Term papers/Projects proposals are due (tentatively) on
March 10 2017.
Within a week we will give you an
approval to continue with your project along with
comments on your proposal or a request to
modify/augment/do a different project.
Please start thinking and working on the project now; your
proposal needs already to include references and some of
the ideas you have developed in the direction of the
project so, ideally, you want you have some preliminary
Any project that has a significant Machine Learning component is good.
You may do experimental work, theoretical work, a
combination of both or a critical survey of results in
some specialized topic.
The work has to include some reading. Even if you do not do a survey,
you must read (at least) two related papers or book chapters and relate your
work to it.
The project proposal should
clearly state, in 1-2 pages that are formated like a paper, the objective of the project, how you intend to go about it, reading list, and what you have already done.
Natually, it should have a title and include the names of the participants/authors.
Originality is not mandatory but is encouraged.
Try to make it interesting!
Notice the, due to the significant growth in the size of the class, we will no longer accept individual projects, unless you have very good reasons for doing it, and you have received approval from the professor ahead of time. Projects should be done in teams of size 2-3.
The project report
Eventually, you will write a short paper (4-6 pages; 11 font) on
your research project and present it in the last meeting of the class (likely, on the day of the final exam).