include("") ?>
$query = "select cid from dream_customer where username='$Username' and password='$Password'";
$result = ora_parse($cursor, $query);
$result = ora_exec($cursor);
if(!ora_fetch($cursor)) {
$message="Login Fail. Please click back to check you username and password";
else {
$cid = ora_getcolumn($cursor,0);
if(!$category) {
$message="Please pick one of the catagory. You can click back button.";
else {
$message = "Thank you for posting product at dreamland. $Product have been posted.";
$query = "select count(*) from dream_posting";
$result = ora_parse($cursor, $query);
$result = ora_exec($cursor);
$pid = 100001 + ora_getcolumn($cursor,0);
$startdate = $startday."-".$startmonth."-00";
$enddate = $endday."-".$endmonth."-00";
$query = "insert into dream_posting values('$pid','$Product','$startdate','$enddate','$Quantity','$firstbid','$category','$description','$city','$state','$cid')";
$result = ora_parse($cursor, $query);
$result = ora_exec($cursor);
echo $message; ?>
Click Dream