CIS 5050: Software Systems (Fall 2024)

Image of a router
This course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts of distributed systems, and the design principles for building large-scale computational systems.

We will study some of the key building blocks – such as synchronization primitives, group communication protocols, and replication techniques – that form the foundation of modern distributed systems, such as cloud-computing platforms or the Internet. We will also look at some real-world examples of distributed systems, such as GFS, MapReduce, Spark, and Dynamo, and we will gain some hands-on experience with building and running distributed systems.

CIS 5050 is one of the core courses in the MSE program, as well as an option for the WPE-I requirement for PhD students.


Linh Thi Xuan Phan
Office hours: Mondays 12:00-1:00pm (Levine 576)

When and where:
Mondays/Wednesdays 10:15-11:45am, DRL A8.

Teaching assistants and office hours:

Jeff Yang OH: Mondays 1:00pm-2:00pm (Online)
Lang Qin OH: Mondays 2:30-4:30pm + Wednesdays 2:30-4:30pm (Online)
Sahil Parekh OH: Mondays 3:00-5:00pm + Fridays 3:00-5:00pm (Levine 3rd floor bump space)
Kebin Yan OH: Mondays 3:30-5:00pm (Online)
Xinran Liu OH: Tuesdays 10:00am-12:00pm + Thursdays 10:00am-12:00pm (Levine 501 bump space)
Charis Gao OH: Tuesdays 1:30-3:00pm (Levine 601 bump space)
Emma Jin OH: Tuesdays 4:00-6:00pm (Levine 512)
Kunli Zhang OH: Wednesdays 1:30-3:00pm (Levine 501)
Rohan Moniz OH: Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm (Levine 601 bump space)
Amay Tripathi OH: Thursdays 2:00-3:30pm (Levine 501 bump space)
Jerry Wang OH: Thursdays 8:00-9:00pm (Levine 3rd floor bump space)
Benjamin Le OH: Fridays 9:00-10:00am (Levine 601 bump space) + Sundays 7:30-8:30pm (Online)
Samarth Chandrawat OH: Fridays 10:00-11:00am (Levine 3rd floor bump space)
Shiva Menta OH: Fridays 12:00-1:00pm (Online)
Xuanbiao Zhu OH: Fridays 2:00-3:00pm (Online)
Haoze Wu OH: Fridays 3:30-4:30pm (Levine 5th floor bump space)
Akanksha Ashok OH: Saturdays 8:00-9:30am (Online)
Joseph Zhang OH: Saturdays 9:30-10:30am (Levine 3rd floor bump space + Online)
Xingjian Wang OH: Saturdays 10:30am-12:00pm (Online)
Austin Yao OH: Sundays 11:00am-12:00pm (Levine 601 bump space + Online)

Note: Online office hours will be conducted via OHQ.

Course policies

Course textbook:
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, 4th edition (by M. van Steen and A. Tanenbaum). You can get a digital version of this book for free; hardcopies will be available, e.g., from Amazon soon. Additional material will be drawn from selected research publications.

The course requires undergraduate-level operating systems and networking knowledge, such as CIS 3800 and NETS 2120 (or the equivalence). You must also be proficient in C or C++ programming.

The course will involve three substantial programming assignments, a group project, and two midterms. Both the programming assignments and the project involve a considerable amount of programming in C/C++, and the project requires the ability to work with your classmates in teams.

Your letter grade will be based on the individual programming assignments (35%), the group project (30%), the midterm exams (30%), and participation (5%).

Attendance and other policies:
Class attendance is mandatory and will count towards your participation score. More details on attendance and key course policies can be found here.


We will be using Ed Discussion for all course-related discussions.

Homework assignments and project are available for download from the assignments page. You can submit your solutions online via GradeScope.

Special sessions

The goal of the special sessions is to provide you with tools and resources that might be useful for the assignments and project. See the special sessions page for more details.

