cd /plat/your_seas_login
In your plat directory, you will find all your old files on the original crux server. Notice that you also have 400MB quota on the new server. Before you recompile your agent, you need to re-install the client shell following the next instruction.
and save it into your local CLIENT_DIR directory. Here are some quick instructions for setting up the plat-client package. You just need to execute the short sequence of commands as follows:
tar xvzf plat-client.tar.gz
cd plat-client
make init-install
The tar command will generate the plat-client directory, as well as other subdirectories which include the package source code and other auxiliary files. Running 'make init-install' will
So you need to run the pxs executable from this directory, for example:
/plat/pxs/PAT/stable/pxs -p 10000 -n MSFT -h 12322004093000 -e 160000 -s 3 >& pxs.out
You can find the recompiled exceutables for the background agents and technical agents in the following directory:
You can access the distribution files (for sbg and abg) and real market data files (for realbg) from the following directories: