CIS 642: References for the Seminar
in Distributed and Real-Time Computing
Jane W. S. Liu,
Real-Time Systems,
Prentice Hall, 2000, ISBN 0130996513
Raj Jain,
The Art of Computer Systems Performance Anlaysis Techniques for
John Wiley & Sons, 1991, IBNC 0471503363
A. Atlas and A. Bestavros
Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling
In Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, pages 123-132,
December 1998.
Pei Cao, Edward W. Felten, Anna R. Karlin, Kai Li.
A Study of Integrated Prefetching and Caching Strategies.
1995 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems,
Ottawa, May 15-19, 1995.
Z. Deng and J. Liu.
Scheduling Real-Time Applications in an Open Environment.
In Proceedings of Real-Time Systems Symposium,
December 1997.
M. Diaz, G.Juanole and J.-P. Courtiat Observer
A Concept for Formal On-Line Validation of Distributed Systems IEEE
Trans. on Software Engineering, 20, 12, pages 900-913, December 1994.
Farnam Jahanian
Run-Time Monitoring of Real-Time Systems
In Advances in Real-Time Systems, S. Son, Editor, Prentice Hall, 1995.
O. Gonzalez, H. Shrikumar, K. Ramamritham, J. Stankovic
Adaptive Fault Tolerance and Graceful Degradation under Dynamic Hard
Real-Time Scheduing
In Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, pages 79-89, 1997.
Lalita Jategaonkar Jagadeesan
Specification-based Testing of Reactive Software:Tools and Experiments
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, May
C. Labovitz, G.R. Malan, and F. Jahanian
Internet Routing Instability.
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, Sept. 1997.
A. Mink, W. Salamon, J.K. Hollingsworth, R. Arunachalam.
Performance Measurement Using Low Perturbation and High Precision Hardware
In Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, pages 123-132,
December 1998.
A. Miyoshi, T. Kitayama and H. Tokuda
Implementation and Evaluation of Real-Time Java Threads
In Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, pages 166-175, 1997.
A. Mok and G. Liu
Early Detection of Timing Contraint Violation at Runtime
In Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, pages 176-185, 1997.
Sriram Sankar and Manas Mandel
Concurrent Run-time Monitoring of Formally Specified Programs
IEEE Computer Mar 1993
T. Savor and R.E.Seviora
An Approach to Automatic Detection of Software Failures in Real-Time
Systems RTAS 97
Beth A.Schroeder
On-line Monitoring: A Tutorial IEEE Computer June 1995(HTML from IEEE
digital library)
J. Lehoczky, L. Sha, and Y. Ding.
The Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm: Exact Characterization and
Average Case Behavior.
In Proceedings of 8th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium,
pages 166-171. IEEE Computer Society Press, December 1989.
C. L. Liu and J. Layland.
Scheduling Algorithm for Multiprogramming in a Hard Real-Time Environment.
Journal of the ACM, 20(1) pp 46-61, January 1973.
S. Hong, Y. Seo, and J. Park.
ARX/ULTRA: A New Real-Time Kernel Architecture for User-Level Threads.
EE Technical Report SNU-EE-TR-97-3. Seoul National University, August, 1997.
M. Humphrey, G. Wallace and J. Stankovic.
Kernel-Level Threads for Dynamic, Hard Real-Time Environments.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium. December 1995.
Clifford W. Mercer, Stefan Savage, and Hideyuki Tokuda
Processor Capacity Reserves: Operating System Support for
Multimedia Applications.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, May 1994.
N. C. Audsley, A. Burns, M. Richardson, and A. Wellings.
Hard Real-Time Scheduling: The Deadline Monotonic Approach.
In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating
Systems and Software, pages 133-137, May 1991.
J. Nieh, M. S. Lam.
The Design, Implementation
and Evaluation of SMART: A Scheduler for Multimedia Applications
Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Symposium on
Operating Systems Principles,
Saint-Malo, France, October 1997.
R. Gerber, S. Hong and M. Saksena.
Guaranteeing Real-Time Requirements with Resource-Based
Calibration of Periodic Processes.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 21(7), July 1995.
Dong-In Kang, Richard Gerber and Manas Saksena.
Performance-Based Design of Distributed Real-Time Systems.
IEEE Real-time Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS) '97,
Montreal, June 1997.
M. Saksena and S. Hong.
Resource Conscious Design of Distributed Real-Time Systems: An End-to-End
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on
Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. Montreal, October 1996.
R. Ginis, J.J. Prichard, and V. F. Wolfe
The Design of an Open System with Distributed Real-Time
IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 96). June 1996.
V. Wolfe, L. DiPippio, R. Johnston.
Real-Time CORBA
Dept. of Computer Science and Statistics Report Number 97-256.
University of Rhode Island, June 1997.
A. Gokhale and D. Schmidt,
Measuring and Optimizing CORBA Latency and Scalability Over High-speed
IEEE Transactions on Computing, April, 1998.
D. Schmidt, S. Mungee, A. Gokhale.
Alleviating Priority Inversion and Non-determinism in Real-time
CORBA ORB Core Architectures.
Fourth IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 98).
Denver, Colorado, June 3-5, 1998.
Clifford W. Mercer and Ragunathan Rajkumar
An Interactive Interface and RT-Mach Support for Monitoring and
Controlling Resource Management.
In Proceedings of the Real-Time
Technology and Applications Symposium, May 1995.
Andrew Tomkins, R. Hugo Patterson and Garth Gibson.
Informed Multi-Process Prefetching and Caching.
1997 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer
Systems, Seattle, May 1997.
Richard Gerber and William Pugh and Manas Saksena.
Parametric Dispatching of Hard Real-Time Tasks.
IEEE Transactions on Computing, March, 1995.