{{FULL_COURSE}} Homework 3 - Rasterizer and Camera

Overview ----- You will create a rasterizer for drawing scenes composed of 2D and 3D polygons. To begin, you will develop a 2D triangle rasterization algorithm and test your implementation on scenes composed of 2D polygons. Then, you will implement a perspective projection camera in order to project 3D polygons down into 2D space to be rasterized. You will code your own classes using C++ and will have your first exposure to the Qt code libraries. Supplied Code --------- Click here to access the homework's Github repository. We will provide you with a basic Qt GUI that is capable of displaying QImages. Make sure you read the code comments that explain how it works. Like the previous assignment, you may make any changes you want to the code we give you. Conceptual Questions (10 points, Due Friday, September 20 at 11:59 PM) ------------- Before you begin the programming portion of this homework assignment, read and answer the following conceptual questions. Your answers should be submitted as a plaintext (`.txt`) file to the course dashboard. * (2 pts) What are the three different configuration cases when determining the intersection of a pixel row with a triangle edge? In all three cases, what simple criterion can one use to determine whether the triangle edge overlaps the pixel row at all? * (3 pts) How might one use barycentric interpolation to determine whether or not a given point in space lies within the bounds of a triangle? In rasterization, would this method be more efficient than row bound checking for determining which pixels lie within a triangle? Why or why not? * (5 pts) Describe in detail the sequence of transformations that must occur in order to project a set of triangles given in 3D world space into the coordinate system of the pixelized screen. Help Log (5 points) ------- Maintain a log of all help you receive and resources you use. Make sure the date and time, the names of everyone you work with or get help from, and every URL you use, except as noted in the collaboration policy. Also briefly log your question, bug or the topic you were looking up/discussing. Ideally, you should also the answer to your question or solution to your bug. This will help you learn and provide a useful reference for future assignments and exams. This also helps us know if there is a topic that people are finding difficult. If you did not use external resources or otherwise receive help, please submit a help log that states you did not receive external help. You may submit your help log as an ASCII (plain) text file or as a PDF. Refer to the Policies section of the course web site for more specifications. Code Requirements (85 points, Due Friday, September 27 at 11:59 PM) -------

Classes you will edit: * Rasterizer * Polygon Classes you won't need to edit (but may edit if you so choose) * Triangle * Vertex * MainWindow * tinyobj The `Rasterizer` class contains a function named `RenderScene()` that returns a 512x512 `QImage` to be displayed in the GUI. The `QImage` should be constructed to use the `RGB_32` format. You will have to implement several functions and classes to properly output a rasterized image. It is important to note that the features listed below do not necessarily have to be completed in the order they are written. When you initialize your `QImage`, make sure to populate its pixels with black using the `fill` function. When you use `QColor`s elsewhere in your code, you should assign them values using the `qRgb` function, e.g. `QColor c = qRgb(255, 0, 0);`. Note that `QColors` expect values in the range [0, 255] rather than [0, 1]. For reference images of expected results, refer to the bottom of this page. ### Convex polygon triangulation (5 points) ### We have provided you with a `Polygon` class and a function in `MainWindow` that creates and stores polygons based on an input JSON file. You will have to write code for the `Polygon` class's `Triangulate()` function that populates the `Polygon`'s list of `Triangle`s. You may assume that the vertices listed for `Polygon`s in the input JSON files are always in counter-clockwise order, and that they always define a convex polygon. If you wish to test your rendering functionality on triangles without implementing triangulation, we have provided you with a function that automatically creates an equilateral triangle Polygon and sets it in the scene's list of `Polygon`s, bypassing the JSON loading functionality. You can access this from the Scenes dropdown menu in the GUI. ### Line segments (5 points) ### Create a class that represents a 2D line segment, to be used when determining which pixels on a row a triangle overlaps. Each `Segment` instance will represent one edge of a triangle. It should contain the following member variables: * Two vectors representing the segment's endpoints. __These vectors should store their data as floating point numbers, as it is very rare that points projected into screen space in the projection portion of this assignment will align exactly with a pixel.