Nvidia Turing TU104 GPU die photo

CIS 6010: Special Topics in Computer Architecture: GPGPU Architecture and Programming Fall 2024

Course Information

instructor: Joe Devietti
when: Monday/Wednesday 12-1:30pm
where: Towne 305
contact: email, canvas

office hours:

  • by appointment

Course Description

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have become extremely popular and are used to accelerate an increasingly diverse set of non-graphics workloads. This seminar will examine modern GPU architectures, the programming models used to write general-purpose code for GPUs, and the complexities of programming such highly parallel architectures. There will be a special emphasis on concurrency correctness issues as they relate to GPUs, including GPU memory consistency models and GPU concurrency bugs. Graduate-level coursework in computer architecture (e.g., CIS 5710) will be very helpful.

Course Materials

No textbooks are required; links to all readings will be provided at this website.


  • Project: 50%
  • Participation: 30%
  • Assignments: 20%

There will be no exams.

Submit homework via Canvas.

The class project can be done in groups of up to 3. The project is open-ended: it should be something related to GPUs but the specifics are up to you. Choosing a project that incorporates your interests (research or otherwise) is a great idea! Here are some project ideas:

  • Rewrite your matrix multiply code from the homeworks to operate on 16-bit (“half”) floating point elements instead of 32-bit floats. Update the cuBLAS code correspondingly, and use Tensor Cores to accelerate your implementation.
  • Build a series of scalable locking implementations in CUDA, from simple spin-locks to something like MCS locks. The lack of coherence on GPUs should add an interesting wrinkle. Useful resources are Michael Scott’s webpage and the SSync library from EPFL.
  • Choose a GPU-related paper (e.g., one that we’ve read in class or another that piques your interest) that has source code available, and try to reproduce some of the results from it.
  • Pick a non-trivial open Github issue for an application written in CUDA, and try to resolve it. As a starting point, here are some popular GH repositories with CUDA code.
  • Port an application or algorithm of interest to you to CUDA, and benchmark its performance.

Course Schedule

This schedule is subject to change

Date Topic Presenter
Wed 28 Aug Intro Joe
Mon 2 Sep no class - Labor Day
Wed 4 Sep no class - Joe traveling
Mon 9 Sep General-Purpose Graphics Processor Architectures (accessible via Penn VPN, also on “Files” section of Canvas), Chapters 1 & 2 Joe
Wed 11 Sep ” Sections 3.1 - 3.3 Joe
Mon 16 Sep ” Section 3.4 - 3.6 Joe
Wed 18 Sep ” Chapter 4 Joe
Mon 23 Sep Contemporary GPUs Joe
Wed 25 Sep CUDA Programming Guide Joe
Mon 30 Sep GEMM and HW1 Joe
Wed 2 Oct CUDA topics, Roofline Model Joe
Mon 7 Oct A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence, Chapters 3 (SC) Joe
Wed 9 Oct MCM Primer (Chapter 4, TSO) Joe
Mon 14 Oct MCM Primer (Chapter 5, XC) Joe
Wed 16 Oct GPU concurrency: Weak Behaviours and Programming Assumptions slides Akash & Arnav
Mon 21 Oct A Formal Analysis of the NVIDIA PTX Memory Consistency Model Joe
Wed 23 Oct Cache Coherence for GPU Architectures Pratyush & Arnav
Mon 28 Oct Dynamic Warp Formation Crystal & Akash
Wed 30 Oct The Dual-Path Execution Model for Efficient GPU Control Flow John & Crystal
Mon 4 Nov Cache-Conscious Wavefront Scheduling Tarunyaa & Rui
Wed 6 Nov SIMR: Single Instruction Multiple Request Processing for Energy-Efficient Data Center Microservices Ian & Paul & Runlong
Mon 11 Nov Understanding The Security of Discrete GPUs Tarunyaa & Runlong & Sal
Wed 13 Nov GPU Memory Exploitation for Fun and Profit Pratyush & Ian
Mon 18 Nov GPUfs: integrating a file system with GPUs Rui & Andy
Wed 20 Nov GPUnet: Networking Abstractions for GPU Programs Kidus & Paul & Robbie
Mon 25 Nov gpucc: An Open-Source GPGPU Compiler Vikram & John
Wed 27 Nov no class - Thanksgiving
Mon 2 Dec Accel-Sim: An Extensible Simulation Framework for Validated GPU Modeling Vikram & Robbie & Sal
Wed 4 Dec In-Datacenter Performance Analysis of a Tensor Processing Unit Andy & Kidus
Mon 9 Dec Project Presentations