
Re: Subject Reduction in Java -- without joins -- part 2

Further to Don's message, I would like to outline how subject
reduction may be proven for expressions with several different types,
and point out that my earlier suggestion (Saturday)
[on proving type soundness for conditional expressions in Java
by distinguishing between types in Java, the original language, and 
types in Java_R, the run-time language], can be simplified

        1) For Java the type rule for conditionals remains as is, i.e. 

       			b : bool    e1:E1     e2:E2
                        (E1 < E2  and  E2=T) or ( E2 < E1  and  E1=T)
                       (b?e1:e2) :  T

	where < indicates the usual widening (subtype) relation

        2) For Java_R the type rule for conditionals is
                        b : bool    e1:E1     e2:E2
                        E1 < T            E2 < T
                       (b?e1:e2) :  T
        Thus, in Java_R, conditional expressions may have many types, 	
	therefore,  Java_R expressions may have several types.

	For instance, in the example that comes later,  holds that:
		x:X, y:Y |- ( (3>4) ? x : y  ) : A
	and also,  
		x:X, y:Y |- ( (3>4) ? x : y  ) : D
        3) The "OO polymorphism property" holds for Java_R 
        in the usual form (modulo some quantifiers)
                For all \Gamma, T1, ... Tn, T'1, ... T'n, T:

		If 	\Gamma, X1:T1, .. Xn:Tn |- e : T
                and	each  Ti' < Ti,

                then, there exists a type T', such that
                        * \Gamma, X1:T1', .. Xn:Tn' |- e : T' 
                        * T' < T 
	This property does not say, on the other hand, that
	\Gamma, X1:T1', .. Xn:Tn' |- e : T'    =>    T'<T.

	For instance, in the example that comes later,  holds that:
		x:A, y:A  |- ( (3>4) ? x : y  ) : A
	and also,  
		X < A
		Y < A
	and also,
		x:X, y:Y  |- ( (3>4) ? x : y  ) : A 
	but also
		x:X, y:Y  |- ( (3>4) ? x : y  ) : D  (notice that NOT D < A )  

        4) The usual subject reduction can be shown for JavaR, as: 
                If \Gamma  |- e : T, and e non-ground, 
                then, there exist  T', e'   such that
                        1. Case         * e rewrites to e'
                                        * \Gamma |- e' : T' 
                                        * T' < T 
                        2. Case         an exception was raised

	5) From this, we prove soundness stating, that execution
	of a term t, with	|- t : T      results in
			1. Case  a ground value v, with 
					|- v : T',   and  
					T' < T
			2. Case non-termination		
			3. Case an exception

Notice that in 3) and 4) there may exist further types T''
with |- e' : T'',  and NOT ( T''< T). This 
does not diminish the soundness result, because ground terms
have unique types.

PS For clarification, here is an example:
        interface A { int f(); int g(); }
        interface B extends A { }
        interface C extends A { } 
        interface D { int f(); }

        class X implements B, D { }
        class Y implements D, C { }
        A anA; A aB; C aC; D aD;  X anX;  Y aY;

This is described by the following diagram:
 			       /  \
			      /    \
			     /      \
			    /        \
 			   /          \
	 		  B     D      C
 			   \   / \    /
			    \ /   \  /
			     X      Y

Then,   the expression has type         in Java         in JavaR

        ( (3>4) ? aB  : anA )           A               A, Object 
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : aC  )           Error           A, Object
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : aD  )           Error           Object
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : aY  )           Error           A, Object
        ( (3>4) ? anX : aY  )           Error           A, D, Object
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : anA ).f()       A               int, Error 
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : aC  ).f()       Error           int, Error 
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : aD  ).f()       Error           Error
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : aY  ).f()       Error           int, Error 
        ( (3>4) ? anX : aY  ).f()       Error           int, int, Error 
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : anA ).g()       A               int, Error 
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : aC  ).g()       Error           int, Error 
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : aD  ).g()       Error           Error
        ( (3>4) ? aB  : aY  ).g()       Error           int, Error 
        ( (3>4) ? anX : aY  ).f()       Error           int, Error,
Dr. Sophia Drossopoulou                         tel: +44 171 594 8368
Department of Computing                         fax: +44 171 581 8024
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
LONDON SW7 2BZ, England                         email: sd@doc.ic.ac.uk