__ * __(Optional)__ A variable (or variables) for storing the slope of the line segment. This will help you to determine which of the three configuration cases the segment falls into without having to compute the slope more than once. Remember that your slope should be stored as a float (or floats if you're storing dX and dY). Your line segment class should also implement the following functions: * A constructor that takes in both endpoints of the line segment. The constructor should make use of an initialization list to assign values to __all__ member variables. * A function that computes the x-intersection of the line segment with a horizontal line based on the horizontal line's y-coordinate. This function should return a boolean indicating whether or not the lines intersect at all, while using a pointer as a function input to write the x-intersection. For example, `bool getIntersection(int y, float* x) {...}`. This function should __not__ take in an x-coordinate allocated to the heap, nor should it allocate heap memory to set the value of x. Refer back to the style guide section on pointers for more information. ### Bounding boxes (5 points) ### Create a way to compute and store the 2D axis-aligned bounding box of a triangle. You will use these bounding boxes to improve the efficiency of rendering each triangle. Rather than testing every single row of the screen against a triangle, you will only test the screen rows contained within the triangle's bounding box. Remember to clamp each bounding box to the screen's limits. ### Triangle rendering (10 points) ### The `Rasterizer` class contains a function called `RenderScene()`. Using the code you wrote for the features listed above, you should be able to draw triangles on the QImage set up in this function using pixel row overlap. At this point, you may draw the triangles using a single color for testing. However, once you complete the next requirement you will be able to draw your shapes properly with interpolated vertex colors. __If you want your triangles to render correctly, your iteration over the X coordinates between each row-edge intersection should store your current X as a float, not an int. Rounding to an int any time before you write to a pixel will give you incorrect interpolation values.__ ### Barycentric interpolation (10 points) ### Implement a function that, for a given `Triangle` and point within the `Triangle`, returns the barycentric influence that each vertex exerts on any attribute interpolated at the input point. Note that the return value is really three distinct values, so returning them as a vector is the most straightforward method. You will use this interpolation function to properly color the pixels that lie within a triangle. Each pixel should have a blended color based on the color of each vertex of the triangle. The weighting of the blending will be determined by this barycentric interpolation function. ### Z-buffering (5 points) ### Rather than using the Painter's Algorithm as you did in the previous assignment, you should sort the Z coordinates of your triangles on a per-fragment basis rather than a per-triangle basis. We recommend that you create a `std::array` of floating point numbers in which to store the depth of the fragment that is currently being used to color a given pixel. Note that it is more efficient to store this data in a one-dimensional array rather than a two-dimensional array. If your image is W x H pixels, then your array should contain W \* H elements, and you can access the element corresponding to `(x, y)` as `array[x + W * y]`. This type of indexing can be extended to N dimensions, e.g. `x + W * y + W * H * z` for three dimensions. Also note that in the 2D scenes we provided, each individual polygon has the same Z coordinate for each of its vertices, but different polygons have different overall Z coordinates. We are implementing Z buffering primarily so that when you render 3D shapes, they have appropriate sorting. ### Testing your implementation so far ### Once you've implemented all of the features of the 2D triangle rasterizer, you should be able to render all of the JSON scenes with the `2D_` prefix. Here are reference images to which you can compare your results. Your results do not need to match 100%, but they should be similar and have no obvious errors. If you encounter dangling pixels or noticeable black lines between triangles, make sure you are not rounding your edge intersection X coordinate to an integer value until you are writing your pixel colors to the `QImage`.
