NOTE: You are free to use whatever development environment you want, but CIS 121’s supported IDE is IntelliJ.
Mac users can use a helpful tool called Homebrew to install both Java and IntelliJ.
First, open Terminal and install Homebrew if you have not yet:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Then, install Java and IntelliJ in this one command:
brew install --cask intellij-idea-ce adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8
Note: The above command installs IntelliJ Community Edition, which is free and open source. The Community Edition has all the needed features (and more) for CIS 121. That said, if you would like to install IntelliJ Ultimate, just replace intellij-idea-ce
with intellij-idea
. You can use Ultimate for free using their free 30-day trial; to continue using it, you can sign up for a free student license using this form.
To run IntelliJ, a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed. You can
verify that you have the JDK 8 installed by running the java -version
command (from the Command prompt in Windows or the terminal on Mac):
$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_101"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.101-b13, mixed mode)
You should see output similar to lines 2-4 above. Any version of Java 8 will also work for this class. You should not use versions of Java higher than Java 8, or you may run into problems later on in the course.
If you do not have the JDK 8 installed, you can download it from
this site.
Select the version for your OS from the table titled “Java SE Development Kit
8u311” (or whatever odd number it’s currently at). For example, the download file for 64-bit machines (which your machine is, most likely) will be titled jdk-8u311-windows-x64.exe
. Note that you will need to accept the terms & conditions and may need to create a free Oracle account to complete the download.
Note: It is best to do this step before installing IntelliJ.
We recommend using the latest version of IntelliJ. Make sure you have completed Step 1 before installing IntelliJ.
CIS 1210 provides you with stub files for each programming assignment. To import and create a project from these stub files:
to 1.8
and Language Level
to 8 - Lambdas, type annotations, etc.
File -> Project Structure
and then Modules -> Sources
and mark the stub files folder as Sources
That’s it! Note that some homeworks may have more steps for setup; these steps are specified in the homework-specific writeups. Other than that, happy coding! :)