Mark Yatskar
I am an Assistant Professor at University of Pennsylvania in the department of Computer and Information Science.
I did my PhD at University of Washington co-advised by Luke Zettlemoyer and Ali Farhadi.
I was a Young Investigator at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence for several years working with their computer vision team, Prior.
My work is interdisciplinary, spanning Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Fairness in Machine Learning.
I received a Best Paper Award at EMNLP for work on gender bias amplification (Wired article).
Natural language as a scaffold for visual intelligence
Natural language is an effective human tool for communicating important world knowledge. This knowledge can be extracted, and used to create explict priors for how visual recognition systems need to behave. Such systems can be more data-efficient, interpretable, and capture a wider range of human abilities. Recent Projects:
Understanding the role of human biases in machine learning
I supervise a collaboritive group of PhD and masters students that I do research with.
I am always looking for talented, motivated students to work with.
If you are an interested persepective PhD student, I encourage you to apply to University of Pennsylvania, I am looking for students every year (Please see info below).
Machine learning systems depend on human specification through explict annotation, collected data, and model design. In all parts of this process, people may unknownlingly bias systems and cause them to be brittle. In such cases, systems may fail to generalize given distribution shift, or cause the model to make gender biased predictions when models are uncertain. It is important to characterise and control how human biases are transfered to machine learning systems. Recent Projects:
PhD Students
TeachingCIS 5300: Computational Linguistics: SP 2021 , FA 2021 , FA 2022, FA 2023 FA 2024 CIS 7000: Language and Vision: FA 2020 CIS 6300: Efficient NLP: SP 2023, SP 2025PublicationsUsually, the most up to date list of my publications is found on semantic scholar. |