equilateral_triangle.json two_polygons.json
regular_pentagon.json pentagons.json

Once you've made sure you've successfully implemented all of the 2D rasterization requirements, you may move on to implementing the 3D rasterization features. Once you've implemented them all, you can test your rasterizer on the JSON scenes with the `3D_` prefix. __Note that after you've implemented the 3D features, the 2D rasterizer scenes will not render correctly anymore, which is expected.__ ### Perspective Camera class (15 points) ### Create a Camera class that you will use to generate view matrices and perspective projection matrices. Your camera should contain the following member variables which will be assigned the following values by the camera's default constructor: * A vector that represents the camera's "forward" direction, i.e. its Z axis. Default value of <0, 0, -1, 0>. * A vector that represents the camera's "right" direction, i.e. its X axis. Default value of <1, 0, 0, 0>. * A vector that represents the camera's "up" direction, i.e. its Y axis. Default value of <0, 1, 0, 0>. * A value for the camera's vertical field of view. Default value of 45 degrees. * A vector that represents the camera's position in world space. Default value of <0, 0, 10, 1>. * A floating point number representing the camera's near clip plane. Default value of 0.01. * A floating point number representing the camera's far clip plane. Default value of 100.0. * A floating point number representing the camera's aspect ratio. Default value of 1.0. Additionally, your camera should implement the following functions: * A function which returns a view matrix based on the camera's local axes and position. You may __not__ use GLM's `lookAt` function for this. * A function which returns a perspective projection matrix based on the camera's clipping planes, aspect ratio, and field of view. You may __not__ use GLM's `persp` function for this. __Note that the example renders were made without converting the FOV from degrees to radians; if you do this your renders will still be correct, but they won't match the examples.__ * Three functions that translate the camera along each of its local axes, both forward and backward. The amount of translation should be determined by an input to the function. * Three functions that rotate the camera about each of its local axes. Note that these functions should only alter the orientation of the camera; its position should not change. The amount of rotation should be determined by an input to the function. ### Checkpoint: Rendering projected geometry ### Once you've implemented your camera class, try loading one of the 3D JSON scenes. If you set your rasterizer to fill in any triangle pixel with white (leaving the background black) then you should see a white silhouette of any of the 3D models, which should match the forms in the example renders below. ### Interactive camera (5 points) ### In `MainWindow`'s `keyPressEvent` function, add switch cases that call the movement functions you implemented for the `Camera` class. When the user presses the following keys, different movement should occur: * W: Translate the camera along its forward vector by 0.5 * S: Translate the camera along its forward vector by -0.5 * A: Translate the camera along its right vector by -0.5 * D: Translate the camera along its right vector by 0.5 * Q: Translate the camera along its up vector by -0.5 * E: Translate the camera along its up vector by 0.5 * Up Arrow: Rotate the camera about its right vector by -5 degrees * Down Arrow: Rotate the camera about its right vector by 5 degrees * Left Arrow: Rotate the camera about its up vector by 5 degrees * Right Arrow: Rotate the camera about its up vector by -5 degrees * Z: Rotate the camera about its forward vector by 5 degrees * X: Rotate the camera about its forward vector by -5 degrees Note that your rasterizer may take a few moments to display the scene from the camera's new vantage point, especially if you are rendering a polygon mesh with many faces. This `keyPressEvent` function will be called by Qt's `QMainWindow` class (from which our `MainWindow` inherits) whenever the user presses a key on his or her keyboard. If some of your keypresses seem to not be working, try clicking on the grey background of the main window (i.e. NOT the rendered image) to give your main window keyboard focus. ### Perspective-correct interpolation (15 points) ### In order to correctly compute the Z coordinate and UV coordinates of your pixel fragments, you must implement two modified methods of barycentric interpolation. Based on the methods described in the lecture slides, interpolate each fragment's Z with correct perspective distortion, then interpolate each fragment's UVs with correct perspective distortion. Recall that once you have a perspective-correct Z coordinate for a fragment, you can properly interpolate any other per-vertex data, such as surface normal or color. In order for your renderings to match the reference images below, you will need to interpolate the triangle vertices' surface normals as well. __Importantly, when you compute your barycentric interpolation weights to use in conjunction with your Z coordinate, remember to compute them using the triangle's 2D screen space area, not its 3D surface area (i.e. flatten the Z coordinate of the input vertices inside the scope of the computation function). The perspective-correct interpolation formula assumes 2D triangle area.__ ### Texture mapping (10 points) ### Each of the 3D JSON files provided with this assignment specify an image file to be loaded as the texture for the OBJ file noted in the JSON. Using the UV coordinates stored in each Vertex of the polygon mesh loaded from the OBJ file, map the texture colors to the surface of the polygon mesh using barycentric interpolation. Note that none of the objects contained in the 3D JSON files have colors assigned to each vertex as they did in the 2D scenes. If you wish to test and implement other features before this step, we recommend that you assign a default surface color to geometry to use in place of its texture colors, such as grey or bubblegum pink. ### Lambertian reflection (5 points) ### Using the camera's look vector as the light direction in your scene, use the Lambertian reflection model to attenuate the brightness of each point on the surface of a mesh. We also recommend you add some amount of ambient light to your reflection formula so that faces that are "completely dark" are still slightly lit and therefore visible. The example renders use an ambient term of 0.3. ### 3D Rasterizer Reference Images ### Refer to these images to make sure you've correctly implemented the features listed above.
