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  What is Tele-immersion?

Tele-immersion is a new communication medium trying to create the illusion that users at geographically dispersed places share the same physical space possibly augmented by virtual components.

Tele-immersion is the ultimate synthesis of computer vision, networking, and graphics. It requires the real-time scanning of a scene, its transmission with minimal latency, and its immersive rendering at a remote site.

Our focus of research at the University of Pennsylvania is the study and development of systems that can scan wide-area dynamic scenes and create 3D view-independent representations.

Tele-Immersion will enable users at geographically distributed sites to collaborate in real time in a shared, simulated environment as if they were in the same physical room. It is the ultimate synthesis of networking and media technologies to enhance collaborative environments.


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GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Site Managed by Nikhil Kelshikar
Last Updated on 12/12/2002.