CIS 110 (11fa) Exam Regrade Request If you believe there was an error in grading your exam, please fill out this form and give it your TA along with your exam. Note that we will not accept regrade requests for exams past the regrade deadline. Name/pennkey username _______________________________________________ Lab section number _______________________________________________ Circle the exam in question: exam 1 exam 2 final Please describe the problem that you believed occurred in the grading of your exam. In particular, point out the specific question(s) where the problem occurred, what the mistake was, and what you believe the correction should be. For all regrade requests, we reserve the right to regrade your exam in part or whole if we deem it necessary. As a result, your final exam grade may be lower, higher, or the same after the regrade process. Furthermore, you cannot "take-back" a regrade once it has already been processed. Please sign below to verify that you understand the regrade process. Your signature here ______________________________________________