0 and S k to be any pair of inequal numbers to get a strong enough induction hypothesis for the abs case.
Lemma open_rec_lc_core : forall e j v i u,
i <> j ->
{j ~> v} e = {i ~> u} ({j ~> v} e) ->
e = {i ~> u} e.
induction e; intros j v i u Neq H; simpl in *.
Case "bvar".
destruct (j === n); destruct (i === n).
Case "j = n = i".
subst n. destruct Neq. auto.
Case "j = n, i <> n".
Case "j <> n, i = n".
subst n. simpl in H. destruct (i === i). auto. destruct n. auto.
Case "j <> n, i <> n".
Case "fvar".
Case "abs".
inversion H.
apply IHe with (j := S j) (u := u) (i := S i) (v := v).
Case "app".
inversion H.
eapply IHe1; eauto.
eapply IHe2; eauto.
With the help of this lemma, we can complete the proof.
Lemma open_rec_lc : forall k u e,
lc e ->
e = {k ~> u} e.
intros k u e LC.
generalize dependent k.
induction LC.
Case "lc_fvar".
simpl. auto.
Case "lc_abs".
intro k.
unfold open in *.
apply open_rec_lc_core with (i := S k) (j := 0) (u := u) (v := x). auto. auto.
Case "lc_app".
intro k. simpl. f_equal. auto. auto.
The next lemma demonstrates that free variable substitution
distributes over index substitution.
The proof of this lemma is by straightforward induction over e1. When e1 is a free variable, we need to appeal to
The proof of this lemma is by straightforward induction over e1. When e1 is a free variable, we need to appeal to
, proved above.
Lemma subst_open_rec : forall e1 e2 u x k,
lc u ->
[x ~> u] ({k ~> e2} e1) = {k ~> [x ~> u] e2} ([x ~> u] e1).
The lemma above is most often used with k = 0 and
e2 as some fresh variable. Therefore, it simplifies matters
to define the following useful corollary.
Lemma subst_open_var : forall (x y : atom) u e,
y <> x ->
lc u ->
open ([x ~> u] e) y = [x ~> u] (open e y).
Cofinite quantification
Lemma subst_lc_1 : forall (x : atom) u e,
lc e ->
lc u ->
lc ([x ~> u] e).
intros x u e He Hu.
induction He.
Case "lc_fvar".
destruct (x0 == x).
Case "lc_abs".
Print lc_abs.
apply lc_abs with (x:=x0).
Print subst_open_var.
rewrite subst_open_var with (x:=x)(y:=x0).
Here we are stuck. We don't know that x0 is not the same as x.
The solution is to change the *definition* of local closure so that we get a different induction principle. Currently, in the lc_abs case, we show that an abstraction is locally closed by showing that the body is locally closed, after it has been opened with one particular variable.
Therefore, our induction hypothesis in this case only applies to that variable. From the hypothesis list in the abs case:
x0 : atom IHHe : lc (
The problem is that we don't have any assumptions about x0. It could very well be equal to x.
A stronger induction principle provides an IH that applies to many variables. In that case, we could pick one that is "fresh enough". To do so, we need to edit the above definition of lc and replace the type of lc_abs with this one:
This rule says that to show that an abstraction is locally closed, we need to show that the body is closed, after it has been opened by any atom x, *except* those in some set L. With this rule, the IH in this proof is now:
H0 : forall x0 : atom, x0 `notin` L -> lc (
We call this "cofinite quantification" because the IH applies to an infinite number of atoms x0, except those in some finite set L.
Changing the rule in this way does not change what terms are locally closed. (For more details about cofinite-quantification see: "Engineering Formal Metatheory", Aydemir, Chargu\u00e9raud, Pierce, Pollack, Weirich. POPL 2008.)
So to complete this proof, make the change to lc_abs above. Note, that you will need to go back to the proof of
You will also have to comment out
Once these changes have been made, we can complete the proof of subst_lc.