Tentative schedule

Date Topic Details Reading Remarks
Aug 28 Introduction [pdf] Course overview
Chapter 1 HW0 released
Sep 2 Labor Day (no class)
Sep 4 Processes and threads [pdf] [video] Basic concepts
The UNIX model
Implementation in the kernel
Chapter 3.1 (Sections 1+2) HW0 due;
HW1 released
Sep 9 System calls [pdf]
[video 1] [video 2]
System calls
The file API
Kernel entry/exit
Sep 11 Concurrency control [pdf]
[video 1] [video 2]
Synchronization primitives
Race conditions, critical sections
Deadlock and starvation
Sep 16 Synchronization [pdf]
Classical synchronization problems
Monitors and condition variables
[Hoare monitors]
[Mesa monitors]
Sep 18 Communication [pdf]
Socket programming
Handling multiple connections
Chapters 4.1+4.3 HW1 due;
HW2 released
Sep 23+25 Remote Procedure Calls [pdf]
[video 1] [video 2]
Programming model
Stub code; marshalling; binding
Handling failures
Chapters 4.2+8.3 HW2MS1 due (9/27)
Sep 30 Naming [pdf]
[video 1] [video 2]
Kinds of names; name spaces
The Domain Name System;
Akamai; DNSSEC
Chapter 6  
Oct 2 Clock synchronization [pdf]
[video 1] [video 2] [video 3]
Logical clocks
NTP and Berkeley algorithms
Lamport and vector clocks
Chapters 5.1+5.2  
Oct 3-6 Fall break
Oct 7 Clock synchronization (cont)
Note: See slides on Oct 2.
Logical clocks
NTP and Berkeley algorithms
Lamport and vector clocks
Chapters 5.1+5.2 HW2MS2+3 due (on 10/9)
Oct 7 Last day to drop  
Oct 9+14 Group communication [pdf] [video 1] [video 2] Reliable multicast
IP multicast
FIFO, causal and total ordering
Chapter 8.4  
Oct 16 First midterm exam
Oct 21 Replication [pdf] [video] Primary/backup protocols
Quorum protocols
Sequential and causal consistency
Client-centric models
Chapter 7 HW3 released (10/17);
Project released
Oct 23 Bigtable and Project [pdf] [video] Bigtable case study
Project overview
Oct 28 Fault tolerance [pdf]
[video 1] [video 2]
2PC and 3PC
Logging and recovery
Chandy-Lamport algorithm
Chapters 8.5+8.6;  
Oct 30 State-machine replication [pdf] [video 1] [video 2] Failure models
The Consensus problem
Chapters 8.1+8.2; [Paxos] Project proposal due (10/30);
HW3 due (11/01)
Nov 4 Last day to withdraw
Nov 4+6 Non-crash Fault Tolerance [pdf] [video 1] [video 2] The Byzantine Generals problem
Impossibility results
Nov 11 Distributed file systems [pdf] [video] NFS
Disconnected operation
Chapter 2.3.3; [Coda]  
Nov 13 Google File System [pdf]
[video 1] [video 2]
Google cluster architecture
Reading and writing in GFS
Consistency and fault tolerance
[Cluster] [GFS]  
Nov 18 MapReduce [pdf]
[video 1] [video 2]
MapReduce programming model
System architecture
Nov 20 Spark [pdf]
[video 1] [video 2]
Differences to MapReduce
Case study: PageRank
[RDD] [Spark]  
Nov 25 DHTs and Dynamo [pdf] [video] Distributed hash tables
The CAP dilemma
Amazon Dynamo
Nov 27 No class (Friday schedule)
Nov 28-
Dec 1
Thanksgiving Break
Dec 2 DHTs and Dynamo (cont)
Note: See slides on Nov 25.
Distributed hash tables
The CAP dilemma
Amazon Dynamo
Dec 4 Real-time cloud [pdf] Real-time scheduling
Resource allocation
Dec 9 Second midterm exam
Dec 10-11 Reading days
Dec 12-16 Project demos and reports
Web site contact: Linh Thi Xuan Phan