3D_square.json 3D_twoTri.json
3D_cube.json 3D_dodecahedron.json
3D_wahoo.json (no Lambertian shading) 3D_wahoo.json (with Lambertian shading)
Coding Style (10 points) ------- We will provide you with feedback on the organization and clarity of the code you have written for this assignment. Please refer to our course style guide as you implement your rasterizer. Extra Credit (Maximum 30 points) --------- Include a readme.txt file in your repository that lists which extra credit features you implemented and how to display them. ### Custom JSONs with OBJs (5 pts) ### Compose an interesting scene with OBJ files. To earn points for this, it is not enough to just plop a single OBJ in a JSON and render it, unless that OBJ is really several models in one scene. Basically, we want you to put together a scene that might look nice on a demo reel. ### Anti-aliasing (10 - 20 points) ### You've probably noticed that the diagonal edges of your polygons are jagged in appearance. This is due to aliasing, which is the lack of sufficient sampling of a signal (in this case, the "signal" is the polygon being rendered). A simple way to counteract this aliasing is to sample the image more frequently. In a rasterizer, this effectively means rendering the image at a higher resolution and then scaling the image down, treating every block of NxN pixels as a single pixel in the final image. When downscaling the image, one averages the colors of each NxN block into a single color. For example, the image below has been rendered at 4x its actual resolution then scaled down to a 512x512 image. Remember that the scene files we provide assume the images you render will be 512x512 in size. If you render an image at 1024x1024 to anti-alias it, you will have to treat each pixel as a 0.5x0.5 square or every polygon as being 2x its actual size. To earn 10 points, perform anti-aliasing by just rendering your scene at one higher resolution then scaling it down. To earn 20 points, add options to your Qt GUI that allow the user to perform anti-aliasing at different levels of scaling, such as 1x, 4x, 9x, or 16x. If you implement this option, your code should not have if-else statements to handle the anti-aliasing.
No AA 4x AA
### Line rendering (15 points) ### Add an option to your GUI (e.g. a dropdown menu choice) that allows the user to render all the triangles in your scene as wireframes rather than solid faces. This means only coloring pixels that each edge of the triangle overlaps, and using linear interpolation to color each pixel on the line. If you're interested in efficient rendering of lines, you might look into Bresenham's line algorithm. ### Concave polygon triangulation (25 points) ### Given a custom polygon JSON scene, determine whether or not each polygon is concave. If a polygon is concave, divide it up into convex subcomponents then triangulate them. You may use whatever method of division you wish. ### Normal mapping (10 points) ### Using the normal map images provided with this assignment, implement normal displacement on a per-fragment level. Of the provided JSON files, only `dodecahedron.json` has a normal map applied. You are free to create additional JSONs with other normal maps applied to objects. Implementing normal mapping does mean that you will have to implement UV-based tangent and bitangent vectors. When implementing this, it is simpler to use the geometric normal of your triangle rather than the per-vertex normals. Recall that you can compute the geometric normal of any triangle by taking the normalized cross product of any two of its edges. ### Additional reflection models (5 + varying points) ### Implement at least one of the reflection models we discussed in lecture previously: * Blinn-Phong (7 pts) * Iridescent (5 pts) * Lit sphere (8 pts) * Toon (5 pts) * Custom (?? pts) Add a drop-down menu to your GUI to allow the user to switch between different models. Post a private question on Piazza if you wish to implement a custom reflection model. ### Parallel processing (30 points) ### Using the `QThreadPool` and `QRunnable` classes, enable your program to process multiple pixel rows at once per triangle. This will require you to make a class that inherits from `QRunnable`, perhaps a class that represents a pixel row, and implement `QRunnable::run()` to allow the `QThreadPool` to handle the render task. [Here is the documentation for the QThreadPool class.](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qthreadpool.html#details0)
Submission -------- We will grade the code you have pushed to your GitHub repository, so make sure that you have correctly committed all of your files! Once you have pushed your finished project to GitHub, submit a link to your commit through the course dashboard. If you click on the Commits tab of your repository on Github, you will be brought to a list of commits you've made. Simply click on the one you wish for us to grade, then copy and paste the URL of the page into your text file.