The solution is to change the *definition* of local closure so that we get a different induction principle. Currently, in the lc_abs case, we show that an abstraction is locally closed by showing that the body is locally closed, after it has been opened with one particular variable.
| lc_abs : forall (x:atom) e, lc (open e x) -> lc (abs e)
Therefore, our induction hypothesis in this case only applies to that variable. From the hypothesis list in the abs case:
x0 : atom IHHe : lc (
x ~> u
open e x0)
The problem is that we don't have any assumptions about x0. It could very well be equal to x.
A stronger induction principle provides an IH that applies to many variables. In that case, we could pick one that is "fresh enough". To do so, we need to edit the above definition of lc and replace the type of lc_abs with this one:
| lc_abs : forall L e, (forall x:atom, x `notin` L -> lc (open e x)) -> lc (abs e)
This rule says that to show that an abstraction is locally closed, we need to show that the body is closed, after it has been opened by any atom x, *except* those in some set L. With this rule, the IH in this proof is now:
H0 : forall x0 : atom, x0 `notin` L -> lc (
x ~> u
open e x0)
We call this "cofinite quantification" because the IH applies to an infinite number of atoms x0, except those in some finite set L.
Changing the rule in this way does not change what terms are locally closed. (For more details about cofinite-quantification see: "Engineering Formal Metatheory", Aydemir, Chargu\u00e9raud, Pierce, Pollack, Weirich. POPL 2008.)
So to complete this proof, make the change to lc_abs above. Note, that you will need to go back to the proof of
patch it as well. To fix that proof, add the line
pick fresh x for L.
immediately before apply open_rec_lc_core
This tactic, defined in Metatheory
, introduces a new atom x
is known not to be in the set L
You will also have to comment out
Once these changes have been made, we can complete the proof of subst_lc.
Lemma subst_lc : forall (x : atom) u e,
lc e ->
lc u ->
lc ([x ~> u] e).
intros x u e He Hu.
induction He.
Case "lc_var".
destruct (x0 == x).
Case "lc_abs".
When picking a fresh atom or applying a rule that uses cofinite
quantification, choosing a set of atoms to be fresh for can be
tedious. In practice, it is simpler to use a tactic to choose the
set to be as large as possible.
The first tactic we define,
The first tactic we define,
, is used to collect
together all the atoms in the context. It relies on an auxiliary
tactic from Atom.v
, gather_atoms_with
, which collects together
the atoms appearing in objects of a certain type. The argument to
is a function that should return the set of
atoms appearing in its argument.
Ltac gather_atoms :=
let A := gather_atoms_with (fun x : atoms => x) in
let B := gather_atoms_with (fun x : atom => singleton x) in
let C := gather_atoms_with (fun x : list (atom * typ) => dom x) in
let D := gather_atoms_with (fun x : exp => fv x) in
constr:(A `union` B `union` C `union` D).
We can use
to define a variant of the (pick fresh
x for L)
tactic, which we call (pick fresh x)
. The tactic
chooses an atom fresh for "everything" in the context.
Tactic Notation "pick" "fresh" ident(x) :=
let L := gather_atoms in
(pick fresh x for L).
We can also use
Note: We define this tactic in terms of another tactic,
to define a tactic for applying a
rule that is defined using cofinite quantification. The tactic
(pick fresh x and apply H)
applies a rule H
, just as the
tactic would. However, the tactic also picks a
sufficiently fresh name x
to use.
Note: We define this tactic in terms of another tactic,
fresh x excluding L and apply H)
, which is defined and documented
in Metatheory.v
Tactic Notation
"pick" "fresh" ident(atom_name) "and" "apply" constr(lemma) :=
let L := gather_atoms in
pick fresh atom_name excluding L and apply lemma.
Below, we reprove
using (pick fresh and apply)
Step through the proof below to see how (pick fresh and apply)
Lemma subst_lc_alternate_proof : forall (x : atom) u e,
lc e ->
lc u ->
lc ([x ~> u] e).
intros x u e He Hu.
induction He.
Case "fvar".
destruct (x0 == x).
Case "abs".
pick fresh y and apply lc_abs.
rewrite subst_open_var. auto. auto. auto.
Case "app".
simpl. auto.
