CSE 380: Operating Systems (Fall 2003) |
Meeting Time and Place: Tues/Thurs 12:00-1:30, Levine 101 Schedule: Class Schedule (Check the schedule for class dates, notes, homeworks, etc.) News: upenn.cis.cse380 Staff
PrerequisitesCSE 240 or EE 300.Course DescriptionCSE 380 is intended as a general introduction to operating systems. The subjects to be covered are as follows: historical development of operating systems, concurrency, synchronization, mutual exclusion, files, CPU scheduling, memory management, virtual memory, replacement strategy, resource allocation and deadlock, real-time systems, interprocess communication, distributed programming, protection and capability, security, distributed systems, and distributed algorithms. The importance of concurrent and distributed programming will be emphasized throughout the course.Textbook
HomeworkNo late assignments or projects will be accepted unless prior arrangements are made. This should be done only when there are exceptional circumstances to warrant it. Final grades will be based on three exams, and homework assignments and programming projects.ExamsMidterm Exam 1: In class, Thursday, October 9Midterm Exam 2: In class, Tuesday, November 18 Final Exam: 8:30am-10:30am, Wednesday, December 17 (Cumulative) GradesFinal exam: 35-40%Midterm exams: 40 (20 each)% Homework: 15-25% Participation, etc.: 0-5% |