{{FULL_COURSE}} Homework 5 - Even More OpenGL Fun

Overview ----- You will continue to practice working with OpenGL shaders by writing code to perform various post-processing effects on the scenes rendered by the surface shaders from the previous assignment. You will also begin working with procedural noise functions to perform visual deformations and colorations on your scenes. Supplied Code --------- You will push your code to your hw04 Github repository since it builds from the same base code. Conceptual Questions ------------- None for this part of the OpenGL assignment. Help Log (5 points) ------- Maintain a log of all help you receive and resources you use. Make sure the date and time, the names of everyone you work with or get help from, and every URL you use, except as noted in the collaboration policy. Also briefly log your question, bug or the topic you were looking up/discussing. Ideally, you should also the answer to your question or solution to your bug. This will help you learn and provide a useful reference for future assignments and exams. This also helps us know if there is a topic that people are finding difficult. If you did not use external resources or otherwise receive help, please submit a help log that states you did not receive external help. You may submit your help log as an ASCII (plain) text file or as a PDF. Refer to the Policies section of the course web site for more specifications. Code Requirements (Due Wednesday, October 16 at 11:59 PM) ------- For the sections that require you to modify shader files, you can find the shaders under `Resources/glsl.qrc/glsl/post` in Qt Creator's project file browser. ### Greyscale and vignette shader (15 points) ### Add code to the shader file `greyscale.frag.glsl` in order to implement a post-process effect that converts your 3D scene to greyscale and applies a vignette effect to the screen edges. Converting a color to greyscale is actually quite simple; you just take a weighted average of the red, green, and blue channels of the original color using this formula: `grey = 0.21 * red + 0.72 * green + 0.07 * blue`. You'll notice that the green channel has the highest contribution of the three by a large margin; this is because the human eye is most sensitive to green light so we perceive changes in green color much more easily. If you remember the CIE color gamut of light perceived by humans, you'll notice that the green area is far larger than the red or blue areas, and that the blue area is the smallest: ![](CIExy1931.png) Applying a vignette effect is also fairly simple. You want to find the distance at which a fragment lies from the screen's center, and use that as the input to a function to alter the brightness of the image. We'll leave the exact implementation up to you to determine, but here is a render we produced using greyscale conversion and vignetting: Drawing ### Gaussian Blur Shader (15 points) ### Add code to the shader file `gaussian.frag.glsl` in order to implement a post-process effect that blurs your 3D scene. A Gaussian blur effectively performs a weighted average of NxN pixels and stores the result in the pixel at the center of that NxN box (this means N must always be odd). The larger the blur radius, the smoother the blur will be. Additionally, altering the weighting of the blur will increase or decrease its intensity. If you take a look at slides 23 - 24 in the procedural color slides, you'll have a better idea of how a Gaussian blur works. Here is what we produced with an 11x11 Gaussian filter with a sigma of 9; you can find a Gaussian kernel generator [here](http://dev.theomader.com/gaussian-kernel-calculator/): Drawing ### Sobel Filter Shader (15 points) ### Add code to the shader file `sobel.frag.glsl` in order to implement a post-process effect that detects and enhances the edges of shapes in your 3D scene. What a Sobel filter effectively does is compute the approximate gradient (i.e. slope) of the color at each pixel, and where the color abruptly changes it returns a high value, otherwise it returns roughly black, or a slope of zero. To compute a Sobel filter, you need two kernel matrices: one for computing the horizontal gradient, and one for computing the vertical gradient: ``` Horizontal = | 3 0 -3 | | 10 0 -10 | | 3 0 -3 | Vertical = | 3 10 3 | | 0 0 0 | | -3 -10 -3 | ``` Multiply each of these matrices by the 3x3 set of pixels surrounding a pixel to compute its gradients, then set your pixel's color to the length of your 2D gradient (i.e. the square root of the sum of both gradients squared). This is what we rendered using the Sobel kernels above: Drawing ### Fake Bloom Shader (15 points) ### Add code to the shader file `bloom.frag.glsl` in order to implement a post-process effect that applies a "bloom" effect to your 3D scene. Normally, one would actually use two post-process passes to properly generate a bloom effect, but we're going to fake it for this assignment. To implement bloom, one needs to take a weighted average of all the pixels surrounding the current pixel, but only factor them into the average if their luminance is above a given threshold. The higher the threshold, the smaller the bloom effect. Once one has acquired this weighted average, one just adds it to the base color of the current pixel. If you'd like to read more about bloom, take a look at slide 25 of the procedural color slide deck. Here is the fake bloom we achieved using a 11x11 Gaussian kernel with a sigma of 9, and a luminance threshold of 0.6: Drawing ### Custom noise-based post-process shader (30 points) ### Modify `worleywarp.frag.glsl` so that the shader uses Worley noise in some way to modify the 3D scene. We encourage you to be creative with your post-process effect; your score in this section is partially dependent on how complex your effect is. The more visually interesting (and perhaps aesthetically pleasing) your images, the more points you'll receive. For inspiration, here are some effects we achieved using Worley noise as our base: Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Here are some ideas for how to use noise to modify your image: * Take the gradient of the noise (i.e. sample the noise at +/-1 X and +/-1 Y and take the difference) and use it as a directional vector for UV displacement * Treat the gradient as a surface normal (i.e. use the X and Y gradients as the X and Y of a normal, and set the normal's Z to` sqrt(1 - x*x - y*y)`) and use the normal in a surface reflection function (e.g. Blinn-Phong) * Use the noise as the `t` input to a cosine-curve gradient and modify the image's original color with the palette color * Sample the image's original color at each of the random points' locations and use that color to influence the color of all fragments that belong to a given random point Additionally, here are some general post-process effect ideas: * Remember, you can re-use and combine effects from your other shaders! * Chromatic aberration, which reads from the red, green, and blue channels of the original image at slightly different UV coordinates. This produces three different images overlaid on each other, one for each channel. * You can extend chromatic aberration to Hue/Saturation/Value space if you wish. You can convert an RGB color to HSV, but we'll let you look up the formula if you want to use it. * Use a sine or cosine curve to apply a CRT-TV effect to the entire screen; darken or brighten rows of pixels based on the value of the curve. The higher the frequency of your curve, the smaller and more frequent the lines become. * You can find additional inspiration from [ShaderToy](https://www.shadertoy.com/). Coding Style (10 points) ------- We will provide you with feedback on the organization and clarity of the code you have written for this assignment. Please refer to our course style guide as you implement your shaders and VBOs. Extra Credit (Maximum 20 points) --------- You may create additional post-process effect shaders for extra credit. The more complex or visually interesting the effect, the more points you'll receive. You may also add additional surface shaders that utilize techniques not used in homework 4 for extra credit. We suggest playing with signed distance functions and modifications of various noise functions if you don't have any immediate ideas. To add new shaders, you will have to add more `.glsl` files to your project. Add additional options to the shader drop-down menus in `shadercontrols.ui`, add your new `.glsl` files to `glsl.qrc`, and add code to `MyGL::createShaders` to add your new shader to `MyGL`'s list of shader programs. If you are interested in playing with signed distance functions, [here is a useful resource](http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/raymarchingdf/raymarchingdf.htm). Here is a shader we created by rendering the red, green, and blue channels of the image at different offsets: Drawing Submission -------- We will grade the code you have pushed to your GitHub repository, so make sure that you have correctly committed all of your files! Once you have pushed your finished project to GitHub, submit a link to your commit through the course dashboard. If you click on the Commits tab of your repository on Github, you will be brought to a list of commits you've made. Simply click on the one you wish for us to grade, then copy and paste the URL of the page into your text file.