We represent environments as association lists (lists of pairs of
keys and values) whose keys are
Lists are defined in Coq's standard library.
s. New bindings are added
to the head of the list.
Lists are defined in Coq's standard library.
Print list.
Here, environments bind
s to typ
s. We define an
abbreviation env
for the type of these environments. Coq will
print list (atom * typ)
as env
, and we can use env
as a
shorthand for writing list (atom * typ)
Notation env := (list (atom * typ)).
The function
library, which is included by the Metatheory
library, provides functions, predicates, tactics, and lemmas that
simplify working with environments. Note that everything in the
library is polymorphic over the type of objects bound in the
environment. Look in Environment.v
for additional details about
the functions and predicates that we mention below.
The function
computes the domain of an environment,
returning a finite set of atom
Check dom.
The unary predicate
holds when each atom is bound at most
once in an environment.
Print ok.
The ternary predicate
holds when a given binding is
present in an environment. More specifically, binds x a E
when the binding for x
closest to the head of E
binds x
Check binds.
The definition of the typing relation is straightforward. In
order to ensure that the relation holds for only well-formed
environments, we check in the
case that the
environment is ok
. The structure of typing derivations
implicitly ensures that the relation holds only for locally closed
expressions. Finally, note the use of cofinite quantification in
the typing_abs
Inductive typing : env -> exp -> typ -> Prop :=
| typing_var : forall E (x : atom) T,
ok E ->
binds x T E ->
typing E (fvar x) T
| typing_abs : forall L E e T1 T2,
(forall x : atom, x `notin` L ->
typing ((x, T1) :: E) (open e x) T2) ->
typing E (abs e) (typ_arrow T1 T2)
| typing_app : forall E e1 e2 T1 T2,
typing E e1 (typ_arrow T1 T2) ->
typing E e2 T1 ->
typing E (app e1 e2) T2.
We add the constructors of the typing relation as hints to be used
by the
and eauto
Hint Constructors typing.
Weakening states that if an expression is typeable in some
environment, then it is typeable in any well-formed extension of
that environment. This property is needed to prove the
substitution lemma.
As stated below, this lemma is not directly proveable. The natural way to try proving this lemma proceeds by induction on the typing derivation for
As stated below, this lemma is not directly proveable. The natural way to try proving this lemma proceeds by induction on the typing derivation for
Lemma typing_weakening_0 : forall E F e T,
typing E e T ->
ok (F ++ E) ->
typing (F ++ E) e T.
intros E F e T H J.
induction H; eauto.
Case "typing_abs".
pick fresh x and apply typing_abs.
We are stuck in the
We can obtain a more useful induction hypothesis by changing the statement to insert new bindings into the middle of the environment, instead of at the head. However, the proof still gets stuck, as can be seen by examining each of the cases in the proof below.
Note: To view subgoal n in a proof, use the command "
case because the induction
hypothesis H0
applies only when we weaken the environment at its
head. In this case, however, we need to weaken the environment in
the middle; compare the conclusion at the point where we're stuck
to the hypothesis H
, which comes from the given typing derivation.
We can obtain a more useful induction hypothesis by changing the statement to insert new bindings into the middle of the environment, instead of at the head. However, the proof still gets stuck, as can be seen by examining each of the cases in the proof below.
Note: To view subgoal n in a proof, use the command "
Show n
To work on subgoal n instead of the first one, use the command
"Focus n
Lemma typing_weakening_strengthened_0 : forall E F G e T,
typing (G ++ E) e T ->
ok (G ++ F ++ E) ->
typing (G ++ F ++ E) e T.
intros E F G e T H J.
induction H.
The hypotheses in the
The problem here arises from the fact that Coq's
The solution is to restate the lemma. For example, we can prove
The equality gets around the problem with Coq's
However, we prefer not to state the lemma in the way shown above, since it is not as readable as the original statement. Instead, we use a tactic to introduce the equality within the proof itself. The tactic
case include an environment
that that has no relation to what we need to prove. The
missing fact we need is that E0 = (G ++ E)
The problem here arises from the fact that Coq's
tactic let's us only prove something about all typing derivations.
