
CIS 194 Week 10
5 November 2014

Suggested reading:

Gloss is a popular library for graphics work in Haskell with a straightforward interface, and quite a few nice examples. As we are approaching the end of the semester, it’s time for you students to start spreading your wings and flying on your own, and working with Gloss is great practice. So, I leave you to the materials above.

import Graphics.Gloss
import Data.Monoid

main = display (InWindow "Hello, world!" (200, 200) (200, 200))
               (circle 50 <>
                (translate (-20) 10    $ circle 10) <>
                (translate 20    10    $ circle 10) <>
                (translate 0     (-15) $ scale 1 0.7 $ arc 180 360 20))

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