While it's clear to us that weakening applies to all typing
derivations, it's not clear to Coq, because the environment is
written using concatenation. The induction
tactic expects that
all arguments to a judgement are variables. So we see E0
in the
proof instead of (G ++ E)
The solution is to restate the lemma. For example, we can prove
forall E F E' e T, typing E' e T -> forall G, E' = G ++ E -> ok (G ++ F ++ E) -> typing (G ++ F ++ E) e T.
The equality gets around the problem with Coq's
tactic. The placement of the (forall G)
quantifier gives us a
sufficiently strong induction hypothesis in the typing_abs
However, we prefer not to state the lemma in the way shown above, since it is not as readable as the original statement. Instead, we use a tactic to introduce the equality within the proof itself. The tactic
(remember t as t')
replaces an object t
with the
identifier t'
everywhere in the goal and introduces an equality
t' = t
into the context. It is often combined with generalize
, as illustrated below.
Lemma typing_weakening_strengthened : forall E F G e T,
typing (G ++ E) e T ->
ok (G ++ F ++ E) ->
typing (G ++ F ++ E) e T.
intros E F G e T H.
remember (G ++ E) as E'.
generalize dependent G.
induction H; intros G Eq Ok; subst.
We can now prove our original statement of weakening. The only interesting step is the use of the lemma
, which is
defined in Environment.v
Lemma typing_weakening : forall E F e T,
typing E e T ->
ok (F ++ E) ->
typing (F ++ E) e T.
intros E F e T H J.
rewrite <- (nil_concat _ (F ++ E)).
apply typing_weakening_strengthened; auto.
Having proved weakening, we can now prove the usual substitution
lemma, which we state both in the form we need and in the
strengthened form needed to make the proof go through.
The proof of the strengthened statement proceeds by induction on the given typing derivation for
typing_subst : forall E e u S T z, typing ((z, S) :: E) e T -> typing E u S -> typing E ([z ~> u] e) T typing_subst_strengthened : forall E F e u S T z, typing (F ++ (z, S) :: E) e T -> typing E u S -> typing (F ++ E) ([z ~> u] e) T
The proof of the strengthened statement proceeds by induction on the given typing derivation for
. The most involved case is
the one for variables; the others follow from the induction
Below, we state what needs to be proved in the
of the substitution lemma. Fill in the proof.
Proof sketch: The proof proceeds by a case analysis on
(x == z)
i.e., whether the two variables are the same or not.
- If
(x = z)
, then we need to show(typing (F ++ E) u T)
. This follows from the given typing derivation foru
by weakening and the fact thatT
must equalS
- If
(x <> z)
, then we need to show(typing (F ++ E) x T)
. This follows by the typing rule for variables.
Lemma typing_subst_var_case : forall E F u S T z x,
binds x T (F ++ (z, S) :: E) ->
ok (F ++ (z, S) :: E) ->
typing E u S ->
typing (F ++ E) ([z ~> u] x) T.
intros E F u S T z x H J K.
The other two cases of the proof of the substitution lemma are relatively straightforward. However, the case for
needs the fact that the typing relation holds only for
locally-closed expressions.
Lemma typing_regular_lc : forall E e T,
typing E e T -> lc e.
intros E e T H. induction H; eauto.
Complete the proof of the substitution lemma. The proof proceeds by induction on the typing derivation for
. The initial steps
should use remember as
and generalize dependent
in a manner
similar to the proof of weakening.
Lemma typing_subst_strengthened : forall E F e u S T z,
typing (F ++ (z, S) :: E) e T ->
typing E u S ->
typing (F ++ E) ([z ~> u] e) T.
Complete the proof of the substitution lemma stated in the form we need it. The proof is similar to that of
. In
particular, recall the lemma nil_concat
Lemma typing_subst : forall E e u S T z,
typing ((z, S) :: E) e T ->
typing E u S ->
typing E ([z ~> u] e) T.
In order to state the preservation lemma, we first need to define
values and the small-step evaluation relation. These inductive
relations are straightforward to define.
Note the hypotheses which ensure that the relations hold only for locally closed terms. Below, we prove that this is actually the case, since it is not completely obvious from the definitions alone.
Note the hypotheses which ensure that the relations hold only for locally closed terms. Below, we prove that this is actually the case, since it is not completely obvious from the definitions alone.
Inductive value : exp -> Prop :=
| value_abs : forall e,
lc (abs e) ->
value (abs e).
Inductive eval : exp -> exp -> Prop :=
| eval_beta : forall e1 e2,
lc (abs e1) ->
value e2 ->
eval (app (abs e1) e2) (open e1 e2)
| eval_app_1 : forall e1 e1' e2,
lc e2 ->
eval e1 e1' ->
eval (app e1 e2) (app e1' e2)
| eval_app_2 : forall e1 e2 e2',
value e1 ->
eval e2 e2' ->
eval (app e1 e2) (app e1 e2').
We add the constructors for these two relations as hints to be used
by Coq's
and eauto
Hint Constructors value eval.
In order to prove preservation, we need one more lemma, which states that when we open a term, we can instead open the term with a fresh variable and then substitute for that variable.
Technically, the
(lc u)
hypothesis is not needed to prove the
conclusion. However, it makes the proof simpler.
Lemma subst_intro : forall (x : atom) u e,
x `notin` (fv e) ->
lc u ->
open e u = [x ~> u](open e x).
intros x u e H J.
unfold open.
rewrite subst_open_rec; auto.
destruct (x == x).
Case "x = x".
rewrite subst_fresh; auto.
Case "x <> x".
destruct n; auto.
Complete the proof of preservation. In this proof, we proceed by induction on the given typing derivation. The induction hypothesis has already been appropriately generalized by the given proof fragment.
Proof sketch: By induction on the typing derivation for
case: Variables don't step.
case: Abstractions don't step.
case: By case analysis on howe
steps. Theeval_beta
case is interesting, since it follows by the substitution lemma. The others follow directly from the induction hypotheses.
Lemma preservation : forall E e e' T,
typing E e T ->
eval e e' ->
typing E e' T.
intros E e e' T H.
generalize dependent e'.
induction H; intros e' J.
Complete the proof of the progress lemma. The induction hypothesis has already been appropriately generalized by the given proof fragment.
Proof sketch: By induction on the typing derivation for
case: Can't happen; the empty environment doesn't bind anything.
case: Abstractions are values.
case: Applications reduce. The result follows from an exhaustive case analysis on whether the two components of the application step or are values and the fact that a value must be an abstraction.
Lemma progress : forall e T,
typing nil e T ->
value e \/ exists e', eval e e'.
intros e T H.
assert (typing nil e T); auto.
remember (@nil (atom * typ)) as E.
induction H; subst.
While none of the lemmas below are needed to prove preservation or
progress, they verify that our relations do indeed hold only for
locally closed expressions. This serves as a check that we have
correctly defined the relations.
The lemma directly below,
, is needed to show that the
evaluation relation holds only for locally closed terms. The
proof is straightforward, but we can use it to illustrate another
feature of Coq's tactic language.
If we start a proof with "
Proof with tac
" instead of simply
", every time we end a step with "...
", Coq will
automatically apply tac
to all the subgoals generated by that
step. This makes proof scripts somewhat more concise without
hiding the details of the proof script in some far away
Lemma open_abs : forall e u,
lc (abs e) ->
lc u ->
lc (open e u).
Proof with auto using subst_lc.
intros e u H J.
inversion H; subst.
pick fresh y.
rewrite (subst_intro y)...
The three lemmas below are straightforward to prove. They do not illustrate any new concepts or tactics.
Lemma value_regular : forall e,
value e -> lc e.
intros e H. induction H; auto.
Lemma eval_regular : forall e1 e2,
eval e1 e2 -> lc e1 /\ lc e2.
intros e1 e2 H. induction H; intuition; auto using value_regular, open_abs.
Lemma typing_regular_ok : forall E e T,
typing E e T -> ok E.
Proof with auto.
induction 1...
Case "typing_abs".
pick fresh x.
assert (ok ((x, T1) :: E))...
inversion H1...